17 Nov 2019
Dear family in Christ
This weekend, we commemorate Diocesan Missions Sunday. Praise the Lord for his loving grace and merciful forgiveness in his salvation rescue of mankind from sin and darkness. We give thanks to God for people from every tribe and language in Singapore and in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam coming to salvation faith in Jesus. Let us pray for the continual faithful proclamation of the gospel in these six deanery countries and for growth in spiritual maturity of God’s people in committed discipleship.
As the Lord enables, pls give unto the Lord for the diocesan “Give Him a Hundred” (GHH) missions giving in support of church planting work in these six deaneries. I am grateful for the Lord’s provision that the 2017 GHH giving had enabled the deanery of Vietnam to purchase an office space property at Hanoi to be used as a place of worship for Church of The True Light and the outreach platform of Abba English centre. We will be having a consecration service for this new property by bishop Rennis on 7 December at Hanoi.
Praise the Lord for his goodness and faithfulness to the St Margaret’s School family as she celebrates her 177th anniversary on 16 November. The Lord has given St John’s Chapel a wonderful harvest field right at our doorstep. Our grateful thanks to brothers and sisters who serve faithfully in the various areas of school chaplaincy work. May we always be found faithful in the proclamation of the gospel.
Pastor John