1 & 2 Dec 2018
Dear family in Christ
In the church calendar, the liturgical season of ADVENT begins today. Advent comes from the Latin word “adventus” meaning ‘coming or arrival’. It focuses on the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Advent is a time of spiritual preparation marked by prayers of humble devotion and for God’s deliverance. It is a time for calm and reflection in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping and parties.
There is a double focus in Advent. Firstly, it is the joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus the Messiah in his First Advent. Secondly, it is the anticipation of His impending return as King in his Second Advent. It is a grateful celebration of God’s redeeming love for a fallen world. We celebrate the revelation of God in Jesus Christ in his First Advent for the purpose of reconciling the world to God the Father. Having known God as Father and walking in obedience with Him daily, we now look forward eagerly to the hope of eternal life in the Second Advent, where God the King will come in power to rule, save and judge the world.
As we live in between the two Advents, we need to live our lives with gratitude to God and with accountability to Him. As we live “between the times”, we are called to holy living and be faithful stewards of what has been entrusted to us as God’s people. In our spiritual journey as disciples of Jesus Christ, we have an important responsibility to live a life bringing glory to God and to share about Jesus through the gospel message and our loving deeds.
Joy to the world! The Lord is come: let earth receive her King!
Pastor John