31 May 2020

Dear family in Christ   By now, you would have received the AGM report and the email notice explaining the virtual AGM processes. Please take time to read all the ministry reports and give [...]

24 May 2020

Dear family in Christ   As announced, St John’s Chapel will hold our virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday, 21 June 2020 at 2.00 pm. In order to have an effective AGM by [...]

17 May 2020

Dear family in Christ   In view of the current suspension of church services and gatherings, the diocesan leadership is guiding all parishes to conduct their parish Annual General [...]

10 May 2020

Dear family in Christ In the Fifth Commandment, the Lord commanded his people to “honour your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12). This weekend, Mother’s Day is commemorated all around the [...]

3 May 2020

Dear family in Christ During such challenging and difficult times of Covid-19 pandemic, some Christians have asked, “Is Jesus Christ returning very soon?”  Well, the short answer(s) to this [...]

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