24 Apr 2022

Dear church family

We thank the Lord for his wisdom and help for our church AGM process this year as we culminate proceedings at the virtual AGM this Sunday 24 April at 3.00 pm. All electoral roll members and regular worshippers are most welcome to attend.

A word of thanks to electoral roll members who submitted your proxy voting form and to all participants at the pre-AGM Town Hall discussion meeting last Sunday. I encourage all church members to take time to read the Vicar’s report and the various ministry reports. May it encourage your heart to see the Lord’s gracious leading at St John’s Chapel in ministry and missions.

Praise God for every provision of finances for year 2021 for manpower, ministry and missions. I have been encouraged by your obedience to God in returning your tithe to Him and by your generous and sacrificial freewill giving to the Lord. I am thankful for our PCC team in their collective godly wisdom in being good stewards of the church funds for the work of God’s eternal kingdom.

Thanks be to God for the commitment of many brothers and sisters in our church who serve faithfully and humbly in the various church ministries. Your example and dedication is a great encouragement to many of us as we seek to fulfil God’s will and purposes in the proclamation of the gospel.

I am grateful to the Lord for our committed and dedicated staff team. They have served tirelessly and faithfully despite many Covid-19 challenges. They have served with joy and purpose, even in the midst of painful trials, health concerns and family issues. Thanks be to God for His grace and goodness.

As we see the gracious salvation plan in the missional heart of God, may we be a missional church of Spirit-filled committed disciples of Jesus Christ, always ready to take the gospel to the nations and eagerly awaiting the Return of the King, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let us be God’s living church in these Last Days for the glory of God.

Pastor John

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