25 Feb 2024

A friend of mine was lamenting at the fleeting moment of the beautiful setting sun. A moment of glorious terrestrial wonder gone very quickly, and we entered the dark night. Another friend wisely added that we should not lament on such but to be thankful for the chance to see such a wonderful sight. Just like the saying goes: “Don’t be sad that it is gone but rejoice that it happened.”

Many of us fail to enjoy the presence of our loved ones when they are around. Some even spent the entire time complaining about them. All these will continue until the day someone passes away. Then all the ‘missing them’ and regrets start to flow. Is that how we want to go through life in an endless cycle of grumpy comments and regrets?

I am sure we do not want to. We want to be able to enjoy all the moments of goodness and beauty. Well, we must learn to appreciate the times of difficulties. They are what make us stronger and grateful for the good times. Of course, may the Lord be kind to us to meet with more good times than bad.

We live in an evil world. Many things are not as clear cut as before. What seems to be a malevolent act may yet be a malicious one. Evil has learned to disguise itself better in a materialistic world obsessed with pleasure for self. Dying to self and treating others as more significant would be a rare commodity today. Yet it is what we should be doing.

We speak of how we follow Christ; how much we love Him and wants to be like our Lord. Well, words are all we have. To put them into action seems like a fool’s doing.

Brothers and sisters, do not be too sure that many will meet again in heaven. There are many pitfalls in the journey of faith, and we have to be aware of them. Do not gain what is temporary in this world and lose what is eternal in the world to come. Live and live well. May we all have a sure reunion date in heaven.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong








Barry Leong

18 Feb 2024

I was at a wedding recently at a newly renovated church. As I came out of the carpark and headed towards the sanctuary, I saw another guest on the way there also. She was wearing torn and tattered jeans with a spaghetti striped t-shirt. For a while, I thought that she was just a tourist visiting the place. Then I saw her among the guests in the sanctuary. I am not judging but definitely no fan for her fashion sense nor propriety. I know this is a ‘fashion’ statement for some but really something not for me. Well, to each his own. Also to me it is gross disrespect to the couple getting married that day. If you are really poor and that is the best you have, then I apologize.

Following the West in such ‘torn and tattered’ look is really something ridiculous. Torn jeans came about because they were not able to buy new ones. You will never see a well-to-do in the west wearing one unless they are out to ‘advertise’ themselves. So, such dressings do tell of a cheapening of oneself. I really do not encourage anyone to wear them unless for some really dirty and manual work. There really is a time for everything.

Scripture does tell us of a great banquet where all the guests are expected to be attend the wedding in wedding garment. These people were not appropriately dressed and were thrown out. Let that be a warning to us to be ‘wearing correctly.’

Of course, the wedding garment referred to here is the righteousness that we should have. It can only be achieved by putting on the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Without which we are not allowed into heaven because we are just not worthy. Our sins need to be washed away and a new “garment” put on us.

Brothers and sisters, do not follow the ways of the world. Even worse is that it is followed blindly. Follow the way of life, put on the righteousness of Jesus Christ and live a good life.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

11 Feb 2024

On the way to the MRT station, I will pass by several ATMs from different banks. The difference this time was that several of them had very long queues. Upon closer looking, I realized that they were there to get new notes for CNY. The other ATMs have no queue. The banks had to deploy staff to make sure that the withdrawal of new notes was done orderly.

I could understand the need to exchange for new notes in the past. Those were the days when money was literally “dirty.” Singapore was not that prosperous, and the notes circulating were dirty and tattered. So, when CNY comes about, there was always a rush to exchange for new notes. After all, the Chinese believes that a new year will have a new hope.

I cannot understand the need for it today. The notes we used today are relatively new and clean. Nobody will begrudge anyone for using them for new year angpows. In fact, the government encourages people to use such notes. Printing new notes does cost quite a sum of additional cost to the nation.

Old habits die hard. Once a habit is formed, it is very difficult to change. In fact, you will be ridiculed when you try to be different. That is even if you are really the one doing the right thing. No one likes to be told and proven wrong, especially in the ‘traditions’ that they hold so dear without knowledge of why.

How about us in the matter of our Christian life? Are we living in some ‘bondages’ that we cannot get out of because they were there in the beginning and shall be forever? There was a time having the piano in the church was taboo. Then, it was the drums. Now they are common place and should have. But these are over many painful arguments and breakups in churches. Do we really have to go through all these because people refuse to adapt and change that which is not essential?

Brothers and sisters, hold on to what is important and change what needs to be replaced. Time and tide demand that we move on from obsolete practices, like new notes in CNY. After all, a fifty-dollar note is equally good whether it is new or not so new.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong








Barry Leong

4 Feb 2024

We just had our first combined prayer meeting on 26th January 2024. It was a wonderful meeting to discern the Lord’s will for SJCp henceforth. As mentioned during the meeting, SJCp belongs to all the members in the church and not the vicar, the PCC or the pastoral team. Therefore, the discerning must be done by the entire church or those willing to come together to pray for the church.

While preparing for the meeting, the Lord impressed to me to share from Joshua 5:13-15. On the verge of the conquest of Canaan, Joshua was praying and the Lord appeared to him. His strategy of the conquest of Canaan was to follow all that God told him to do. The first of which was to be strong and courageous.

Indeed, we need to be strong and courageous. To walk by faith that the Lord leads us, we need to be fearless. That is because the Lord’s way is not the way of the world. Does the battle of Jericho looked anything like the way people should fight a war. The enemies probably laughed their heads off at the ridiculous way of Joshua’s troop marching around. But marched around they did, shouted they did and won the battle they did. The way of God is not the ways of the world. The world looks for profit and what’s in it for me. The Lord looks at how to benefit others. The existence of the church is to do the will of God, to love others. To share with them that they, too, will not be in need. To reach out even before they can ask for help. To truly live out the love of Christ. To do this will need us to truly live by faith. IF we are always looking at the problems, or perceived problems, then we will be paralyzed to be of any use to the Lord. So, what reason is there for the Lord to continue to bless us? Are we not blessed to be a blessing?

Brothers and sisters, living by faith will need us to do things away from the norms of the world, especially in the area of ‘give us today our daily bread.’ The way of the Lord needs us to be strong and courageous.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong


当为聚会准备的时候,主定意要我分享约书亚记5:13-15. 当对迦南地征伐之际,主向正在祷告的约书亚显现。他对征伐迦南地的战略乃是跟从主神对他所说的。首当其要的是刚强壮胆。




Barry Leong

28 Jan 2024


自己的担子自己挑(箴言 22:6)







Carrying One’s Own Burden (Proverbs 22:6)

I was at a bookshop, selecting stationery from a shelf when suddenly a bang was heard from behind, followed by an object falling from a shelf behind me. I turned around and spotted a 6–7-year-old boy running past. He saw what was on the floor while running and took a quick look at me before continuing his evasion. I was about to “invite” him back when his mother emerged from that end of the shelf. She assessed what was on the floor and then turned and spoke to the child gently, “Come back! Did you knock that down?” The boy came before his mother and nodded. “Since you knocked it down, why don’t you pick it up?” The boy leaned closer to his mother, held her hand, and said softly, “You pick.” I was a little disappointed when I heard that and went ahead to pick up the object. At the same time, I heard the mother saying, “It is you who knocked something down; why should it be me to pick it up? You should do it yourself!”

But it was too late; I had “conveniently” picked it up and restored it to where it was. In fact, I regretted it a little. The young mother, seeing the item back in its place, turned to her child and said, “See, aunty has put it back for you, what should you do?” The boy turned around, sincerely though still shy, and said a clearly audible “Thank you.” I smiled and nodded to him; I turned towards his mother and smiled too.

Smiling at the boy was my way of appreciating his honesty and courtesy; more importantly, it is my appreciation toward this young mother! For here we have a wise mother. Firstly, she was neither defensive nor accusing but rather established the facts. Next, she reminded the child to be responsible for little mistakes (knocking down objects) and the consequences (restoring items back where they belong); she was determined that the child learns “carrying one’s own burdens” and avoided picking up the child’s mess just for the sake of saving the trouble or the child’s embarrassment. In small matters like these, this mother exercised patience in waiting for the child to face his consequences and taught him how to shoulder his rightful responsibilities. Though this aunty hasn’t “held back” and had already put the stuff back, his mother still required him to learn to say “thank you” to this aunty. This is responsibility! This is upbringing!

Though I really “regretted” being too quick, hence “depriving” the boy of an opportunity to face the consequence, when I look at this mother, I am confident this boy will, through his mother’s upbringing and influence, be an educated, righteous, and responsible person.


His Servant Maid,
(Translated by Gan Pak Lim)

21 Jan 2024

无动于衷?(马太福音 24:12)


“多管闲事”的我有点按耐不住了,就在一排座位上盯上一个年轻人。她手里拿着手机,眼睛望着站在她面前的三位白发人却依旧坐着,继续摇着脚,开心的讲着电话… 我伸出手在她面前晃了晃,然后指着三位长辈,她站起来,让位了!但只有一个空位。其他的人依然无动于衷。既然这闲事都管上了,于是我提高声量问:“请问有没有人可以让位啊?这里有老人家!”最后,另外两位客工站起来了。三位长辈缓缓地坐下来,他们同时对我说了声“谢谢!”那一刻,我竟然感到有一点点儿莫名的难过…






Indifferent?(Matthew 24:12)

On a Sunday morning, I boarded a train to make my way to church; along with me were three other silver-haired elderly. It was a crowded train and the three elders looked around to confirm that there was no seat available. Their stance was a little wobbly, so I helped to look around too. I observed that most passengers were engrossed with their mobile phones or were resting; while some could see the elders before them but were indifferent.

“Nosy” me could not hold it in any longer, I set my eyes on a young lady. She was on a phone call while looking at the elders before her, yet she continued to shake her legs and talk on. I stretched my hand out, waved it before her and pointed to the elders. She stood and gave her seat up. But that was just one seat, the others remained indifferent. Since I have meddled in this matter, I raised my voice to ask, “is there anyone who can give up their seats? There are elderly here!” Finally, two foreign workers stood up. The three elders sat down slowly; they turned towards me, smiled and thanked me. That moment, I felt a sense of sadness beyond description unexpectedly,

Although giving up seats on public transportation is a beautiful culture among Singaporeans, it is also something recognised worldwide. But honestly, this should not only be just a culture, but it should also be a virtue and habit that derives from the combination of culture and cultivation!

It was sometime later that I realised that my sadness came from the people who “saw” the 3 elderly but were “indifferent”; they do know what they should do and could have responded immediately, yet they were “indifferent”. Even though they saw the young lady has given up her seat, they should be aware that they can give up their seats to the rest of the elderly. But they remained “indifferent”. The frightening thing is that “indifference” tends to be the prelude to “cold-heartedness”!

Dear brothers and sisters, may God remind us to always look out and to respond to those in need; may Christ urge us not to keep our eyes open but yet can’t see (or pretend not to see) what needs to be done or could be done before us; may Lord have mercy upon us, not to allow our hearts to grow cold in this indifferent world.

His Servant Maid,
(Translated by Eunice Chang)

14 Jan 2024

I was watching a documentary on the practice of human sacrifice, especially children, in the ancient world. It was gruesome and the stupidity of the practices were appalling. Superstitions and ignorance were the main causes of such practices. Ancient Israel was warned not to offer their children to Molech as per the gentiles then. Yet, they did that, and King Solomon even built temples and altars to worship Molech.

One may laugh at the notion of child sacrifices today. Well, think again. In some less developed countries children were sold off to work as prostitutes and child labour. In other, they maimed them and put them out to beg for money. Is this some form of child sacrifice?

What about the developed countries? They are too civilized to do such abominable acts, correct? No! Not exactly. It comes in other forms.

Many parents sacrifice their children for their own successes. They have no time for their children. Yes, they provide the material goods and basic living needs. But they neglect their emotional, mental and spiritual needs. Children are also sacrificed to the rat race. Many do not really care about what the child really needs or wants. They are to chase the pack and try their level best to be in front, even if it ‘kills’ them.

And many today (most people) sacrifice themselves and loved ones to the small little screen in front of them. It is not wrong if everyone is doing it right? NO! Those ‘not helpful’ stuff in our mobile phones is taking your time away from the important things in your lives. A family dinner is disrupted by family members spending their time on frivolous messaging and social media. Friends do not meet up but “communicate” via Fb, Ig, etc. Can we really say that we “know” our friends?

Do not sacrifice yourself or your family members to the ‘woes’ of today’s world. Technology is good but only to the point of being a useful servant and not the master. Remember when God created the human beings, He commanded them to be master of the world and to take care of it.

May the Lord help us have wisdom.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong









Barry Leong

7 Jan 2024

An employer briefed his employees about some work to be done. One of them totally ignored it and did nothing. Another was not paying attention to the instructions and did them diligently but wrongly. The third took his time to listen very carefully and went about doing everything meticulously. Which employee got the year-end bonus?

We enter 2024 as a year of prayer. It is not a new venture. It is a continuation of what we were supposed to do. Just that we now do it with more intent and effort. Churches nowadays face the problem of having too many voices. Many churches are managed and run using management and accounting principles of the world. Not that they are wrong. They are good. However, the context for them is different. The secular world is out to make money, the more the merrier. The church exists to benefit the people of God – in body, mind and soul. Its course will, very likely, go against the grain of the world. Meaning you may be losing money or doing something that management principles tell you exactly not to do. For example, the world wants you to go after those “high value” individuals. The Lord wants us to look for the down and out. The direction are poles apart. What do we do? Remember that we are the Lord’s people.

The church must come together to pray sincerely and humbly. Seeking the direction of God and discerning how to carry it out. It will mean that all of us must come together without prejudices, pre-conceived ideas or pretense. We need to come on our knees, humble ourselves and listen. There is no one more important than another. We are all equal before God. He will speak to all of us, not just special people.

Brothers and sisters, it is time to pray and pray hard we must. The situation in the world today will remind you of the day coming to an end. Let the last part of the race be run well. Do not lose out at this very end. May the Lord be with us all.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

31 Dec 2023

Time flies, another year is coming to an end. A new year is dawning. There will be some who rejoice for a new beginning, while others regretting over lost opportunities. Whichever side you are in, the truth is that it is too late to do anymore to salvage or increase. The only way to look forward and make the necessary adjustments.

Life is never about standing still. It moves on like the earth rotates on its axis whether you like it or not. Just to be sure, the world does not rotate around you or your fancies. It moves without regards of anybody. So, we have to be the one to move with the passage of time.

I know many people say that making new year resolutions is a waste of time and effort. Most do not keep them anyway. Well, most. How about you keeping them? Do not worry if other people keep it or not. It is your own life that matter to you. If they want to spend their time on a little screen escaping from reality, then it is their choice. There was a time when I was saddened and irritated when I see people (especially church members) wasting their time on their mobile phones, social media and so forth. One day, I asked myself, “I can warn them but their lives are theirs to live.” I found my peace that day. If they want to waste theirs, that is their choice to make. As for me, I will “Seize the Day.” That’s my choice.

God in His great mercy had given all of us a lifespan on this earth. It is not too long that we have to suffer the ills of this earth for too long. It is not too short that we may not enjoy anything while here. The time, however limited, can be put to good use. Spend the time with family (without the phone), enjoy the creation and create something for yourself too.

As we come to the end of the year, let us sit back and reflect a little. Don’t be sad of opportunities lost. Don’t be too happy with successes. They had gone by already. It is almost time for a new challenge. Be ready and face up to the new task(s) at hand. Live a fulfilled and exciting life. Don’t live the life of others via a screen. That’s their life not yours. Your life is precious. Happy New Year!

