30 Oct 2022

It was painful for me to see members burying their heads on their phone playing mobile games before the morning service starts. The church was full of people, yet only a few were interacting [...]

23 Oct 2022

There was a time we seek to have pen pals. You write a letter, post it and wait for the reply (sometimes for a long time before you get one). The excitement of receiving a letter was beyond [...]

16 Oct 2022

Every so often that people talk about wanting to retire from their job early and “enjoy” life. Some succeeded, some failed and others are left wondering what happened. Well, they have a foretaste [...]

9 Oct 2022

Shortly after I started on my sabbatical leave, the government implemented a circuit breaker because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Just before that I was exercising quite vigorously everyday clocking [...]

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