7 Jan 2024
An employer briefed his employees about some work to be done. One of them totally ignored it and did nothing. Another was not paying attention to the instructions and did them diligently but wrongly. The third took his time to listen very carefully and went about doing everything meticulously. Which employee got the year-end bonus?
We enter 2024 as a year of prayer. It is not a new venture. It is a continuation of what we were supposed to do. Just that we now do it with more intent and effort. Churches nowadays face the problem of having too many voices. Many churches are managed and run using management and accounting principles of the world. Not that they are wrong. They are good. However, the context for them is different. The secular world is out to make money, the more the merrier. The church exists to benefit the people of God – in body, mind and soul. Its course will, very likely, go against the grain of the world. Meaning you may be losing money or doing something that management principles tell you exactly not to do. For example, the world wants you to go after those “high value” individuals. The Lord wants us to look for the down and out. The direction are poles apart. What do we do? Remember that we are the Lord’s people.
The church must come together to pray sincerely and humbly. Seeking the direction of God and discerning how to carry it out. It will mean that all of us must come together without prejudices, pre-conceived ideas or pretense. We need to come on our knees, humble ourselves and listen. There is no one more important than another. We are all equal before God. He will speak to all of us, not just special people.
Brothers and sisters, it is time to pray and pray hard we must. The situation in the world today will remind you of the day coming to an end. Let the last part of the race be run well. Do not lose out at this very end. May the Lord be with us all.
God bless,
In Christ’s service,
Barry Leong
Barry Leong