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

25 Dec 2023

Recently, rats falling on to the plates of customers in a restaurant hogged some conversations. “How can a well-known restaurant have rats running around,” said one of my friends. Well, the investigation showed that they had not cleared out the garbage on time. When there is garbage, there will be rats and other undesirable insects and creepy crawlies. This is a fact.

For many people, they do not have garbage in their houses. However, they have plenty of rubbish in their hearts. All this rubbish brought about diseases, aches and pains in their lives. They also age faster than other people. Many will attribute these diseases to other causes. But I would like to commend to you that hurts and grievances in the heart that are not dealt with can cause very serious diseases, for example cancer or strokes.

Some people will go for therapies or counselling for a very long time in their lives and not being helped. Others merely gave up. These are not answers to the problem of the heart.

I would also commend to you that the answer is Jesus Christ. Give it all to Jesus, empty the hurts and grievances to Him. There is no other way, Jesus is the only solution. After we empty the garbage to Jesus (yes, He is willing to take the bad things from our lives), let the heart be filled with the Love of God. Jesus said, “Come unto me all who are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.” He will fill us with love, joy and peace. Our lives will no longer be the same again.

A joyful heart is the best medicine. And the only way to have true joy is to trust and believe in Jesus. There is no other way but to believe and trust in the one true God – Jesus Christ.

Brothers and sisters, during this season of Christmas, let us remember that Jesus came that we may have abundant life and love. He will turn our mourning into dancing, our sadness to joy. Do not be dazzled by the lights of this world but be captured by the true light of the world.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong








Barry Leong

17 Dec 2023

In a recent trip overseas, I saw the 3D presentation of a massive waterfall in Terminal 2 of Changi airport. It was awesome in its realism. Without the door underneath it, no one would have guessed that it was just a moving image. So, the saying is true, you cannot believe your eyes.

We are in a world now that we cannot believe everything we see or hear. There was a time when photo evidences or audio recording are indisputable. Now it is not so. They can be fake, deep fake. How can we be sure anymore? We can’t and therefore the society becomes suspicious of everything. All of us will become increasingly isolated for fear of being scammed or harmed. What kind of world are we heading to?

Well, the bible tells us so. We are to hold on to the faith passed down. Do not go around seeking ‘new’ things, latest fad. Live a good moral life. Follow the teachings in the bible and do not be anxious. Trust in the Lord.

The problem with us is that we are too ‘curious’ for our own good. Jesus told us that nobody knows the time of His second coming, not even the Son of God. Yet, here we are trying to speculate. Is it even necessary. Or is it an excuse not to live the life of following God regardless?

Yes, we were told to watch out for indications. However, it is not to watch out for watch out sake. Not to become excited or to throw caution to the winds. Like those in the early church who proclaim that Christ was coming again, stopped work and laze around. The apostles rebuked such with great force. We, today, must not end up doing similar things.

Yes, we are happy that Christ is returning. But we better be sure that we are living lives that are worthy of the gospel. Let us not be complacent to think that we are safe because of teachings that say that you are ‘once saved always saved.’ Those teachings come from preachers who are interested in your resources, not your well-being.

Brothers and sisters, live well and prosper. Christ is definitely coming again, but till then stay dressed and prepare for action.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong









Barry Leong

10 Dec 2023

A middle-aged woman was having a video call with her daughter. After some casuals talk the daughter asked the mother to transfer money to her. Then she went on a series of affectionate language, which made the mother very happy. The mother went to the computer to begin the process of transferring money. Just before she confirmed the transfer, the doorbell sounded. She went to open the door and was shocked to see her daughter back from overseas early to surprise the mother. The video call with her daughter was still on. She was shocked. Then the public service message came out to warn people to be beware of AI scammers. That was a public service advertisement, but it spoke of the dangers today.

We are approaching a time where we must be careful with our resources. When the banks made it easy for you to handle your money, they also made it easy for you to lose it all. There was a time when a thief could only take so much from you. Now they can wipe you out in minutes.

What we need to be aware of is the deception out there with regards to our faith. Don’t think that we cannot be fooled. We definitely can be fooled. The bible tells us that if God had not cut short the days, all of us will be lost. So, we can be lied to and yes, we will likely believe it.

We must do everything to safeguard our faith. Do not take it for granted. The devil wants us to take it easy and be complacent. That’s when we are most vulnerable. Be aware. stand firm and resist the devil.

Know your own faith in a deep and meaningful way. Stay in an orthodox church and be earnest to learn about the faith, intellectually and spiritually. Join the fellowship groups, cell, or ministry groups. We must never think that we can be lone rangers in our walk with God. Together is the way to travel in this spiritual journey. Work it out, love one another and hold fast to Jesus. Then and only then we will have a fighting chance.

Brothers and sisters, let us be aware, be ready for action. The time will come when it is difficult to be a Christian living out his faith.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong








Barry Leong

3 Dec 2023

It was a clear and beautiful sea. The surface is calm and tranquil. It looks like the perfect place for a little dip in the water. Well, for the naval officers who know, that place is famous for very strong under-current. It can be so strong that one can be swept into deep territories before realizing it. By then it will be too late to try to get back to shore. The ability to swim against the tide is beyond normal human strength.

We all love a rosy picture. As long as things are going well, we do not want to touch or change it. Sometimes we just want to bask in the sunshine there, not wanting to move forward. That is a very human response. However, we must know that the sky is not always blue and good things do not last forever. We must be prepared for eventuality. Also, we should be aware of any hidden dangers lurking in the dark.

To be aware of such things and not be a wet blanket with regards to many things, we need wisdom from on high. The church must come together to pray and discern the needs for the church. We cannot take prayer lightly. There is the urgency to pray and pray hard. Individually, we must pray for the church not just our personal needs. We are one body, therefore, we must protect the body. Then the aspect of corporate prayer must come into play. If the church is important to you, then come to pray for the church and the body of Christ.

There are way too many people who are complacent on the good things that we are presently enjoying. By all means enjoy them. But do not take them for granted. We are where we are because of the mercy of God. A country like ours needs God to survive let alone thrive the way we did. When we become arrogant and forget to rely on God, then we are bound for hard times ahead. Praying and relying on God is the only way for us to make sure that the good times keep rolling for us and our children.

Brothers and sisters, pray unceasingly. Seek wisdom from on high and live by it. May the Lord have mercy on us.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

26 Nov 2023

While having breakfast at Toast Box I saw the couple on the next table throwing away the egg yolks of their four eggs. They ate only the egg white, what a waste. I believe that they belong to the generations that were ‘fooled’ by the doctors who advocate that egg yolks are bad because of perceived ‘high cholesterol.” That was a wrong teaching, which had been debunked for quite some time, from long ago. Hard for me to believe that a young couple would be so outdated. They will probably be teaching the same ‘myths’ to their children and all around them.

The danger of misunderstanding or wrong teachings does not endanger one generation. They perpetuate down many generations. The bible does tell us that at least four generations will be ‘cursed’ from not knowing and following God. Therefore, the right teachings must be constantly taught and emphasized. Some may think that repetitions will bore people away. Nevertheless, it is necessary to drum that in.

Conversely, the correct teaching will benefit not just ourselves but those that follow us. Just as the bible also said that many generations will be blessed by following God, correct teachings pass down for the years to come.

To note is that the ‘wrong teaching’ comes from people who meant good. Doctors want to help people live a healthy lifestyle. So, they teach the latest ‘good’ known to them; for example: the misunderstanding of cholesterol. They should have a critical mind and think about such research constantly, update and recant whatever is wrong instead of perpetuating it.

Likewise, our teachers of Holy Scripture. We must constantly learn and be critical of teachings coming from elsewhere other than the bible itself. Checking them against scripture carefully before endorsing them. The church had been around for 2000+ years. There are long proven doctrines and some dubious ones. We have to be clear, lest we lead people into the wrong kingdom.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

19 Nov 2023

An observation of the people going up the escalator in the MRT station. The people standing on the left will give way to those going up the right side of the escalator. The interesting part is the people walking up the right side. At first, they walk up quickly, then they stop when the escalator is several steps away. They will then wait till they reach the end of the escalator before walking off. This action, though no harm, caused the whole line behind him to have to stop. I was wondering what is so difficult to walk several more steps?

Then it occurred to me that is the way many people approach their work. They charge through the initial phrase with all gusto. When they come near the end, they tend to slow down very much. I guess they are already beginning to consider the next phase or project. This is dangerous as the last stretch, no matter how small, can trip you up. It is better to see through to the end before we stop to celebrate.

Pretty much is our spiritual life. Some of us are really enthusiastic when we first found Christ. We worship and serve God in the most fervent manner. As time goes on, we slowly take things for granted. Maybe a belief that we have already made it. Believing that our spiritual life is so good that we will be able to face up to anything thrown at us.

Think again my friends. King Hezekiah was a man after God almost all his life. Then he came to a point of death but was granted an extension of fifteen years because he was faithful. What happened? He turned away to worship other false gods and idols. Let that be a warning to us to fight till the very end. Do not let the guard down.

The easy way, as preached by the false teachers, is a very wide door. Many choose to go through that because following the true God seems so difficult. But Jesus did warn us to take the narrow door. Stay firm and fight the good fight. Finish the race with faithfulness and steadfastness. This is the example of our apostle Paul and a good example for us to follow.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

12 Nov 2023

I was resting between sets at the gym when I saw a man with a t-shirt that had a slogan “The Best never Rest.” Sounds impressive indeed. A very proud statement, especially in the gym context. Oh! Just to add that he was not a big muscular guy but a skinny one. Quite an irony and laughable.

“The Best never Rest” is a wrong egotistical idea. The best must always rest. It is in the resting period that we recover and grow. In the context of bodybuilding, rest is absolutely vital for maximum results. The soldiers in the special forces do not rest in their training because they are trained for extreme conditions where rest may not be possible. They are learning to cope with those. However, such extreme conditions are not the norm. The norm is to rest and recover.

Many full-time workers, who are serious in their work, put rest as the lowest priority in their schedule. This is the outcome of wrong thinking and wrong expectations from members of the church. Full-time workers in church are not supermen. They are as human as another member. They can fail in every aspect, especially in bodily health if pushed too hard. Our physiology tells us that the harder we push, the less will be done. The law of diminishing returns sets in.

To rest is not to idle but to recuperate for greater works. Jesus does that all the time. He will take time off to be in solitude and pray; not in some “church retreat.” It is alone time with the Father. To take a nap, or to go for a walk is to rest from the rigour of the day to re-center. To move away from the problem and sort the noises out.

Brothers and sisters, we must not let the world push us into a frenzy. Whether we are working in church or the secular sector, proper time away must be observed for our wellbeing. At no time should we think that we are different as if we are super beings. Jesus urges those who are heavy laden, to come to him and rest.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

5 Nov 2023

I was queuing for food at a hawker centre. In front of me two 60+ year old ladies struck up a conversation. Lady A asked the other (lady B) to participate in the Healthy 365 program, a national health promotion programme. A encouraged B to go collect the free step tracker. She continued to “brag” about all the benefits that she had gotten from points gained by using the tracker. The other sounded jealous about the free tracker but was not interested in the 5K steps needed. Her excuse – “lao liao lah” (old already). Throughout their conversation, the “old” word was used nonstop. The conversation finally ended, much to my relief, when it was A’s turn to order her food.

Why must one blame everything on growing old? It is an inevitable fact; we will grow old. The body will slow down, and everything will seem more difficult. Try to keep healthy and fit, old already. Learn something new, old already. Go out and enjoy a trip, old already. Then spend all the time lamenting that others have such exciting, interesting and good lives. Really? What has “old” got to do with “trying”? It has everything to do with giving excuses. We can learn and try new things regardless of our age. Stop complaining and start living an abundant life.

Caleb would not be such a revered figure if not for his faithfulness and disregard of his age. Taking on a difficult task at an advanced age and completing it was to thump his nose to “old”.

We are never too old to serve the Lord. When we are not strong enough to do heavy lifting, we can take on lighter loads. When even that becomes difficult, we can be there to be encouragers and prayer warriors. No, we are never too old. So! Onwards Christian soldiers, march on.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

29 Oct 2023

Humans are complex creatures. No one can really understand what they want. For example, many people always talk about the day they will retire from their work. They look forward to it and ready to enjoy the “freedom”. Well and good if it were true. There are many who are not ready for retirement. No, it is not for lack of finances. It is the sudden availability of time and “freedom” that many cannot cope with. A sudden sense of lostness occurs, though it will be soon overcome. At these times, there are many grumbling about not knowing what to do, very bored and so on.

What is worse is the loss of identity, especially so for those who holds high position in their working life. All of a sudden, you are a nobody to many who once tries to pander to your every need. You may expect them to give you the same respect. Well, wake up and face reality, they won’t. Thank God if they still do. Do not think, even for a minute, that you deserve the respect or admiration. You will be sorely disappointed.

The way to prepare for the increase of time available is to prepare early for a “second career.” No, this is not another job. It is something that you have always wanted to do but pushed back because of lack of time. Examples of which would be learning a musical instrument, painting or even cooking. You now have time to use to pursue your interest(s). Do it, prepare for it. For me, I am preparing to be a certified fitness personal trainer to help people rehabilitate after recovering from an illness like stroke. So, I take up a course in my free time to achieve that.

As for the loss of identity, Jesus taught us to deny ourselves. When I practice denying myself now, I should be quite ready by the time I retire. As Mike Tyson had commented: “When I think of myself as a nobody, I do not get offended. I get offended when I think that I am somebody.” Knowing that you are important in God’s eyes is enough. We do not need the praise of man. We can then live with true freedom.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

22 Oct 2023

A young lady was walking on the road and as usual her head was buried deep into her phone. As the event unfolds, she stepped into a rather wide crack on the pavement and fell forward. Her phone left her hand and went flying. I could see very well that the phone screen was totally wrecked when she picked it up. Well, that’s the usual scene of today, is it not?

It is common sense to look where you are going. So, my guess is that common sense is not so common after all. Many may sympathize with the young lady. Well, I will be honest to say that I don’t. You can choose whatever you want to feel. I will not judge anyone for their stands.

What we see as common sense is no longer valued as wisdom passed down. They are taken as cliches, old fashion and outdated. Maybe, some are and others not. It will be good to seriously evaluate them and decide what we can live by.

Of course, another ‘cliche’ is “When it is too good to be true, it likely is.” If only people would be more careful in assessing the deals before they jump in. Then there will be less people getting scammed by the various creative scams around. The safe environment that our country provides had, unfortunately, lowered our sense of alertness to dangers. Well, that’s usually followed by “another fool is born by the day.”

We want to live a wise and good life. Having the right values in life is the only way we can live beyond unhealthy social norms. Really, ask yourself a question: “Is there a real need to look at your phone constantly, searching for messages and feeling important that you are needed?” Could that be why the mental illness problem is on the rise in our society today?

