10 Feb 2019
Dear family in Christ
During the Lunar New Year festive season, many families gather for a sumptuous meal and a joyful time together. Yet there are some families who do not wish to meet one another or they experience tension and pain when meeting up. Why are some families happy while other families are sad?
1. God’s Plan – Families are close to the heart of God. The family unit is God’s creation plan, as seen in Genesis 1 and 2. In the life of ancient Israel, who are God’s chosen people, families play a central role in society and in their relationship with God. In God’s creation design, the family is to live together in love and solidarity, in joy and unity, in peace and harmony.
2. Man’s Brokenness – Because of human sin and disobedience to God, every family experiences brokenness and pain in some way. It is the strategy and deception of Satan to destroy and break up families and marriages. This results in deep sorrow and painful grief in the hearts of God’s beloved people. This family brokenness often caused emotional turmoil, mental anguish and societal disorder.
3. God’s Restoration – Thanks be to God for his grace and mercy in Jesus Christ. In Christ’s death and resurrection, we are a new creation, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord can bring about restoration to every family broken by sin. God can turn the brokenness into wholeness, from sorrow into joy, from hopelessness to a renewed hope.
Let us pray for every family to receive the grace and mercy of God that leads to restoration and wholeness, and to experience the love, joy and peace in Jesus Christ.
Pastor John