3 Nov 2019

Dear family in Christ

This coming week is significant for our diocese as the Synod meets from 6 to 9 November. On 8 & 9 November, there will be an extraordinary Synod meeting for the purpose of nominating our next diocesan bishop, who will take over from bishop Rennis when he is constitutionally due for retirement in September 2020. We value all your prayers for God’s gracious leading and wise guidance for the whole nomination process.

We are having our annual missions month this November and have invited guest preachers with varied missional experiences to share God’s Word and their particular areas of ministry in missions. I pray that the various messages will help us to see what the Lord is doing in Singapore and in the nations of the world in the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let us uphold our church missionaries in fervent prayers: (1) Gerry and Yahui serving at ChiangMai with Deanery of Thailand in church planting work; (2) The Goslings serving with a missions agency and their outreach to refugees; (3) Deborah Loh (currently on compassionate leave) serving amongst the urban poor at Bangkok with Overseas Missionary Fellowship; (4) Preparation of mission teams ministering at Batam (Nov) and ChiangMai (Dec).

Our church have a Mission Fund which is used to fund the above-mentioned missionaries, plus missional work such as Komering outreach, Karen Anglican mission and the six deaneries of our diocese (Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam). You may use the “Freewill giving” envelope available at the church entrance table. As the Lord enables, may I encourage us to give cheerfully, generously and sacrificially for the work of God’s eternal kingdom.

Pastor John

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