“Be still and know that I am God” says the Lord. When we start to live in the present and is always aware of His presence, then we can live a very good life. A life that is not just morally correct, but healthy in body, mind, and soul. Practice the presence of the Lord in your life.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong








Barry Leong


15 Oct 2023

死的东西,活的人 (马太福音 25:35-40)


收银员的职责就是扫码、结账、收钱… 其他的基本上就不关她的事了,更何况还是对一个彼此都不认识的陌生人。但是这位收银员不一样。虽然她手上拿着“死的东西”(我买的物品),她的眼睛却看到“活的人”(我);她做着每天同样重复的程序,但在“例常及习惯”的过程中,她对周围的人、事、物及环境却没有麻木,反而有所察觉。更宝贵的是,她愿意跨越她的工作范围,开口去关心一个与她无关且“脸色很不好”的顾客。

主耶稣在世上服事的时候,祂的眼光看见了路边毫不起眼、被人轻视的瘸腿瞎子;祂在拥挤的人群中,愿意停下脚步回头看了看患上血漏,悄悄来摸祂衣裳的病妇;祂在忙碌紧凑的工作和生活中,没有拒绝会吵闹蹦跳,还会问很多问题的小孩子上前来靠近祂… 主耶稣是怎么作到的?很显然的,主耶稣的目光没有放在“死的东西”上,祂的目光一直都在祂所深爱“活的人”身上。




Non-living Things, Living Beings (Matthew 25:35-40)

I was sick for a few days but still needed to go to the supermarket to buy food. While I was waiting in the checkout line, I noticed the cashier glancing at me occasionally while serving the customer in front of me. When it was my turn, the cashier gave me a serious look and asked “Ma’am, you look unwell, are you feeling under the weather?” I was taken aback by her but soon replied “yes, I was sick for a few days and feeling tired even though I have recovered. She nodded in acknowledgment and said “Do take care, remember your meals, hydrate yourself, and get lots of rest…” I cannot remember exactly what she said but I am still very touched by her till this day.

The cashier’s duties are to scan codes, check out, collect money… The rest is basically none of her business, let alone to a stranger who doesn’t know each other. But this cashier was different. Although she holds “non-living things” (the items I bought) in her hands, her eyes see “living people” (me); she goes through the same repetitive routine every day, but in the process of “routines and habits”; she was not numb but aware to the people, things, objects, and environment around her. What’s more valuable is that she is willing to go beyond the scope of her work and speak up to care about a “downcast looking” customer who has nothing to do with her.

When our Lord Jesus served on earth, He saw the insignificant, the despised crippled and the blind; while there was a crowd pressing around him, he was willing to pause and give attention to the woman who had had a discharge of blood and was secretly touching the fringe of His garment. In the hustle bustle of work and life, He did not reject the many hyperactive and inquisitive kids coming near him… How did He achieve this? Clearly, Lord Jesus did not focus on the “non-living things”. His attention was always on the living which He deeply loved.

Brothers and sisters, may the Lord help us to set our priorities right. Even more so, may the Lord grant us perceptive hearts so as not to spend too much time and effort on “non-living things”, “things that are perishable” and “cannot be brought into eternity”. Look out for those around us, the ones we should loving, be it our immediate family, friends, relatives, neighbours… and even strangers.

His Servant Maid,
(Translated by: Pak Lim)

8 Oct 2023

As I pondered on the rush we are now in planning and preparing for 2024, which has less than 3 months away, I cannot help but feeling helpless at the passage of time. It wasn’t long that we were doing that for 2023, now we are at it again for 2024. During the year, all the planned programs were executed in various fashions. Whether executed smoothly or with much difficulties, they all passed. The euphoria of the events was soon forgotten and the next one awaits. Jokingly, I told my staff that very soon they may be preparing for my retirement. Well, time flies and never to return.

The fast pace of time is inevitable. There is really no point in lamenting over it. What we should be concerned about is how had we spent those precious time? Were they spent on frivolous things that just ‘rob’ our lives away? Or are they spent on things of more value?

I know that some of you (if not all) are thinking that I am talking about wasting time on the phone. No, I am not. Watching videos while on the go can be of benefits depending on the content. One can learn quite a bit of information even from some seemingly silly shows. Some catching up with loved ones or friends are good for keeping informed of their well-being. So, I am not talking about these.

Time is a limited commodity in our lives. The measurement of our lives is time. So, we need to treasure it. We need to be guarding it so jealously that we may seem stingy about it. Because every minute is a minute of your life GONE. How you use it is, therefore, vitally important.

May I suggest some ways. Firstly, devote considerable amount of time learning about Jesus and imitating Him. There is nothing more crucial than that. All other successes stem from this one foundation. Secondly, spend great amount of time with family members. Quantity thumps quality here. Do not be fooled into the quality time spent nonsense. Then give some time to your friends (as opposed to acquaintances). They are hard to come by and should be treasured. Whatever time that is left, use it for yourself. Do something you like. Do not neglect yourself.

May the Lord help you to treasure every minute of that precious life.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong

时间飞逝, 我们又要为2024年来计划和做准备了. 我们在为2023年做此事的时候似乎不是太久远. 我无助的觉得在流逝的时间里无能为力。现在2024年也只有三个月的时间。这一年里,所有计划好的事工都以不同的方式推动开来。无论顺利的推动还是遇到困难,一切都已经过去。事工带来的欣快感很快地被忘记,下一个在等待着要来。我开玩笑地对我团队说他们可能要很快为我的退休庆祝。遗憾的是时间飞逝永不再返回。







Barry Leong


1 Oct 2023

I was in the MRT this morning. In the first train, before I change to another, a young lady walked in with her backpack on her back. The small pouch on the back pack was not zipped up and all the expensive belongings were exposed. They can be easily removed without her knowing in a packed train. After much deliberation within myself, I told her. She zipped up the bag promptly and kept quiet. Upon changing to another train, another lady came into the packed carriage with her handbag fully opened. She was fully engrossed on her other phone. Yes, she has two phones. I know because I saw the other phone along with her purse and other valuables. Again, this makes it easy for any pickpocket.

Keeping your belongings safe is a simple thing that we should be doing. But many are too distracted in the things around them that they don’t do it. There are many people who got scammed because they want to get the cheaper ‘luxury’ goods. The scammed amount had totalled to be a large amount. Meaning many people were careless. Do not blame it on the type of phone used, blame it on yourself. My mother, when she was walking this earth, taught me that one is unlikely to be cheated if one is not greedy.

Brothers and sisters, do not be distracted by the world. It can be anything, phone contents or situations around you. Be alert as not to be deprived of some of worth to you. I am always amazed and sad for the people who ‘lose’ their children in shopping malls. Why can’t they just pay a little attention?

Well, my brothers and sisters, the world will distract you from following God in a meaningful way. In this very colourful world, there are many ‘wonderful’ things to catch up with. God will usually be the one that many will put aside first. This will result in a very sad ending for whoever does this. The only way to go is God first, all others come second. Then and only then will everything fall into their proper places. Life will then be beautiful with the most wonderful blessings in place.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong


24 Sep 2023

Enroute to the train station, I passed by a multi-purpose void deck. Two boys were kicking their football around the area, bouncing off the walls and leaving ball marks on them. The irony was great when the ball hit a sign on the pillar. It was a sign to indicate prohibition of ball games in the area. It is sad to see people disregard official prohibition signs – ‘No parking’, ‘No smoking’ etc. In the case of these two boys, I also put the blame on the lack of teaching and disciplining by the parents. As a Chinese saying goes, “子不教父之过,” meaning it is the fault of the parents if they do not discipline their children.

I know that many will say that many parents tried to teach their children. I do not doubt that. However, what are the areas that we major in teaching them? Most likely, the academic subjects in schools are given top priority. The teaching of morals, not so much. Teaching them to revere God, least importance. (I know not all are like that. There are some who do well in the moral and spiritual. Sadly, they are the minority.) To tell you the truth, that is putting the cart before the horse. If the main teachers of your children are social media, Tik Tok, YouTube and others, then the best of luck to you if they ever do well in the various aspects of life. The time taken away from their day to invest in what’s important outweighs the time left for meaningful work. (By the way, it applies to adults too.)

I know I am a lone voice crying out in the wilderness. But ask yourself if it is true. If it is not, disregard all these as noises in the wind. If it is, then what are you going to do about it?

Brothers and sisters, our young are our assets in the future. They need to have good role models and good timely teaching. Do not leave their education, in all aspects of life, to others. Take it upon yourself. Be the voice they listen to. Be the example that they will follow. Let them imitate you as you imitate Christ.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong





Barry Leong


17 Sep 2023

I was walking past a Chateraise outlet and was attracted to the whole array of cakes and desserts. I mean who wouldn’t. They were colourful, beautiful, and looked sumptuous. Many of the pastries seemed to be calling me: “Come and get me!” For some of you who may not know, I am on a ‘Carnivore diet.’ In short, I eat only meat and nothing else. And the most difficult part of this diet was the urge to want sweet sugary food. Chateraise was, therefore, one of the worst places to be at for me. The temptation was very great. Nevertheless, with much reluctance, I walked away. When I was far enough, I suddenly felt a sense of victory. I did not cave in and fall into temptation. I had kept my promise to keep away from sugar, the main culprit for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The Christian, called to be holy, will find many “Chateraise” in their journey of faith. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, one will stumble into some form of temptation in disguise. The main three categories are Money, Sex and Power. They will appear in various forms. They were rawer in form in the past eras. Nowadays, they are more difficult to distinguish and identify. For example, the thirst for power can be disguised in the chase for fame and control. The chase for fame is made innocuous by the wide use of social media. A Christian will not know for sure where the line should be drawn. Pornography is a multi-billion industry in certain countries, who have great influence over others. Slowly, they move into the main stream as nothing wrong with it. The loud minority shouting through their ‘megaphones’ (social media), slogans and words that have no real meaning to confuse the rest of the world. Many will lose sight of their compass.

Brothers and sisters, we are to be holy as the Lord is holy. How are we to know? Read the Scripture, pray for enlightenment from the Holy Spirit. Do not give concessions to anything. Even foothold conceded will result in a collapse later. Live well, live strong. The days are getting shorter. Those who have ears, let them hear.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong

我走过一间Chateriase蛋糕直销店,就被整排各式各样的蛋糕和甜点所吸引。这种诱惑谁不会被吸引。它们五颜六色、好看又丰盛。每一份糕点似乎都在召唤我,“来买我呀!”你们当中可能有人知道我正在进行“肉类饮食计划”。简单的说,我只能吃肉。 这种饮食计划最困难的地方就是对甜糖食物的食欲。因此对我而言,Chateraise是其中一个最糟糕的地方,诱惑实在是太大了。不过,费了很大的劲儿,我还是走开了。当我走远了,我突然有得胜的感觉。我没有屈服并陷入试探之中。我守住要远离糖粉的承诺. 糖可是糖尿病和心血管疾病的罪魁祸首。

基督徒被呼召成为圣洁,在信心的道路上会遇见很多 “Chateraise”. 无论是有意或无意,都可能会坠入各种被伪装的试探里。三个主要的类别是钱财、性及权势,它们以不同的形式存在。在过去,它们的形式更为原始。但今天,它们更难以区分和识别。举个例子,对权势的渴慕可以被伪装成对名声和掌权的追逐。因为社交媒体的广泛使用,对名声的追逐也变得仿佛无害了。一个基督徒肯定不知道应该如何划分那条线。在某些国家,色情是一个数十亿的商业,而且对他人的影响深远。它们也将逐步的成为主流而不再被认为是错误的。声量大的少数群体通过他们没有真正意义的“扩音器”(megaphones 社交媒体)、口号及文字大声宣泄,以混淆世界的其他地方。很多人就因此迷失了方向。



Barry Leong


10 Sep 2023


(以赛亚书 11:3


身后来了一个年轻人,走过我身边的时候,看了我一眼(更正确的说是“白了我一眼”),脸色很难看。他随即走到我身边的行人灯,很用力的拍了几下按钮。那一瞬间,我接收到他没有说出口的讯息:“Aunty,你在做什么?为什么不按按钮?”但是,就在他很用力“拍打”按钮之后,他瞪着按钮楞了两秒,随后就转身默默走到离我三、四步的地方。白眼不翻了,脸也不臭了… 坦白说,我完全不怪他,因为我自己也曾经因为“没人按”行人灯而不高兴。不瞒你说,我也确实有“错怪其他行人”的尴尬经验。






Pedestrian Crossing Lights – Faulty!
(Isaiah 11:3)

I was at a pedestrian crossing. Upon pressing the button to cross, I found that the switch was faulty. Nonetheless, I stood there waiting.

A young man came along. He walked past me and then looked at me (more precisely, he glared at me.). He pressed the button hard and furious several times, displaying his unhappiness. Even though no words were exchanged, I could sense that he wanted to say this to me: “Aunty, what are you doing? Why didn’t you press the button?”. After multiple attempts of vigorous pressing, he looked at the button and the light post. Then, quietly, he moved a few steps away from me. He was no longer rolling his eyes. His face was no longer sour… Honestly, I didn’t blame him. I was once in a similar situation. I was unhappy when people beside me at the pedestrian crossing had not pressed the button. It was embarrassing that I had also “blamed others” for not pressing the traffic light button.

We are always rushing. Rushing without clarifying; rushing without giving others a chance to explain; rushing using our own standards and experience to judge; Because we are always rushing, we are quick to pass judgement on others; Because we are always rushing, we neglect to consider other possibilities.

In reality, what we see with our naked eyes may not always be the truth. Often times we are in the habit of making false assumptions and drawing hasty conclusions. We think that our assumptions are accurate and absolute truths. There may be many instances where our assumptions lead us to react negatively (i.e. displaying displeasure, rolling our eyes). However, we are embarrassed when the truth is revealed.

I pray that God will open our eyes. He will not let us judge when we have only scratched the surface. Instead, he will enable us to look deeper and discover the truth. May God also help us to slow down, not to rush so that we will not draw hasty conclusions and accuse others wrongly and in turn embarrass ourselves.

His Servant Maid,
(Translated by Mr & Mrs Timothy Tung)

03 Sep 2023

Another major event in Singapore had just been concluded. We had just elected our fifth elected president (9th president of Singapore). Another agenda in Singapore was completed and life moves on. Of course, it will take a few days for the excitement and talks to die down. So, what is the next big thing for us to be excited about? Not in the immediate future but the General election will be one.

We are people who are easily distracted by the things of the world. Different things for different people. To some, it is videos and others mobile gaming. For some, it is just aimless scrolling of messages received in their phones, although mostly extremely trivial messages.

But many allowed such trivial, non-essential things to take up a large portion of their time and effort. They are willing to forgo family relationships, success in life and career and other vital aspects of life for such inconsequential time-wasting pastimes.

I wonder what is the attraction that the general public is willing to forgo the significant for the non-significant? Is it because there is really too much time on their hands that they are bored? When people are concerned of their livelihood in the past, they have no time for such minor stuff. Today we have more of most things – reasonable living standards, time on hand, travel, varieties of food choices. Yet today people are screaming for so-called work life balance. I suspect that they want to spend all their time on their distractions and have all the perks of life for free.

Brothers and sisters, the days are getting shorter. Be wise and see the changing landscape in the world towards Christ and His followers. Do not waste your time on matters that have no meaningful value in eternity. It is time to move away from the distractions of the world and start to build “our houses on solid rocks.” Do not think at any moment that there will always be tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes. Waiting for somebody else to do it is not an option for it bears no value to you. It is of great value to the person doing it, but zero value for you. Be wise.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong


27 Aug 2023

I was at the ever-popular bookstore browsing through books and stationery. Then I came across year planners, planners for 2024 to be exact. I used to buy these for my church staff every year in the past. The advent of schedulers in phones had superseded such a practice. Nevertheless, I took one up to look at the cost of the planner. There was no change to the price adjusted for inflation. Hmmm, seems like nothing had changed much.

No, much had changed. Many had moved on from paper to digital means. Events need only be entered once and it repeats automatically for you as per instructions Colour coding and tagging are easily done. Amendments do not leave unsightly marks behind. Space to record any data is literally unlimited. Not to mentioned that you can keep years of data without adding to the bulk. The ability to link to other information, like maps or pictures, is an invaluable feature. Furthermore, it can be synchronised to many different platforms and you can have your schedule with you all the time, information at the touch of your finger. How convenient!

