24 Nov 2019

Highlights from Diocesan Synod November 2019
‘A RENEWED VOICE, A NEW SOUND’ – By Bp Rennis Ponniah

We praise God that our Diocese has found a “renewed voice” to proclaim the Gospel and that a “new and winsome sound” is going forth from our Churches both in Singapore and our six Deanery countries. All praise and thanks be to God who has built us up over the years to where we are today, with a hunger for more of His glory!

As we gathered in Synod this past week, we experienced the presence of God in our midst. It was such a blessing to have the full attendance of our Deanery field clergy and delegates. We finished our Synod meeting with joy and the following three imperatives:

  1. Give thanks to the Lord
  2. Grow as disciples of Jesus
  3. Go forward in Kingdom Advance


  1. Give thanks to the Lord for the spiritual victories our Diocese has experienced in proclaiming the Gospel, growing the Church, and uniting orthodox Anglicans
  2. Grow as disciples of Jesus by laying down at the Cross: your life, your load, and your ‘lead’ (wanting to be ahead of others)
  3. Go “up and on” in Kingdom Advance even during this time of transition by:
  4. Trusting God with the process of appointing a new Bishop
  5. Engaging intentionally in grassroots evangelism and personal discipleship
  6. Stepping up in Deanery and world missions
  7. Making your church community bold and beautiful in its witness –

            “A renewed voice, a new sound.”


Let us take to heart God’s destiny-shaping word for our Diocese:

“And now the LORD says, He who formed me from the womb to be his servant… I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”  Isaiah 49:5a, 6b.

May we in our generation and for many generations to come fulfil God’s destiny for us in the power of the Holy Spirit and for love of Christ.

A PRAYER FOR THE Process of Appointing A New Diocesan Bishop

Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and on earth: Look graciously on your Church and send your Holy Spirit to enlighten and guide those who shall choose a Bishop for this Diocese. Grant that they will choose a faithful shepherd, a steward of your Word and Sacraments, who will drive away all erroneous and strange doctrine, and vigorously promote missionary work and the spiritual growth of those entrusted to his care. Grant that we may receive a faithful pastor who will equip the saints for ministry in all that they undertake, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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