29 Jan 2023
A blessed Chinese New Year to all of you. Well, very quickly CNY came and will soon end (CNY lasts 15 days). I looked at all that CNY goodies and snacks at all the homes that I went to, including my own, and knew (as I always had) that much of the food will be thrown away. Some will ‘disguise’ the throwing away by giving to others. So, what made us so sure that others want them? They have their own to throw away.
There was a time when we had little and CNY was a time to go around visitation and eating the goodies. Nowadays, there is nothing special about the ‘goodies’ as we have it throughout the year. Also, interaction during visitation was also minimum as many dwells on their favourite small screens. To make matter worse, many of the Chinese younger generation cannot even say a proper CNY greeting in Mandarin. Sigh! CNY may just become another meaningless holiday for many.
When there is too much of a good thing, it becomes nothing special and taken for granted. Remember when ‘Bak Kwa’ was the one snack we aimed for and only more well to do families can afford them. Now, it will sit there hardly touched by anyone. I would like to commend to all of you, my friends, to NOT buy any of these goodies just because it is CNY. We must not be pressured to buy just because it is expected to be seen on the coffee table when people come visiting. You do not need to put on the ritz just because someone is coming to visit. Nobody should come to your house to judge you or your house. And they are not coming to do so. Just keep it nice and clean as per normal, maybe a little decoration for festive feel, would be enough. All that big do is a pure waste of time that is not in tune with the real meaning of CNY.
CNY is about family and relationship. It is a time to put aside work (or phones) to catch up with the people that meant much to you. It is a time to be thankful for every blessing, material or otherwise, that we now enjoy.
Brothers and sisters, be thankful and love one another. It is a more meaningful way of celebrating CNY.
God bless,
In Christ’s service,
Barry Leong
Barry Leong