Sadly, a good time management tool does not guarantee good time management. The willingness to update the calendar is an arduous task. When information comes in fast and furious through all kinds of platforms – emails, messaging apps, verbal invites or reminders – updating the calendar is not as easy as thought to be.

The next issue is looking up the schedule and follow them. That is another set of problem depending on the personality of the person. And you do have other factors like people not respecting your concept of time-keeping. Or, letting your time be taken away because of unnecessary messages, videos or podcasts. Yes, there are many things to consider for good time management.

Well, brothers and sisters in Christ, keeping your life well organised will need discipline. Consider the time that you have. It is not as much as you would like to think. Use it wisely to build relationship with God and people.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

20 Aug 2023

Celebration of Dragon Boat Festival had hardly passed, and it is “Hungry ghost month.” Other than the fact that shops are already selling mooncakes for the next festival, they had to make money from selling incenses and paper offerings. The lack of wisdom and spiritual blindness of the world without Christ became more apparent to me when I saw people kneeling there at the drains, and I know they are “highly educated professionals,” burning “money” and other offerings. We may think that only “silly uneducated old folks” will do such things and being superstitious. But these were young urban professionals holding a minimum of a basic degree from a reputable university.

Spiritual blindness has nothing to do with age or secular education. It has to do with knowing the truth or not. The truth is Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Wisdom can only begin when one has the right relationship with the Lord (Proverbs 1:7). Christians will have to make sure that they do not fall into superstitious beliefs (in Christian garbs) themselves. The only way to do that is to know the Lord and His Scripture well.

Parents play an important role in helping their children know the Lord. Knowing the Lord does not mean coming to church on Sunday and finishing your duty for the week. It encompasses the whole lifestyle. Where do you think those kneeling at the drains making those offerings learn it from? Their parents of course! If we do not take the spiritual life of our young seriously but place greater emphasis on “less important” learning of the world, then I can almost guarantee a rude awakening somewhere down the line.

We must not lie to ourselves, and how sad it would be if we do. The spiritually blind, making offerings out of fear, know deep within that they are lying to themselves. Our eyes are opened by the knowledge of God, and we should not live like them. It is important for us to know where to put our priorities and not to live a life lying to ourselves. Get right with God and help the young to do the same.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

13 Aug 2023

I was listening to several people talking about their diets to lose weight. One of them was on low carb diet and was talking about reducing rice consumption. On hearing that one lady immediately say she cannot because she must have rice. After that she just went on saying that how she must have rice and not able to eat anything without it. The conversation ended there and the group dispersed to join others.

I pondered on the “I cannot not” response. There are many people who are not willing to even try anything with that one verse “I cannot not.” That sums up the entire conclusion on whatever proposal for that person. This is not the way that he wants to go. Perfectly fine, to each his choice.

Most people are entrenched in their way of life without questioning the validity of it. A person growing up in a privileged position will always think that they cannot do menial work. People who argue that our ancestors grew up with rice forgot that they grew up with unpolished rice. Those rice are full of nutrients and much less carbohydrates. The rice that we eat in Singapore, especially today, are polished rice that has nothing except carbohydrates. That would greatly raise the amount of sugar in our bodies. The reluctance to even take a relook at what the true nature of the issue is the main problem. Then we can never change for the better. The famous “we have always done it this way” is the way we stay stagnant and regress. One cannot progress with such thinking.

The church is dealing with many challenges that our forefathers do not need to deal with it urgently. They were not common to the point of being a threat. Furthermore, the society then may even be averse to the issue in question, for example LGBT. Those were not accepted in society and the church need only continue with business as usual, such as poverty or slavery. Today, those background issues directly threaten the orthodoxy of the gospel and the church. We must think and change by engaging in the scripture diligently. It must never be the whims and fancy of the majority of the church. Orthodoxy is difficult. We cannot change it to suit our convenience.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

30 Jul 2023

A young friend of mine talked to me about some criticisms that he received. He was visibly disturbed by them but he wanted to do the right thing. So, he asked what would I do if I am in his situation. I laughed and told him that the both of us will handle them differently, due to our wide age gap. Also, I encouraged him not to feel bad about any feedback or criticism, no matter how severe. I told him that when you live long enough, you will be criticized no matter what you do. Also, we are likely to criticize others too.

He insisted on an answer, so I said these. Firstly, be thankful that someone listened to you enough to commend and have the courage to give you feedback. Feedback is the foundation of our improvement. I am not about to think that I am so good that I am at the apex. Then carefully think through the feedback; are they correct or just misguided? If they are correct, then make the change. There is no harm but good that will come out of it. If misguided, then ignore them. There is really nothing good that will come out of trying to defend yourself, just a waste of precious time.

To be humble enough to receive such “harsh” comments may take many years of denying yourself. I told my young friend that I am already in my sixties, what is there that I have not heard? Some are good, I followed. Some not so good, I ignore. No big deal, life goes on. Be happy.

Finally, I added: “There will always be time that you did well, and other times when you did poorly. Do not bash yourself but seek to do better each time. Listening with a humble heart will get you further than fighting back. Furthermore, for the same thing there will be people who felt you did well, and others who feel otherwise. Accept both views for they have their merits. Keep improving for the glory of God and not anything else.”

Then the two of us laughed, continued to make fun of each other and enjoyed another cup of coffee. Dying to self is an important part of humbling. Laughing at ourselves is an important part of dying to self.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong


23 Jul 2023

I came across a particular type of diet recently. The diet also opened a can of worms regarding some commonly assumed understanding of certain drugs and nutrients that cause certain diseases. So, I spoke to some medical professionals and realized how closed up their minds are. They rejected the hypothesis outright without even giving it a second look. When I presented to them the statistics that questioned their present standing, they merely ignored them. Frankly, I am beginning to lose much confidence on the medical profession today; are they more interested in making more money or healing patients?

The question for us to ponder is not who or what is right or wrong. It is important for us to “question” all the premises and make conclusions as best as we can with as much data as possible. Just living on “as it was in the beginning, is now and will be forever” thinking will trap our minds in a closed loop. There will be no checking of facts, no changing of ways. One will live on whatever truths or lies that they are fed with.

There was a time when medical professionals advocate that people should not eat more than two eggs per week. Then it was changed to okay to do so if you are exercising. All these times, people were eating much more eggs than “recommended” without problem but in fact benefitted from eating them. Till today, there are still people who think that eggs are not good for their health.

The other thinking is “eat in moderation.” If something is bad for you, it should be eradicated totally and not eat in moderation. This phrase is a “get out of jail” clause for many people who refused to think.

Brothers and sisters, be careful of everything that are fed to you – body, mind and soul. You should, at the very least, do some proper thinking over them before taking them in hook, line and sinker. The bible tells us that in the end times, people will only want to hear whatever tickles their ears. Let the truth free you. Seek the truth, read the bible.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

16 July 2023

A boy saved an entire bus of school children because he did not have a mobile phone. While on the way home, the bus driver suddenly fainted and remained motionless. The bus was without control. The boy rushed to the front, caught hold of the steering wheel and stopped the bus. The whole bus was saved from a potential terrible accident. He was the only one who knew what was happening because he was not engrossed on the phone. The boy was honoured by the city and was also awarded the key to the city. The bus driver also made a full recovery. During the post award celebration, the reporter asked the boy how he felt. He only said: “My parents are just old school.”

No! I am not talking about addiction to the phone, though much can be said. Despite the honour that the boy received, all he can think of is to own a phone and to be “addicted” to it like the rest of the people. Had he owned a phone; the whole bus could be dead. It is difficult for people today to understand the weight of different things, comparing honour with merely owning a phone. What is important is not as vital as instant gratification. To be able to make a difference is not as important as just being another one in the crowd.

Brothers and sisters, we are in this world but we are not of this world. We are to be different from the rest in the way we live – in holiness and love for one another. We are to be disciples of Christ and live for the glory of God. Are we to give these up for something as trivial and temporal as owning a phone that will be obsolete very quickly.

The eternal weight of Glory is way too precious for us to give up. We have to learn to look beyond the temporal and seek eternity. What matters and what’s not, the ability to differentiate them need us to have wisdom of the Lord. Live a life that is close to the Lord, see the world through the eyes of the Lord (via Holy Scripture). Then we will live a worthwhile life.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong


9 July 2023

A son asked his father a question. “Three frogs were sitting by the pond. One frog decided to jump into the pond. How many frogs were left at the side of the pond?” The father replied: “Two.” “Wrong!” The son replied. The father quickly said: “Ah! I know, it’s none left. Because the other two followed the example of the first frog.” “Wrong again! The answer is three,” said the son “a decision remains a decision until the action is carried out.”

So often we have many things that we want to do but had been pushing them back for one reason or another. But we know deep within us that the delays were cause mainly by our commitment to them. We have all the good intentions to do so. Only problem is that good intention remains good intention. It is not put into action. We give ourselves too many excuses, so much so that nothing moves.

There are many of us who long for a deep relationship with the Lord. But often the cares and worries of the world stop us from doing so. However, relationship with the passing temporal things of the world seems to be able to proceed on without deterrence. I wonder if we had taken the gift of eternal life too lightly, and so do not treasure it. Eternal life was freely given, but God had to pay an extremely heavy price for us.

We must not take it for granted. Remember that nobody wins a prize without completing the race. To complete the race is not that difficult either. We just need to cling close to the Lord. He did not say that we cannot enjoy the things of the world. We just need to put some priority into knowing God in a more intimate way. Building relationship needs both hands to clap. God is always doing His part. The question is, therefore, are we doing our part?

Let us make a full commitment and put that into action. Stop making excuses. Trust and obey is the only way to cling tightly to Jesus. We need to stop enjoying the heavy yoke, and start to enjoy the light and easy yoke of Jesus.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

02 July 2023


路上的“提醒人” (加拉太书 6:1-2)                


在人生的路上,我们难免有疲累的时候,有时也会想停下脚步休息一下,也可能会不小心就打盹睡着了。只是休息之后还要记得重新启程,不能休息“过头”而耽误了行程。不过,倘若在我们不小心睡着的时候,身边能有‘提醒人’给我们拍拍手拍拍肩膀,提醒我们“该醒醒了”,这应该是极美的一件事。当然,每个‘提醒人’所用的方式可能不同:有的温柔,有的大声;有的婉转,有的直接;有的静默,有的唠叨… 重点是他们都要我们“记得下车”,继续行程,不要一直“睡下去、错下去”。

人非圣贤,谁能无过,基督徒更应当明白这个事实。但坦白说,生命中会令我们遗憾的事,还不是我们会犯错,而是犯错了自己却还懵然不知。不小心“睡着了”、“盲目了”(不知善恶好歹、不辩真实虚伪、不分真情假意…),不但不自觉,身边也没有‘提醒人’,结果越走越偏,越陷越深… 最怕是连再绕一圈走回头路的机会也没有,到时就真的很遗憾了。




A “Reminder” on the Road
 (Gal 6:1-2)

The light rail train reached its terminal. As I was getting off the train, I realized a passenger who was sitting next to me was still sleeping soundly in a slanted posture. When I stretched out my hand to pat his hand to ‘wake’ him, another young lady also did the same. The passenger woke up and nodded his head in appreciation at us. We did not know each other, nor a single word was said. But both of us had the same thought: to wake him up, so that he would not be wasting his time and delaying his trip by oversleeping and missing his stop.

In our journey of life, we will likely encounter tiredness. We may stop to take a break but we may also unintentionally fall asleep. But after resting we must restart our journey. WE cannot afford to oversleep and delay our journey. However, if we do fall asleep unintentionally, it will be a beautiful thing if we have a person to wake us up. Of course, there are different ways reminders come about: some gentle, some loud, some indirect, some direct; some quiet, some nag and nag…the important point is they will remind us to “wake up” and continue the journey.

No one is perfect and mistakes are inevitable. Christians should be more understanding about this fact. But frankly speaking, our regrets aren’t the mistakes we make. It is that we are blinded to the fact that we are making a mistake. Unintentionally falling asleep, blindness (unable to differentiate what is good or bad, true or false, real or fake), hopefully there is someone to ‘wake’ us up. If not, we will stray even further heading deeper into the trap. The worst scenario is when there is no chance to make a U-turn. When this happens, it is the most regrettable.

I dare not say that I will not make any more mistakes or committing some sins; but I pray to the Lord that he sends a person to remind me, to wake me up when I fall asleep, so that I may not fall. I will be able to wake up and complete my journey well. I treasure these kinds of people.


His Servant maid,
Ds Lena

Interpreted by Ps Ling Zhongbin

25 Jun 2023

The passengers had just alighted the train and headed for the escalator to exit the station. It was a long queue at the bottom of the escalator. A little girl told her grandmother to join the queue, as any good Singaporean would do. The grandmother, however, wanted to jump queue. The little girl was quite adamant on queuing. The grandmother (not really old) told her that she need not queue as she was old. The girl told her to queue regardless. The girl did right and the ‘old’ lady was just another example of the ‘entitled group’ of people.

I believe that society in general is kind towards those who are less advantaged. Many are willing to give way to them. Some amount of priority is given to them, like priority seats in buses / trains. But such should be taken with gratefulness and grace. It should not be taken for granted. Anyone giving his seat to you is his grace towards you. Not giving it to you is his right. So, I really hope that we, as Christians, should learn to be thankful when grace is extended to us.

Do not at any time think that being thankful is natural. It is not. It is deliberate. Many mouth thankfulness but most times never quite meant it. Consider the awkward silence when an opportunity to give thanks to God during prayer meetings or gatherings. If thankfulness comes naturally, people will be rushing to do so, not waiting for the leader to move on to the next item.

Learning to be thankful helps us learn to trust God more. Knowing constantly what He does and cares for us enables us to be more intimate with Him. We can then look at the upheavals in life with a cool calm manner as we know who is really in charge. More importantly, knowing that He loves us.

Brothers and sisters, do not neglect counting your blessings. Give thanks to God for them constantly. Then and only then can we live a fulfilled blessed life.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

18 Jun 2023

A very active Christian in church went for a staycation in an expensive hotel. In many aspects, this person was respected in the church as a ‘emerging’ model Christian. Then a very sad incident happened. On checking out of the hotel, it was found that this person was smoking in the non-smoking room (evidences of cigarette butts and smoke smell). In the end, the person had to pay up to three times the room rate as restitution. That is not the worse part, the whole farce of a model Christian is now exposed. The person had been able to use correct Christian language everywhere he went, but it turned out that behind the back the life tells a different story.

We are not about to judge if a person is allowed to smoke or not. Nor are we about to judge anyone on anything at all. The whole idea is not to put up a farce to appear good. If we are indeed struggling with some form of bad habits (smoking, vaping, pornography, etc), we must be brave enough to ask for help. The effort of trying to hide them is much greater than asking for help and will likely bring more shame. Facing it up front and getting assistance can help us rise above the problem(s).

What more, Jesus is not one who will judge us. Nor will He accept us only if we are good enough. He loves us even when we are sinners. As long as we acknowledge Him as Saviour and Lord, we are His disciple. And as His disciple, we must keep growing and changing to become more like our Lord. There is no need to ‘hide’ behind some disguises. We are all ‘work in progress’. No one is perfect (Yes, I know that some in the church think that they are already so. We should just ignore those ‘self-righteous’ people). Christ made it possible for us to be accepted as we grow to be more like Him.

