12 Nov 2023

I was resting between sets at the gym when I saw a man with a t-shirt that had a slogan “The Best never Rest.” Sounds impressive indeed. A very proud statement, especially in the gym context. Oh! Just to add that he was not a big muscular guy but a skinny one. Quite an irony and laughable.

“The Best never Rest” is a wrong egotistical idea. The best must always rest. It is in the resting period that we recover and grow. In the context of bodybuilding, rest is absolutely vital for maximum results. The soldiers in the special forces do not rest in their training because they are trained for extreme conditions where rest may not be possible. They are learning to cope with those. However, such extreme conditions are not the norm. The norm is to rest and recover.

Many full-time workers, who are serious in their work, put rest as the lowest priority in their schedule. This is the outcome of wrong thinking and wrong expectations from members of the church. Full-time workers in church are not supermen. They are as human as another member. They can fail in every aspect, especially in bodily health if pushed too hard. Our physiology tells us that the harder we push, the less will be done. The law of diminishing returns sets in.

To rest is not to idle but to recuperate for greater works. Jesus does that all the time. He will take time off to be in solitude and pray; not in some “church retreat.” It is alone time with the Father. To take a nap, or to go for a walk is to rest from the rigour of the day to re-center. To move away from the problem and sort the noises out.

Brothers and sisters, we must not let the world push us into a frenzy. Whether we are working in church or the secular sector, proper time away must be observed for our wellbeing. At no time should we think that we are different as if we are super beings. Jesus urges those who are heavy laden, to come to him and rest.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

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