3 Feb 2019

Dear family in Christ During the coming celebrative Chinese New Year season, there will be many occasions to meet family relatives and catch up with good friends. As you enjoy the delicious food [...]

27 Jan 2019

Dear church family Psalms 120 to 134 are a special group of psalms known collectively as the “Songs of Ascents”. Ancient Jews traveling to Jerusalem for the annual major Jewish festivals [...]

20 Jan 2019

Dear church family As children of God, it is such a great joy and privilege to be in a close loving relationship with our Abba Father. In this intimate relationship, we listen to God through His [...]

13 Jan 2019

Dear church family We are very excited to see the Lord’s harvest of souls as God’s Church in Singapore gear up for Celebration Of Hope on 17-19 May 2019. There is a Training Workshop for PERSONAL [...]

6 Jan 2019

Dear church family As we begin the new year 2019, we are drawing one year closer to the Return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May the last prayer found in the Bible at Revelation 22:20, [...]

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