Brothers and sisters, as long as we are willing, we can and able to grow to be more like Christ. It will not be a one-day affair. It will be a lifelong endeavour. Let us move along this journey together.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

11 Jun 2023

Elon Musk, one of present time greatest entrepreneur, gave an exclusive interview to a news reporter. The background to this was that he sent messages on some of his views on several issues via Twitter. The messages got on the nerve of quite many people and there was a backlash of negative comments. The reporter asked him during the interview if he would still send those messages had he consider the negative feelings that he will stir up. His reply was: “I don’t care. If speaking the truth meant that I will lose some money, so be it. I will still say what I think is truth.”

The world had gotten to be very sensitive over many issues, especially in the so-called Western “free world”. People get offended as long as what you say does not agree with their point of view. Right or wrong does not matter. As long as you are not in agreement with them, then they will come after you. Because of such behaviours, people stay away from speaking what they feel is truth. Western politicians are very apt in avoiding the truth so that their votes will not be affected.

To make matters worse is the chasing after ‘likes and views’ in their posts in the various social media platforms. A young man posted many hate speeches, even though he said they were wrong in an interview, on those platforms because ‘likes and views’ are all he is interested in.

Christians have the truth of God. The question is how many of us are actively telling people about it. Or are we too afraid that we may be ‘attacked’ by people who do not like to hear the truth about their future dire condition and the only solution. Being afraid to tell others about the truth of Jesus Christ is bad enough. Not convicted of the truth ourselves is worse. What can we share if we are not convicted of Jesus Christ ourselves? If that is the case, what are we doing in church ‘praising and worshipping’ God? Are we kidding ourselves?

Brothers and sisters in Christ, it can be said that we are in the last days. It will only become more difficult to believe in Jesus Christ, let alone share with others. Let us stand firm in our belief of Jesus Christ for our salvation and eternal life. Do not lose sight on this last stretch.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

4 Jun 2023

I must admit that I love to watch Thai advertisements. They are really creative and even educational at times. The recent one that I watched was about a landlady and her “unreasonable” actions towards the tenants. In one scene, she even threw and broke the weighing scales used by a tenant. Unfortunately, these “unreasonable” actions were videoed by some passerby and uploaded into the various social media platforms. Many criticisms / comments were posted and without exceptions were negative towards the landlady. Then the scenes turned to show the truth about what the landlady was doing. Her breaking of the weighing scales was because of her warning to the tenant not to use dishonest scales. As he did not learn from the warning, she threw and broke those scales. She was actually a kind, helpful and honest person who went around to help the poor and needy. Contrast that with the portrayal in social media platforms. What you see is not what is reality.

The various social platforms are dangerous places. Used correctly they are good platforms for interactions with friends or even work. Most times, however, they are already being misused. They become sources of misinformation. People forwarding information without verifying them, causing even greater confusion. It is worse when the one forwarding the messages is someone of repute. There are those whose whole life story can be found in their social media account. All the laws, PDPA whatsoever, will not help you when someone wants to use that knowledge about you for dubious purposes. It is a dangerous world out there, both physical and cyber. Be careful my friends. As I am writing this. I saw messages coming in about a former military colleague passing on. All kind of condolences were pouring in. Then someone called the family and found that it was not true. It is a cruel and terrible prank by someone.

Brothers and sisters, be wise. Do not trust any information via such platforms without verifying. Do not forward any message without verifying. Well, you get my drift.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong





Barry Leong

28 May 2023

A lady was advising me to not eat more than two eggs per week. She cited her doctor, supposedly a consultant, for advising that. I eat more than 20 eggs per week. I ignored her ill-informed advice but also amused at the lack of knowledge of a “consultant doctor.”

Granted there was a time when people mistakenly believed that you could ingest cholesterol through eggs orally. This was debunked eons ago. Yet, there are still doctors telling people to avoid eggs. Eggs, incidentally, are a ‘super food’ that is high in a lot of nutrients.

There are always lessons and knowledge that we learnt over the years. As time goes by, situations and technology change. It only gets faster as we move on ahead. Things that were once familiar are now becoming obsolete, for example – coinaphones. Someday even cash will become obsolete.

In short, we must keep learning and improving. Our knowledge base will grow old and outdated as more research data becomes available. There is no place for complacency. Staying put is in reality regressing. Progress or be left behind. And this is coming at you and me at a speed that is unimaginable. It will drive all of us mad.

Brothers and sisters, what is in store in the future if this is the case? Can we even catch up? Will we run out of breath before we catch up or keep getting dragged along? That will likely be the case if we do not have the anchor in our lives. The anchor, my friends, is the Word of God – Jesus Christ. He is the sure and steadfast rock that holds our lives steady. He will never change and is totally trustworthy.

It is time for us, brothers and sisters, to be clear of our beliefs, our stand in Jesus Christ. Without Jesus, we will be left chasing the wind. We will never win. With Jesus, we will be victorious. The world will try to tell us that it is folly to follow Jesus. The reality is that following Jesus is the only way to remain sane and victorious.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong

一名女士建议我在一个星期内不能吃超过两个鸡蛋。她引述她的医生(应该是一名顾问医生)的话向我建议。 我一个星期内吃超过20个鸡蛋。我无视她无知的言论但同时也很惊讶一名 “顾问医生” 的学识不足。







Barry Leong

21 May 2023

I was getting rather discouraged about the situation of the world as I read more reports from the news media. The very loud minorities shouting their anti-society, anti-God types of messages. The very silent majority not reacting to such messages in meaningful ways to counter them. Slowly, the gen Z and A will be influenced to accept them as truths. Well, it is truly the last days as mentioned in the bible.

What is the use of our meagre effort to stem the tide? What can we change? We are but ordinary Christians living in the last days. The Lord’s commands for us to love one another and to bring the gospel to the world are getting even more difficult to carry out. It is more than possible to be persecuted today if we do speak out the truth. Can we risk it, or even want to risk it? We keep silent in the name of keeping the peace. Is it correct to do so? It is no wonder that many people just want to give up.

But is it correct to give up or be discouraged to the point of doing little? Of course not! We cannot stop because we are facing some uphill difficulties. No matter what happens we must carry on. There are many things that are out of our control or abilities to do something about them. Yet, there are others that we can and must participate in making a difference. It would be sad that we just give up and resort only to mind our own business. So, keep our heads high and continue doing the work of God. It is difficult, especially in today’s world, but we must carry on.

However, we cannot depend on our own strength. We need help from beyond us. It is even more urgent for us to pray fervently and to act according to our convictions. It is time to stand up as Christians, proclaiming the truth of God.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, we must make the decision to be very serious about the work of God. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit ignite us. Let us not be afraid to stand out as role models for the world to follow. The battle against evil of the world rages more intensely than ever. It is time for all hands to be on deck. Onwards and upwards, our best we will show.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

14 May 2023

The recent Bud Light (a beer brand) boycott was a reality check for the “woke” supporters in the US. The US had caused a lot of controversies, both within and without, by their advocacy of “wokism”. This ideology is too extensive to discuss here, suffice to say that it is totally against the word of God in nature. Examples of its beliefs include LGBTQ+, abortion rights, YAP (Youth Attracted Person, basically pedophile). You get the idea. The last thing you want to be complacent about is that US is far away. The strong influence of social medias and the tenacity of the US pushing such terrible messages cannot be underestimated. The only counter to such influences is a strong church, and a strong church needs to know the word of God well.

Biblical literacy within the church is very low, even in Singapore. The desire to know God’s word had gone down. It is all about experiencing the feeling of God. Sing a few uplifting songs, listen to some uplifting motivating messages, feel good. That’s all that matters. Modern Christians are getting soft, really soft. The superficial understanding of scripture and its demands will put many into the wrong side of heaven. This is not helped with the weak culture of the churches today.

Part of the problem is weak pastors who dare not speak the truth with conviction. They are more interested in quantity than quality of members. Of course, both are important but not helping people to live right with God is an abomination.

The other part of the problem is the members. Many treat the church as a community center rather than a place to grow in holiness. We can understand that living a holy life in the context of today’s world will definitely disadvantage anyone. At the end of the day, a strong church culture is built on simply ‘read the bible, pray every day, live it out, love one another.’ It is simple but extremely difficult.

Brothers and sisters, it is easy to quote ‘I had fought the good fight” but let us work hard to live it out.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong

最近百威啤酒(Bud Light啤酒品牌)遭受抵制,对美国“觉醒”的支持者是一个真实的检验。美国因为鼓吹“觉醒主义”,对内和对外都引起很多的争议。这种意识形态太广泛了,无法在此讨论,却也足以说明它在本质上是完全违反了上帝的话语。例如,其信念中包括支持同性恋社群、堕胎的权力、YAP(Youth Attracted Person恋慕年幼者,基本上就是恋童癖)。你明白了。你最不愿意沾沾自喜的就是美国太遥远了。社交媒体的强大影响力,以及美国顽强推动这些可怕信息的态度是不容小觑的。唯一能够应对这些影响的是一个强大的教会,而一个强大的教会必须深入的理解上帝的话语。






Barry Leong

07 May 2023

A motorcyclist was riding precariously near the blind spot of my car. I slowed down to let him pass. He went on ahead and continued to weave in and out of traffic dangerously. I must admit that I gave way to him because I was more afraid of him damaging my car than he killing himself.

Further down the road, a car screeched to a halt because a girl crossed the road recklessly. The girl was not even one bit stirred by the near death event. From where I was I could see that her ears were plugged with ear phones, probably pumped to the loudest volume possible. I understand that some places in the world is trying to outlaw crossing the road while “hooked” on to some mobile devices – iPhones, iPod, etc…

I wonder if we try to live life on the dangerous edge and think that it is a cool thing to do. I can only warn that one who lives on the knife edge, dies by the knife edge. Why do we cut the line so fine? Is it a fad? Is it a habit? I do not know. What I do know is that many live that way. Too much James Bond movies perhaps!

Many think that they could leave the matters of heaven till later. We always have tomorrow. Sometimes, tomorrow never comes. Will those who survive us have to live in regret for us? Or one must live in regret for eternity? Personally, those are very bad ideas.

Don’t continue to sit back in a carnal sense of security and play the game of a sinful life. We have been warned that unless we turn from our ways we will perish. In a twisted way of bravado many laughed off God’s forgiveness. Don’t boast that you will be a Christian in your old age and in the meantime prefer the pleasures of this world despite the danger. Although the door to God is always open when you call, but that is assuming you get a chance to call.

Don’t live life dangerously, live it comfortably – believe in God NOW.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong








Barry Leong

30 Apr 2023

The advent of Facebook some years back caused quite a stir, and everybody wanted to get into the action. Fast forward to today, nobody is interested in Facebook anymore (other than some older folks). The new favors for the time being are Tik Tok, Snapchat, Instagram (also on the way out). I wondered to myself, how short is the attention span of people nowadays. Many are so engrossed in the content that has nothing to do with them or important enough to note, that they are willing to endanger their lives crossing the road with eyes glued to them rather than cross the road safely. To attract people the content in these social media gets more ridiculous and there is no consideration for morality. They are there just to catch eyeballs and to make money from the ‘attention.’ Selling your body had also taken a very different turn. Shame is no longer the consideration here.

In an affluent society, people get bored with their “entertainments” very quickly. They seek more excitement, and at an increasing pace. Many things have a very short “in favour” lifespan. Ultimately, the destruction of others (including finally self) becomes the most exciting. Less affluent societies have no time for such as they are too busy trying to keep subsistence level.

We live in an evil age where evil things are committed at an increasingly young age. The bible tells us that in the end times, the evil becomes more evil and the holy becomes more holy. It is not that one can become more holy but in the light of increased evil, the holy becomes relatively holier.

Are we the salt and light of the world as we should be? Or are we so immersed in the world that we are no different? Will the church still make a difference in the next few generations? Well, your guess is as good as mine. But we can at the very least make sure that we are not the one to lose sight of God.

For your careful consideration.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

23 Apr 2023

My group of old friends are all literally old. Basically, we are at the age that needs to talk seriously about retirement. We discussed various issues related to retirement – financial preparedness, post-retirement activities, etc. One of the issues was the ability to put down or letting go of the positions once enjoyed. The lost of identity is very real for some of them. Suddenly, one is no longer ‘important’ or ‘wanted.’ Though the discussion was light-hearted, it did bring out some dark aspects of retirement. This is especially so if you are not prepared to let go of your once status and everything that came with it.

There are those who look forward to retirement from the working world. Yet there are those who are not ready to give it up. So, when retirement hits, it is a difficult pill to swallow. The lost of many things – steady income, status, a structured work life (even though one has often complained about it) – is very difficult to face. A sense of lostness, even if you do not acknowledge it, takes over you.

So, many people who had not consciously prepare for this impending retirement scramble to search for meaning. Everything that was once so clear is now fuzzy and unclear. The need for clarity, acceptance and recognition has to be met. How do we go about it is important. Otherwise, we will become a ‘nuisance’ to others without knowing it. We may lie to ourselves that we are trying to help, but they do not want your help. We cause unnecessary troubles for the people that take after us when we do not let go and still try to strive for acceptance and recognition. Such are very prevalent in people holding high ranking positions and full-time pastoral staff in religious institutions.

My friends, the time will come when we have to bow out. The curtains will come down. Prayerfully, we will step down with grace and not “give trouble” to those after us. King David served faithfully in his generation. Likewise, we should do so. Then we step back and enjoy the fruits that we had cultivated while in active service to the Lord.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

16 Apr 2023

A boy asked me about the concept of inflation after overhearing the conversation between some adults. Simply put, I told him, inflation is the devaluing of your money over time. That is to say that your dollar can buy less next year than this year. “What if you can buy more?” he asked. That is deflation where prices keep falling. I explained to him that it is worse in a deflation than in an inflation situation, as you do not really know when to buy. Thus, everybody holds back and causes the economy to be unpredictable and fear set in. Better to spend within reasonable limits.

God’s economy is vastly different from man’s economy. When the world says “Take”, God says “Give.” The world says “Keep,” God says “Share.” These are the ways that most people today cannot comprehend or choose to do. It is easier to follow the ways of the world, after all that is how we were taught and brought up. The question is therefore, how much do we want to have faith in God to provide? After all, you may say that some pastors do insist on “prudence.”

I agree that we must be prudent but not to the extent of being stingy. Like it or not, all that we have is given by God. You may think that you worked hard and using your cleverness “earned” them. If it is not God who, out of His mercy, gives you the ability and health to “earn” those, you will have nothing. The question is not so much whether it is given by God, it is. The question is why God gave them to me and what does He want me to do with them.

The bible tells us that we will have enough because God will supply all that we need. That is what faith is all about. Do not get too hung up on worrying that we will not have enough for the future. With God there will be enough and there will be a future. Take heart and do not fear. All that we do for God will not be forgotten and counts for eternity. All that we hoard will be lost and taken against us in eternity.

Brothers and sisters, think carefully about what it means by “it is more blessed to give than to receive.”

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

02 Apr 2023

The DJs on the radio were discussing a report about some scientists who were able to record plants emitting a cry for help when stressed. Apparently the sound, of a decibel that is below the hearing range of the human ear, can be ‘heard’ from several metres away. With other characteristics of life (growing, die, needing food and water), the plant is as much a living thing as any other animal in the world. To ‘kill’ a plant is, therefore, equivalent to killing an animal. That would put some teachings about being vegetarian for purposes of not ‘killing’ a life totally out of the window. If a part of the worldview is wrong, then the whole needs to be reevaluated.

