4 Feb 2024
We just had our first combined prayer meeting on 26th January 2024. It was a wonderful meeting to discern the Lord’s will for SJCp henceforth. As mentioned during the meeting, SJCp belongs to all the members in the church and not the vicar, the PCC or the pastoral team. Therefore, the discerning must be done by the entire church or those willing to come together to pray for the church.
While preparing for the meeting, the Lord impressed to me to share from Joshua 5:13-15. On the verge of the conquest of Canaan, Joshua was praying and the Lord appeared to him. His strategy of the conquest of Canaan was to follow all that God told him to do. The first of which was to be strong and courageous.
Indeed, we need to be strong and courageous. To walk by faith that the Lord leads us, we need to be fearless. That is because the Lord’s way is not the way of the world. Does the battle of Jericho looked anything like the way people should fight a war. The enemies probably laughed their heads off at the ridiculous way of Joshua’s troop marching around. But marched around they did, shouted they did and won the battle they did. The way of God is not the ways of the world. The world looks for profit and what’s in it for me. The Lord looks at how to benefit others. The existence of the church is to do the will of God, to love others. To share with them that they, too, will not be in need. To reach out even before they can ask for help. To truly live out the love of Christ. To do this will need us to truly live by faith. IF we are always looking at the problems, or perceived problems, then we will be paralyzed to be of any use to the Lord. So, what reason is there for the Lord to continue to bless us? Are we not blessed to be a blessing?
Brothers and sisters, living by faith will need us to do things away from the norms of the world, especially in the area of ‘give us today our daily bread.’ The way of the Lord needs us to be strong and courageous.
God bless,
In Christ’s service,
Barry Leong
当为聚会准备的时候,主定意要我分享约书亚记5:13-15. 当对迦南地征伐之际,主向正在祷告的约书亚显现。他对征伐迦南地的战略乃是跟从主神对他所说的。首当其要的是刚强壮胆。
Barry Leong