Christians need to know their beliefs well; more than ever now than before. The way truths are distorted by the politics in some big countries in the West, God have mercy on us when such distortions start to land on our soil (mind). Name calling and screaming in social media are their weapons of choice. In that country, you cannot be sure if someone is a woman or a man. Calling them with the wrong pronoun can get a person into deep trouble with the law.

All these problems arises because the word of God is being thrown out by this nation. Sad to say that this nation is powerful and exerts its influence on other parts of the world and insists that all must follow suit. Rights to them is only when you abide by their rules and not you are doing what right for yourself. So, they now want others to accept the LGBTQIA+ agenda. To them the word of God is not important. After all, most people there do not really know the bible.

So, brothers and sisters in Christ, keep the word of God close to your heart. Live and breathe in it. Know it well and not be deceived by the evil deceptions of the devil in this world. Night is approaching and we can do nothing when it arrives. So, let us work while it is day. Equip yourselves in word and prayer. Steel your belief and trust in Jesus Christ. Prayerfully, we may be able to stand to the very end.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

26 Mar 2023

I walked past a shop and saw a box of medical masks for sale. It was “literally” a fire-house sale, downright throwing away price. Yet, no one bothers. I remembered how much it used to cost just to buy some. The government had to give the people free of charge to defray the cost of wearing masks. At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government had to ‘encourage’ people to wear masks when they are out and about. Then it is mandated or else you will be breaking the law. The amount of grumbling was very loud from many sectors. After a little while, people got used to it. Now, it is DORSCON Green. There is no need to wear masks anymore. Yet there are some (I am not criticizing) who saw it fit to wear. I am fine with that. What is not fine by me is their judgmental glare at anyone not wearing a mask.

Human beings love to think they are the only one who knows. They will spend no time casting scorn of others who disagree with them. Well, too many issues. Let me just narrow it a little to our belief. Some will go on whatever social media talks and influences and believe that the world should be such. The confusion of Catholicism with Christianity is a clear example. They seem similar but are vastly different. Yes, we both believe in Jesus Christ, but Christians do not believe in Mary nor the Pope having the status of Jesus Christ. Taking beliefs from different religions and putting it into understanding Christianity will cause much confusion and misunderstandings. Lemongrass is not same as lemon, not even close.

Unless you are willing to take the effort and plough through the study of the bible, do not try to speak like an expert. Be humble in our learning of the scripture. Live out what we know and search for clear understanding in what we don’t. There are practices that are more of culture or tradition than scriptural. Do not mix the two. Christianity use to flourish in the West but never at any moment equate it as a West religion. The West believes less in Jesus Christ than you would imagine. Christ is for all and it is not western.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong





Barry Leong

19 Mar 2023

Coming out of the train, I headed for the escalator as everybody else. Everyone was rushing for one of the two escalators and the queue became very long. I was about to join the queue when I saw that the other escalator also go up but no one was using it. Both escalators go to the same place. It was there to prevent congestion. But ‘monkey see, monkey do’ and people just join the queue. I took the empty escalator and soon enough others from the queue for the other escalator, left and use this escalator.

The world is full of people who ‘blindly follow’. It is getting more and more difficult for people to think (carefully) before they choose to act. One of the reasons is the fear of losing out. Another is the laziness to think. It is also likely the attention is taken up elsewhere and just follow. How dangerous are these reasons? They are very dangerous especially when eternal matters are concerned.

We had seen many people joining all kind of protests in other parts of the world. Putting unfair wages protests aside, some of the ideologies protests are questionable. Do the people who join these protests know what they are protesting for? Many a time, they are protesting because of a lack of clear understanding and blindly join as it “seemed right.” Appears to be right is not necessarily right, it could be absolutely wrong. In some big country, which is really totalitarian in reality, the support of gay pride is misled more than knowing why.

Brothers and sisters, know what you believe. Be clear about it. Do not follow because others do. The bible promised us that whoever seeks God will find Him. There is no worry that a person who truly seek God will be lost. The only worry is that you lose sight of your search along the way and wondered somewhere else.

So, stay your path with God and Him alone. Let not the world lead you astray. Keep away from celebrity faith. Jesus came as a humble man and not as a king so that we do not look at the outer appearance. Follow God, not the queue.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

12 Mar 2023

Of late there are many discussions about Same Sex Attractions and how the church should respond. There are various positions and they directly contradict each other. So, what should we do? How do we maintain orthodoxy and unity at the same time? This issue became more pronounced in the Diocese of Singapore when the Church of England made a decision to ‘bless’ SSA marriages in their churches. That, of course, is a big NO for DOS. A lot of discussion on breaking up with CoE then ensued.

My personal stand is to maintain a limited fellowship with CoE in the hope that we can win them back to orthodoxy. The limited fellowship does not mean that we condone what they are doing. Totally cutting off and stop communicating with them is a bit of drastic and leave no ground for helping them to repent.

Christians, here in Singapore, must be careful to deal with SSA issues. Merely using ‘love is love’ to justify acceptance of their wrongful act. SSA is an abomination to God. It should be abstained from. We still love the person but not the indulgence in the sin. An attraction not act upon is not a sin. Just like a person tempted to steal but did not do it cannot be called a thief.

Yes, you can call God discriminatory in this. But salvation is discriminatory – you need to repent of your sins and stop before you can be saved. Calling upon Jesus needs you to repent. God set the rules not us. What are we that we think so highly of ourselves to be above Him? Yes, I know Jesus mingled with the tax collectors and prostitutes. But you should know that those people went away changed and not Jesus. Jesus remained pure. It does not mean that the world is such that we should be. We must follow the Word of God.

Remember the words of St. Athanasius of Alexandria: “If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world.” We must stand in the truth of God.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

05 Mar 2023

A few of us were looking at a stretch of water. On the surface it looked absolute tranquil. It was so peaceful and calming. It made some of them want to jump in and swim a little. As a person formerly trained to look at the sea, I warned them of the very strong undercurrent there. It was probably strong enough to drag even strong swimmers under water and swept away. Furthermore, there were probably crocodiles in those areas. So, we threw a small slab of meat into the waters and true enough a crocodile suddenly emerged and gobbled up the piece of meat. Well, that was a close call.

We really do not know what lurks beneath the calm surface. Everything will look perfect if we are careless about the possible dangers. Especially for people staying in Singapore for too long. Our government had done their job well in implementing law and order. It is too safe a place where people are desensitized to the perils around. What’s worse is that we take that approach and apply it when we go, or intend to go, to another country. You may think that a contract will be honored by the law and people here, but it may not be so elsewhere. That is probably why people from some other nations often call people in Singapore naive. WE also depend too much on local news instead of finding out more ourselves. There are only that much that the local news, no matter how efficient and unbiased, can inform you. You have to make your own research and judgment. Let others call you a fool if they want but make your own decision and do not waver if you are really convinced that you are right.

Scripture tells us that the world will only become worse morally and spiritually. The money that you had accumulated is nothing but glorified “I owe you” notes. Someday they will just tumble down. Do what’s right and start to lay treasures in heaven. The real good works that we can do is to bring Christ to those who has yet to know Him. Work while it is still day, for night is coming when no one can work.

Brothers and sisters, be wise and alert for the time may be shorter than we think.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

26 Feb 2023

I was watching a movie and the plot was the same as most movies. The entire plot was based on misunderstanding because no one wants to speak honestly about the problem(s) they are facing. Thus, there was mistrust due to misunderstanding because of lack of knowledge of facts. Then a lot of pain ensues. Finally, everything was resolved because the truth was made known. Why go through all those unnecessary pains when it could be avoided by honest and clear communication?

Why are there difficulties in telling people around you the truth(s)? One of the reasons is “face” – the fear of embarrassment of self. (Incidentally, the Asians are the most affected by this). A person stop-short of speaking because it might cause others to chide you or avoid you. People who are popular are unlikely to say the things that others need to hear. They will say nice and soothing things; but harsh truths are to be avoided. Some times things are not said because the people around you ‘advice’ you not to say. It is not going to be accepted, they say. You will be disliked, they say. Hearing too much of such will make you a man with no views of your own.

The devil thrives on the fact that people do not want to say things truthfully to each other. It uses this fact to cause doubt among each another. Chaos and disunity follow, and the winner is the devil.

We need to speak the truth and nothing but the truth. Be not afraid to do so for it may be painful for a while, but the final result is freedom from misunderstanding and bondage.

We want to be able to communicate in a truthful way but also in a sensitive way. Never want to hide but also never out to hurt others. It is not easy to do so and needs great wisdom. All said, we must also be able to accept truths being told to us. Not accepting truth is also bad. It is good to clarify and to come to grips with the issue than to hide from it.

May the Lord help us to speak the truth and also to accept them accordingly.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong

我曾观赏一部电影,其中的剧情与大部份的电影相似。整套剧情是讲述人因为不愿意坦诚分享自己所面对的问题而产生误会。于是,缺乏对事实的认知,就造成因为误会而引起的不信任,随即更引发许多的痛楚。最后,当事实被揭露 ,所有的事都化解了。如果事先可以进行坦诚和清晰的沟通,为什么要经历那些不必要的痛苦呢?







Barry Leong

19 Feb 2023

The latest favour of the month is the Turkey and Syria earthquake. Everyday the news bombarded everybody about the death tolls and the plight of the people there. Many people in Singapore, suddenly, want to donate money to help them. Criticism of those who are not helping abound.

Well, what about the earthquake in Pakistan recently. It is now out of favour. A new kid is now around the block. Then what about the earthquake in the Philippines today. Oh! You did not know about it? There were 427 earthquakes in the Philippines over the last year, anyone cared? Anyone cried out to donate money? NO! Because the news did not carry it. Maybe you do not know or do not want to know that news media will only carry ‘sensational’ news.

Some people asked me about sending medical teams to Turkey-Syria to help. When I say no, they were indignant about it. Well, I am not about to send a bunch of untrained people into frigid conditions to do work at places that they were not trained to work at. I cannot be responsible for their demise. Those are for the civil defence trained professionals, and many are being sent by their governments there. The only thing we can do is to pray that they come back alive.

What about donations? Many governments have pledges millions for these. The West and US had given billions to a proxy war but relatively peanuts to such humanitarian aids. Go and think about it.

There are many poor and needy that the Diocese of Singapore is working hard to help. The social arm of DOS needs a lot of funds, but is finding difficulties to raise. Are the immediate needs of the poor here in Singapore not important or is it less sensational?

Brothers and sisters, be wise to the sensationalism of the press. There are work to be done daily. Things that we can and should do. Giving to such sensationalism and publish in the papers are but a PR exercise. The daily and quiet helping of the needy around our locality is really what we are called for. Go figure.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong








Barry Leong

12 Feb 2023

A staff member brought the entire staff to a hawker centre to introduce us to some “very delicious food”. So, we went. Much to my (me only) horror, the queue was very long and the wait time was estimated to be more than an hour. I told the rest that they can choose to eat that but I will be eating something else. Waiting for an hour or more for food was not exactly my cup of tea.

In our whole life, we spent a lot of time waiting. Wait to be born, to grow up, to go to school, to work, to get married, to have a family, to grow old and then to die. All these waiting is time wasted. They can be spent in more useful endeavours.

My way of evaluating the use of my time is to assign a cost to my time. Then I decide if the event, whatever it is, is worth my time. Waiting in line for food is not exactly my idea of worth. As my life on this earth gets shorter, the cost of my time is more expensive. To use such expensive time, the work must be worth it. Wasting precious life on frivolous trivialise matters is really a bad investment.

What are the things that worth your time? It depends on you. To some, an extra hour lying down is worth everything, to others it may be a waste of time. The context will be very different. So, you will have to decide for yourself, “how much does your hour cost?”

Spend time with family and friends to build relationship. These are good investment of time. Even if the conversations were trivial, they are worth it. Good relationships are built from time spent together. Quantity time beats quality time all the time.

Whatever the context is, spending time with God is the best investment you can make. The time would be well spent. You may complain about the songs, the sermon or even the way the communion was conducted, but the time you put into the work of God is never wasted. It matters for eternity. So, spend your time well.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong








Barry Leong

05 Feb 2023

It was a sobering day. Just out of habit, I took the desk calendar and flip the page from January to February. Suddenly it hit me that another month had just passed. It didn’t seem too long ago that we were celebrating the advent of a new year. Very quickly we were into the second month of the new year. Well, time really flies.

For a moment, I felt a little melancholic, then I snapped out of it and beginning to think. Yesterdays are getting more, and tomorrows are getting less. It is time to put in more effort into things that really matter and stop wasting time on things that don’t.

The question for many of us is what are the things that really matter to us? I know many of you will give the textbook answer to the pastor, our spiritual lives and duties. Well, I cannot fault you with that answer as it is definitely not wrong. But what about others?

Family relations are important. Did we neglect them because we are chasing the temporal things of this world? Yes, finances and status are important. I cannot deny those. Think! What if you become very rich but have no one by your side because you pushed them away in your pursue of riches and fame. Or, if all that they are interested are the riches you left behind. They never had a relationship with you that really matter to them. As a pastor, I had seen enough of family members arguing over inheritance even before the funeral proceeding was over. Relationship needs nurturing, and that takes time. Believe me, it will be time well spent.

Take the time to create good and beautiful memories. Things from a little screen, you know what I mean, are really a waste of time. An achievement of helping someone, a worthwhile cause, a hearty conversation with a good friend, or even reading a good book. Of course, there are many more to list, but you get the drift.

Most importantly, spend time with the Lord. He is really the one that matters above all else. Neglect it to your own peril. Time, on this side of eternity, is short and precious. Use it wisely.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






最重要的是,用时间与主相处。祂是真正超乎一切且最重要的那位。 忽视祂将后果自负。在永恒的这一边,时间是短暂且宝贵的。以智慧用之。


Barry Leong

29 Jan 2023

A blessed Chinese New Year to all of you. Well, very quickly CNY came and will soon end (CNY lasts 15 days). I looked at all that CNY goodies and snacks at all the homes that I went to, including my own, and knew (as I always had) that much of the food will be thrown away. Some will ‘disguise’ the throwing away by giving to others. So, what made us so sure that others want them? They have their own to throw away.

There was a time when we had little and CNY was a time to go around visitation and eating the goodies. Nowadays, there is nothing special about the ‘goodies’ as we have it throughout the year. Also, interaction during visitation was also minimum as many dwells on their favourite small screens. To make matter worse, many of the Chinese younger generation cannot even say a proper CNY greeting in Mandarin. Sigh! CNY may just become another meaningless holiday for many.

When there is too much of a good thing, it becomes nothing special and taken for granted. Remember when ‘Bak Kwa’ was the one snack we aimed for and only more well to do families can afford them. Now, it will sit there hardly touched by anyone. I would like to commend to all of you, my friends, to NOT buy any of these goodies just because it is CNY. We must not be pressured to buy just because it is expected to be seen on the coffee table when people come visiting. You do not need to put on the ritz just because someone is coming to visit. Nobody should come to your house to judge you or your house. And they are not coming to do so. Just keep it nice and clean as per normal, maybe a little decoration for festive feel, would be enough. All that big do is a pure waste of time that is not in tune with the real meaning of CNY.

CNY is about family and relationship. It is a time to put aside work (or phones) to catch up with the people that meant much to you. It is a time to be thankful for every blessing, material or otherwise, that we now enjoy.

Brothers and sisters, be thankful and love one another. It is a more meaningful way of celebrating CNY.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

22 Jan 2023

A lady driver was looking at the warning signals on her car’s dashboard. It indicated that the car tyres are having serious problem. Instead of checking the tyres, the driver decided to continue driving the car. Her reasoning was that the sensors could be faulty. So, she went on happily to fetch four other passengers and went about their chores in the car. When she got back home later in the evening, she told the family about the “faulty” sensors. A family member went to check out the tyres and realized that the tyres were badly damaged. He went on to have them replaced.

Are we so careless as to be oblivious to the warning signals around us? We “ignore” them because we felt that we know better. Big mistakes come from ignoring the ‘insignificant’ warning signs. I really cannot comprehend how difficult it is to have a look when a warning comes on? The best thing to do is to stop and take a quick assessment before proceeding. Much grief can be sidestepped by paying a little attention. Yet, it seems so difficult. Most accidents happened because people choose to ignore the simple procedures to prevent them.

Jesus warned us about the end times. We are to look out as the signs present themselves. It is for us to do whatever possible to keep ourselves from losing our salvation. Scripture teaches us that the situation can be so bad that God had to cut short those times, otherwise none will be saved. So, do not take it lightly. Do not ignore the warnings.

It is vital for all of us to take our spiritual life seriously. It had to be nurtured and cared for. It is through long and arduous discipline that we develop a strong spiritual life. Even then, we have to be cautious. Even a strong athlete has no guarantee that he will not fail.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, I am no alarmist. At the most I am a voice crying in the desert. All I can hope for is that none will be lost to the world for carelessness about salvation. Do not be distracted by the busyness of the little screen in front of you. Be aware of the dangers of the surrounding environment. Stay safe.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong


我们是否也如此粗心大意,以致无视于我们周围的警告讯号?我们是否以为自己懂得更多,以致“忽略”了它们?忽视“微不足道”的警告讯号足以造成极大的错误。我实在无法理解查看显示的警告讯号到底有多困难?最好是即刻停下,快速作一个评估,然后才继续行程。 多一点的关注可以避免更多悲剧的发生。然而,这看起来好像是很困难的事。大多数的意外发生是因为人们忽视了预防意外的简单步骤。





Barry Leong

15 Jan 2023

A little girl was telling the mother that she doesn’t want to go home. The mother replied her sternly that everyone needs to go home. Seems like a very innocent conversation between a child and an adult. Well, it was. IF we look at it a little deeper, do we really know what is the meaning of home? What does home mean to us? What is provided by the “home”? I wonder if we know that many in the world today wish that they have a home to return to? Have we taken for granted the safe haven that we so easily want to give up?

Home means many things to many people. Some have a happy one where they experience love and acceptance. Others may not be that fortunate, resulting in not wanting to go back. But somewhere in the heart there is a longing for a home, where love and acceptance are found. Home, the shelter where we are cared for in our most vulnerable moments; where we are build up again when the world had beaten up right down.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, the church must provide the home that many do not have. Be it destroyed by wars, political turmoil, terrible members of the house or otherwise, the church must come in to give the people a home. Christ came to ensure that we have a heavenly home to go back to. A home without tears and pains, where joy and happiness prevail. Love, peace and joy are what we will find there.

Can we also emulate Christ, our Lord, to provide a home for the people here on this earthly existence. Only when the church plays its part in this world can we say that we live out Christ.

Too often church members think of programme instead of people, liveliness instead of love, accreditation instead of acceptance. It is time for us to turn back and start to live a life worthy of the gospel. Concentrate on people instead of programme for it is people that needs God. They would rather have love and acceptance than all the other riches of the world. So! What are we going to do about it?

Brothers and sisters in Christ, go do it. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong



主内的弟兄姐妹,教会需要提供许多人所没有的家。无论是因为战争的破坏、政治的动荡、家中可怕的成员或其他因素而遭受毁灭,教会必须前来给人们一个家。基督来是确保我们有一个天上的家可以回返。 是一个没有眼泪和伤痛,是显明喜乐和幸福的地方。我们可以在那里找到爱、平安和喜乐。





Barry Leong

08 Jan 2023

I was at a queue outside the office of a community club. Some were there for the CDC vouchers and others for tickets for a CNY dinner. Most of the people queuing were elderly folks. The officer-in-charge was swamped and overwhelmed by these folks. The same questions were repeated asked by different folks. One of the questions was why they cannot pay using cash and had to use cashless means? They claim that they do not know how or they do not have bank cards, etc. Story short, they want their way.

The world had moved on and at a very fast pace too. The refusal to adapt to the digital age is obviously a futile effort that leads to a very miserable life going ahead. There is no way back or to stay put. The tide of change cannot be resisted. Yes, it is inconvenient to those who refuse to change, insisting on the old ways. Well, I can only say too bad for you, the rest of us are moving on.

Then there is the other group of “entitled” elderly. This “entitled syndrome” is not just a thing for youths. It is very prevalent among the elderly. Just because you are ‘old’ does not mean that others must do things your way. There is nothing to say that you know everything just because of your age. I would say: “Cross the road carefully, old age does not guarantee that someone needs to give way to you. Even more so as you deal with ‘entitled’ young people.” Mutual respect is very important. Respect is given to you when you also respect others. It also makes for a better society.

Brothers and sisters, the church had come about for more than two thousand years. It had gone through many seasons and trials. There is a need for us to learn to adapt to the tide of change. For sure our theology and belief in God do not change. Our expression of our faith, however, can take a different form. We cannot insist on the bible being printed media only. They can be read using electronic means. There is really nothing wrong with that, just different expressions. Let us build a strong foundation in God and express it in a way that is consistent with the times.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong



此外,还有另一组“享有有特权”的乐龄人士。这“享有特权症状”并不只为年轻人所拥有的,它在乐龄群中也非常普遍。不是因为你年长,就意味着其他的人必须依循你的方式做事。没有说法指明因为你年长,你就什么都懂。我要说的是,“过马路要小心,年长不保证就有人需要让路给你。”当你与拥有“特权”的年轻人接触尤其如此。 互相尊重是非常重要的。当你尊敬他人的时候,你才会得到尊重。这也将造就更好的社会。



Barry Leong

01 Jan 2023

I was having breakfast in a nearby hawker centre. Of course, I will need my coffee. A particular coffee stall caught my eye. It had a long queue while other coffee stalls had no queue at all. It cannot be that the coffee was so different that people choose to queue here than to just buy at another stall. And I found out that was the case. The coffee powder was freshly grounded from the beans, changed after every ten cups or so. The price of the coffee was slightly cheaper than the other stalls. And the wait was not as long as I thought would be. Conclusion was that people will flock to you when you offer reasonably priced good coffee. The slight inconvenience of waiting in queue can be tolerated.

As I always believed, provide good reasonable product (service) and the customers will come. It seems so easy but why are there so many people not doing it? That’s the mystery, correct? My guess is that many are too lazy to work a little harder to make that slight difference to stand out. That little bit of hard work seems to be a bridge too far. Thus, the failure of so many of them. Interestingly, there are so many people with time to redo than time to do it well the first-time round.

In this new year, we must take a close look at ourselves. Are we living a life worthy of the gospel? Can we really say that we are an encouragement for others to follow Christ and not a stumbling block? Are we the good product that draws others to Christ? Hopefully, we are not the bad stuff that keeps others out of the kingdom.

Yes, it will need effort on our part. That, my friends, is the burden that we need to bear. We are saved, no doubt about it. We do not need works to get us into the kingdom. But we need to live like citizens of heaven. Those outside of heaven will look at us and see if it is worth the effort to be in. So, we need to put in that little bit of effort to make a change to our lives, to make it a fragrance unto the Lord.

Happy New Year, my dear brothers and sisters. May the Lord bless you all forever more.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

25 Dec 2022

Blessed Christmas to all of you. Christmas is ranked by many as the happiest holiday of the year. The lights and presents add to the festive mood of the yuletide season. People celebrate it regardless if they are Christians or not. It seems to be a holiday for all, and not restricted to anyone. Yes, it is indeed a joyous occasion.

But do we really know why it is such a joyous occasion? To be fair, it is in the midst of winter. In where we are, it is during the wet season. Is it not supposed to be dark and gloomy? Yet Christmas brings such joy to people that they consider it special enough to be the happiest holiday of the year.

Is it because of the presents that people receive during Christmas? Or is it due to the lights and decorations that light up the dark and gloomy weather? Has it got anything to do with the big fat man in the red outfit? NO! All of these are not the reason. The lights and presents are there because of the REAL reason.

The real reason for Christmas is the first coming of Jesus Christ, the Word becomes flesh. He had come into the world in order that man can be saved and to have eternal life. Human beings are unable to save ourselves from the tyranny of sin. Without Jesus Christ, we are doomed for eternal death. So, His coming into the world is wonderful news for us. He is the light that had entered darkness and to conquer darkness. That is why we celebrate with great joy. The presents and everything else is but peripherals to the real joy of having Jesus Christ. He is here for the entire mankind. That is why everybody has a strange feeling of unspeakable joy when it comes to Christmas. It is beyond words.

Brothers and sisters, when we celebrate Christmas let us also bring the greatest joy to those who has yet to believe the saviour Jesus Christ. Let no one take away the real reason for Christmas, Jesus Christ.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

18 Dec 2022

As we become more 富裕affluent and educated, it is important to keep away from being too sure of ourselves. The recent death of a SCDF NS firefighter is a timely but sad reminder for Singaporeans who think that we are safe and sound. Napoleon, at his heights, said “God is on the side of him with the biggest guns.” During his exile, he said, “Man proposes, God disposes.”

The parable that Jesus told of the rich man who wanted to tear down the old barns to build new ones because he thought that he was successful (Lk 12:16-20), should give us a warning of being too conceited. We may just end up losing everything. Also, if our sight is only on this life time, then we will lose, big time, on the future that is to come.

As we come to the end of the year, we must take some time off to look deep into ourselves. What are there that need changing? How are we going about it? What kind of impact or consequence if there is no action taken?

It is good for us to start doing it before we get caught up in the festive celebrations and busyness. Time will fly by very fast and before we know it, it is gone. Another year will come and go.

Do not sit in the well and look up to the sky. Your view will be limited. And your decisions will be short-sighted and lacking. When all had come and gone, we may regret that we did not climb out to see the bigger perspective. Regrets are the worse things in life.

Also do not be the frog in a boiling kettle. Always be aware of the changes around and within you. With everything changing so fast, we may be boiled alive without knowing. Dying as a fool is a very bad way to die.

Brothers and sisters, Christmas and the beginning of a new year is around the corner. Make a choice to live well, a life that is worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

May you have a fruitful and wonderful time during this festive season.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong


主耶稣提及的比喻中,富有的财主筹划着要拆了旧的仓房以另盖新的,因为他以为自己已经很成功了(路加福音 12:16-20),这已经在警告我们不要过于自负。我们可能最终会失去一切。此外,倘若我们的眼目只在乎今生,那么我们在未来的日子,将会失去更重要的时刻。








Barry Leong

11 Dec 2022

I was going for a retreat in Changi. When I reached the hotel, I found none of the other participants there. After a phone call I realised that I was at the wrong hotel. I assumed this was the hotel. However, it was wrong. Fortunately for me the correct hotel was only a few minutes away. So, I managed to get to the correct place without being late.

Of course, that was not life and death issue. At most, I would be reprimanded for being late but I will not lose my life or be damned forever.

There are many, however, are in a precarious position of being wrong to the extent that they may be in eternal perdition. They assume that they “know” what they believe. Unfortunately, most time they do not. I am not saying that they are not intelligent. It is that they merely assume that they know because their parents and grandparents believed. There is no deliberate effort to check if their beliefs make sense. For example, burning paper items and assume that the dead ancestors will receive them in full forms. No address, no recipients, no understanding of what the other world is like. Can the “offerings” even make sense? But they think that they know. Or they do not really care as long as their ‘conscience’ and duties are done.

What should we, as Christians, do? How do we help them know the truth? Well, we must know the truth first. How do we do that? By studying the bible and attending lessons to know more. There are many resources available today. Just a word of caution about resources via the internet; you must verify the teachings with the Holy Scripture yourself. Do not take it as gospel truth just because it was “taught by some big names.” The local church has the responsibility of educating the members. SJCp had been trying to provide biblical teachings and more will be provided next year.

Brothers and sisters, I encourage you to stop assuming and start to know for sure. Let us come together to learn from the Holy Word the God that loves us.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

4 Dec 2022

I heard some of the school girls moaning over the Mandarin assignment they had to hand up. One of them was supposed to be their “saviour” because she takes “Higher Chinese.” I found the term “Higher Chinese” amusing. I thought it would be more appropriate to call the subject “Higher Mandarin,” after all they are studying Mandarin. Chinese is a race with many variants (about 302) of the same language, eg. Cantonese, Hokkien, Kuek, Hainanese, etc. Mandarin is but one form though it must be said that it is to be the “commonly” spoken (pu tong hua). The lack of precision in terms used is not confined just to the lay people; even the Ministry of Education makes such an assumption.

I really must urge members to learn to use terms as they meant it to be. The danger of being vague in our language brings forth discord and misunderstanding. People do disagree over issues mainly due to wrong premises. For example, the evolution theory. In your mind, you start to think about the theory that man evolved from monkeys, and further back to the big bang. This is but one variant of the evolution theory albeit the most commonly known. Another variant is that mankind does adapt to their surrounding and evolve accordingly to survive in that environment, eg. people living in the tropics as opposed to those living in the arctic. From the different in premises and without stating it, two people can get into a heated argument. Also, imprecise terms breed misrepresentations and misunderstanding. Therefore, it may be better to keep one’s silence unless we can make it very clear. However, nothing is better than it coming straight from the horse’s mouth.

In a society where people are used to messaging language and cannot spell correctly, or deliberately not spelling correctly, misunderstandings are time bombs ready to explode.

Let us be very careful with the way we use terms and say things in order that we may live harmoniously.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong

我听到一群女学生在为她们需要交上的华文作业哀叹。其中一位似乎是她们的“救主”,因为她上的是“高级华文”课程。我觉得“高级华文”(Higher Chinese)这个名词很有趣。我想应该称这门课程为“高级华语”(Higher Mandarin)更加贴切,毕竟她们学习的是华语。华族是一个源自一种语言进而演变出许多种语言(大约302种)的民族,例如,粤语、闽语、客语、琼语,等等。华语则是其中的一个形式,虽然必须说它是“普遍”被使用的语言(普通话)。对词汇缺乏精确的应用并不局限于一般平民;即使是教育部也会作出同样的假设。

我确实要请求会友学习按着词汇的字义去使用这些词汇。含糊不清的使用语文所带来的危机就是造成不和及误会。人们会因为立场的不同而对各种话题产生异议。举个例子,进化论。在你的头脑里开始想到猴子演变成为人的理论,然后再往前追溯。其实这只是进化论中最广为人知的一个演变。 另外一个则是人类因为要适应周围环境,进而演变才能在环境中生存,例如,生活在热带地区的人与生活在北极的人是不同的。来自不同的立场,加上没有说明,两个人就可以进入一场激烈的争执。另外,不精确的词汇也会产生曲解及误会。因此,除非我们可以清楚说明,否则宁可保持沉默。无论如何,没有什么比由当事人亲自讲述来得更好。




Barry Leong

27 Nov 2022

A man went to church grumbled about the hypocrites he saw, the mistakes made by the song leader, the way offertory was collected, and the content of the pastor’s sermon. It was a very terrible service for him. He would have changed church had it not been the same elsewhere.

Another man in the same service said as he was leaving that it was an uplifting service and left with a joyful heart. Each of them experienced the truth of the words: “What you look for is what you get.”

In Psalms 122, David recalled the gladness he had felt when his companions invited him to accompany them to a religious festival in the temple at Jerusalem (v1,2). He spoke of the sense of oneness he experienced there with people from all the tribes (v3-5). He urged his readers to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. He longed for the food of all the people (v6-8). But as his thoughts focused on Jerusalem as the location of the temple, which represented the dwelling place of God, he pledged himself to seek its prosperity (v9). His whole attitude was positive.

Although there may have been hypocrites in the temple (as in the church today), David was not concerned with them. If he had been preoccupied with some faults in the priests’ performance of their tasks or mistakes the musicians made, he would have missed the joy of true worship. But he went looking for fellowship with believers and with God, and that’s what he found.

Yes, we get what we look for. What did you find in church today?



God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong









Barry Leong

20 Nov 2022

A motorcyclist was riding precariously near the blind spot of my car. I slowed down to let him pass. He overtook me and continued to weave in and out of traffic dangerously. To be honest I gave way to him because I was more afraid of him damaging my car than he killing himself.

Further down the road, a car screeched to a halt because a girl crossed the road recklessly. The girl was not even one bit stirred by the near-death event. From where I was, I could see that her ears were plugged with ear phones, probably pumped to the loudest volume possible. I understand that some places in the world are trying to outlaw crossing the road while “hooked” on to some mobile devices – iPhones, iPod, etc…

I wonder if we try to live life on the dangerous edge and think that it is a cool thing to do. I can only warn that one who lives on the knife edge, dies by the knife edge. Why do we cut the line so fine? Is it a fad? Is it a habit? I do not know. What I do know is that many live that way. Too much James Bond movies perhaps!

Many think that they could leave the matters of heaven till later. We always have tomorrow. Sometimes, tomorrow never comes. Will those who survive us have to live in regret for us? Or one must live in regret for eternity? Personally, those are very bad ideas.

Don’t continue to sit back in a carnal sense of security and play the game of a sinful life. We have been warned that unless we turn from our ways we will perish. In a twisted way of bravado many laughed off God’s forgiveness. Don’t boast that you will be a Christian in your old age and in the meantime prefer the pleasures of this world despite the danger. Although the door to God is always open when you call, but that is assuming you get a chance to call.

Don’t live life dangerously, live it comfortably – believe in God NOW.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong



我在想我们是否尝试在危险的边缘生活却还以为这是很酷的事。我只能警告,那些活在刀锋上的人必死在刀锋下。为什么我们要把线划得那么细?这是潮流吗?这是习惯吗?我不知道。我知道的是很多人就是如此活着的。可能是看了太多詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)的电影吧!





Barry Leong

13 Nov 2022

I attended a prayer meeting recently. There were slightly over 400 people gather to pray in that meeting. ‘All was well’ and everybody was excited. All shouted ‘Amen’ when the MC was professing that Christians believe in prayer. The entire meeting lasted about 2 hours. I must say that this was quite a hyped-up meeting.

Then it dawned upon me that this organisation has about 20,000 members. All of them are supposed to believe in the power of prayer. In this annual event about 2% came to pray. Slightly less than half the sanctuary was filled. Can we seriously say that they believed in prayer? What happened to the rest of the members? Too inconvenient for them? Maybe, just maybe, they were participating in the prayer meeting at wherever they were. I seriously doubt that.

Okay, I am not being cynical. I am just sad. We have to be honest with ourselves. With the challenges of the world we are in today, we cannot afford to be lying to ourselves. Or even being complacent.

It is time that we are serious about our faith and work hard at living it out. There is really no point in ‘playing church’ or being falsely religious. If we really believe in the power of prayer, especially corporate prayer, then let us stand up and be counted. Let us not hide behind some semblance of piety and think that we are okay. No, we are not okay. Look at the number of members attending prayer meetings. It is really pathetic in many cases. Sad to say that, in some cases, the pastor is only there because he is on duty. So, are we really okay? No, but all is not lost.

I believe in the power of prayer. It stems from my belief of the true and living God who loves me. His word is remains true that He will answer us when we call upon Him. He will never fail.

But we need to truly believe and show it by both actions and words. There is nothing to gain from lying to ourselves. We need to be honest to ourselves and turn from wrongdoings. It is time to be real in our faith. Seek God while He can still be found.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong

我在不久前参加了一个祷告会。有稍微超过400人聚集在这祷告会中一起祈祷。“一切都好”而每一个人也很兴奋。当司仪宣称基督徒是相信祷告的,众人也大声说“阿们”。整个祷告会历时大约2个小时。 我必须说这是一个相当振奋人心的聚会。

接着有一个念头浮起,这个机构拥有20,000会友。他们所有的人都应该相信祷告的能力。在这个年度的聚会里,只有2% 的人出席并祷告。圣殿内只坐满不到一半的座位。 我们还能慎重的说他们是相信祷告的吗?其他的会友怎么了?对他们而言,是很不方便吗?或许,或许,他们是在其他所在之地参与了祷告会。我对此实在质疑。






Barry Leong

6 Nov 2022

Go figures! Don’t just laugh at the similarity. Think of the similar consequences.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong


想想吧!不要对它的相似会心微笑。 好好想想它相似的祸害。


Barry Leong




30 Oct 2022

It was painful for me to see members burying their heads on their phone playing mobile games before the morning service starts. The church was full of people, yet only a few were interacting meaningfully while the rest were like the new perennial monkey – “speak nothing, see nothing, and hear nothing” – burying their heads in their phones. No! They were not preparing their hearts for the worship of God. If anything, they wish they were not there and somewhere else indulging in their fantasies.

Yes, I know that you are going to say that I am going on my perpetual complain about using the mobile phones. No, I am not against the using of the phone as a tool. I am against a new form of addiction, that cannot be enforced like abuse of drugs or gambling. I know that parents lament their inability to ‘control’ their children doing so. Well, the first thing is to start controlling themselves.

I hope I am wrong in this prediction of the future. But I am quite sure that many children, especially boys, will grow up to regret their indulgence in mobile gaming. They will not do well in their education, and their focus is perpetually elsewhere. Addiction in any form – drugs, vaping, mobile gaming – will one day destroy your health, family and career. Shout all you want for the government to ‘protect’ your job. It won’t happen. The global competition had started long before and it is not going to stop. Be good enough or be disqualified. You had your chance for a head start, destroy it at your own peril. Start to think and refocus your direction and life. Do not give the silly excuse of stress. With good planning and consultation with those who gone before, difficulties can be managed.

Most importantly, we have the Almighty God who is our father in heaven. He will lead and guide us, if we are willing to spend the time listening to him instead of the heart trumping sounds of mobile games.

Brothers and sisters, neglect God at your own risk. All I can say to you is the it is not worth it. Love God and Him alone, and you will find true joy, peace and love.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong

每当我看见会友在上午的崇拜开始前埋头于手机游戏,确实令我心痛。教会虽有很多人,但是只有一些人会用心的彼此沟通,而其他的却像新版的三不猴(perennial monkey)——“非礼勿言,非礼勿视、非礼勿听”—— 将他们的头都埋在手机里。没有!他们并没有预备自己的心敬拜上帝。或者,他们甚至希望自己并不在场而是在别处沉溺在他们的梦幻中。






Barry Leong

23 Oct 2022

There was a time we seek to have pen pals. You write a letter, post it and wait for the reply (sometimes for a long time before you get one). The excitement of receiving a letter was beyond words. And it was likely that you will read the letter many times over, to enjoy the feeling again and again. That was also how we get to know each other over a long distance. We call such a system snail mail nowadays. The only letters we receive now are mostly bills and official corporate notifications. An old man mentioned cheekily while standing beside his letterbox that he should rename it to “bill-box”, as those were the only correspondences coming to him.

Fast forward, technology today had “shortened” the distance and time that we get to know one another. You send a message, through any of the social media platforms, and you expect to receive a reply almost immediately. If not, you send another mail to “chase” for a reply. Search through the “postings” in the social media platforms, like Facebook or Instagram, and you can almost create a profile of someone you had never met in your life once. Now, you may even think that he or she had been your friend a lifetime ago.

People hardly talk over the phone too. We used to complain about our relations using the phone for too long, “cooking telephone porridge” as it was termed. Something that a very quick phone call can settle, end up spending much effort over messaging.

So, I really do not know if technology had made any real progress. It had alienated people, for that I am very sure. There are much less meaningful interactions and relationships among people who matters. We “know a lot and don’t know a lot” if you know what I mean.

Brothers and sisters, I pray that you will get to know the people around you in a real and meaningful way, not via messages or postings. But in a way that’s full of flesh and blood. Also, do know our Lord in the most intimate way and not only via YouTube videos.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

16 Oct 2022

Every so often that people talk about wanting to retire from their job early and “enjoy” life. Some succeeded, some failed and others are left wondering what happened. Well, they have a foretaste of it courtesy of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic forced a period of “no work” and staying in at home. At the beginning, many were “enjoying” the “freedom” of lazing around. Soon enough, reality sets in. Many became bored, not knowing what to do? They were totally unprepared for this “forced slow down.” One cannot do as they pleased, nor go as they want. There was nothing planned in their lives for the unexpected sudden lockdown. Students and working adults alike scrambled for IT equipment for learning and work. What do they do with so much “free” time on their hands now? Some of them had found themselves inadequate as they are not prepared to “jump” into the digital world. Just saying you do not know how to use a computer or IT gadget is not going to cut it as there will be very little help all of a sudden. The steep learning curve will have to be climbed very quickly, like it or not.

We have to think very carefully what we talk and ask for, because we may just get it before we are prepared for it. Retirement is not to be a frivolous word to just mutter out. For many, it must be thought of very carefully and start preparing from a very early stage of working life.

The work of the Lord cannot be put off till a later time when we are “more free” to do. Rarely, there will come a time when we will be “more free”. As the bible warns us that the servant must keep alert for the return of the master and not slack, it is prudent for us to keep alert. We should give the best time to the Lord and not giving “leftovers” to Him.

Brothers and sisters, we must work while it is still day. Night is coming when no work can be done. Concentrate on what is important (evangelism and discipleship). Do not get distracted by the peripheral issues (LGBTQ, gender equality, etc). Those issues are not important compared with the eternal life of a person. Concentrate and focus.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

9 Oct 2022

Shortly after I started on my sabbatical leave, the government implemented a circuit breaker because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Just before that I was exercising quite vigorously everyday clocking about seven to nine kilometres each day. With the circuit breaker, everybody must wear a mask. To be sure I was quite irritated with that idea. How am I going to continue my vigorously workouts with the mask? (Spoiler: One of my personal sabbatical goals was lose six kilograms and bring “six friends” back.)

An idea struck me as I sat there moping. Athletes had always wore masks to train to simulate high attitude’s thin atmosphere. That made the training a lot more difficult. Immediately I decided that I cannot change the situation, but I can change myself. I continued my everyday workout with a re-usable mask on. Yes, it was more difficult, but it paid off. I reached my goals in a shorter time and felt much better that I could do it.

Our Christian life will need us to persevere on in spite of all difficulties to live a good life. Of course, it is much easier to listen to some “famous” preachers and believe that we need not do so. Regardless of how much money you ‘donated’ to them, you will not go to heaven on their teachings. It is more likely that you will end up in hell. Living a life that glorifies God in an era that is evil and against God is very difficult. Just staying away from the mobile phone for slightly more than an hour to worship God collectively is already very difficult for many; and you want to talk about real sacrifice?

There are many who read the bible and find some part of it difficult to follow. Credit to some, they soldiered on. There are others who will just ignore them and live a truncated gospel. Still others will try to explain away or even change the meaning totally just to feel that they are living the full gospel (think prosperity gospel, or cheap grace).

Brothers and sisters, persevere on and fight the good fight till the end. There is no easy way in this era, only holding on to the truth of Scripture.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong

当我开始我的安息年假期不久,政府就因为2019年的冠状病毒疫情而实行了阻断措施。在这之前,我每天都勤力作运动,一天能建走七到九公里。因为阻断措施,每个人都一定要戴上口罩,其实我对这个要求是感到相当烦躁的。我戴上口罩又怎么能继续勤力作锻炼呢?(泄密警告:我其中一个安息年的个人目标是要减去六公斤并寻回  “六个朋友”)。






Barry Leong

2 Oct 2022

When I was six years old, my father was teaching me not to smoke cigarette. The only problem was that he was smoking one at that very moment. As an obnoxious kid, I asked him why he can smoke? He gave some silly excuses that the toilets were very smelly during his younger days. I did not listen to him teaching me as I did not believe in a person who was smoking at the moment and telling me not to do so. Of course, I did not pick up that bad habit as I was intelligent enough to understand the bad effects from my own readings. I took personal responsibility for my own health. To be fair, my father, who I loved dearly, had many good qualities that I had benefitted and learned from. Smoking, however, was not one of them.

Fast forward to recent years. I exercise to keep myself healthy and fit. Why? Because I cannot bring myself to tell my church members to keep healthy and fit if I am not doing so myself. Having a big fat midsection and telling them to take care of the body, the temple of God, is a very bad example and as ridiculous as my father teaching me not to smoke while smoking many years ago. I cannot bring myself to give ridiculous reasons. I have to talk the walk and walk the talk.

This living right has to continue till the end of our lives. We cannot live on the history of doing good. What happened yesterday is gone, today is a new day. It is for us to continue to live well. I used to read the bible conscientiously but I got lazy and stopped does not really cut it as a good example to learn from. We need to persevere. Past glory cannot be used to teach others. Only what you do now can be a testimony. And this testimony is good only as long as you continue to live well.

Christians must really learn to live the life worthy of the gospel. A life that is characterized by the fruit of the Holy Spirit. We may once be lost but now must live like one that is found by God. Do not give excuse to ourselves. What’s gone is history, today we live to create the future, a future with God as Lord and King.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

25 Sep 2022

Recent news reported a young doctor sentenced to jail and had his license as a doctor terminated because of taking 3200 underskirt photos. Apparently, he was arrested three times for such offences. He was supposed to be a person of learning, considering that he was a doctor. We asked ourselves the question’ “What was he thinking?”

Of course, the lawyers and some others will attribute it to mental illness or stress; typical western way of thinking. The way to do it is to commit a crime, attribute it to mental illness and get away with punishment.

The failure to recognise sin as sin is a very dangerous trend in the world today, especially advocated by the westerners. They will blame the sinful acts on medical, mental, and social reasons. All the blame on the person committing the crime is to be taken out. A person kills his schoolmates – it’s because he or she is under extreme stress from work. People abusing drugs, they are too stressed. They will blame everything except themselves.

It is time to call sin as sin. It is time for people to take personal responsibilities for their failure. Stop blaming it on society, medical or mental. It is just like students who refuse to study / revise and blame their teachers and take poor results on the examination being too difficult. A Cantonese saying goes like this: “One is unable to defecate because the toilet is too new!” Blame it on everything that can be blamed except yourself.

When we start to look at God and start taking personal responsibility for the things we do, then we will realise that the problems of the world are caused by the culmination effect of people’s refusal to admit to their sins. A country, like US, trying to teach other countries about human rights? When they have terrible human rights record themselves? Start to look at the man in the mirror and change. Then the world change.

Brothers and sisters, at the end we will answer to God for all that we have done. There will be no attorney arguing that you are mentally disturbed or socially bruised. There is only Jesus washing away our sins provided that we start to take personal responsibilities – admit our sins, accept Jesus as Savior and start changing our lives. Make the change today.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong




现在是时候称罪恶为罪恶。也是时候让人为自己的失败自行承担责任。停止归咎于社会、医药或精神。这就如拒绝读书/复习的学生,责怪他们的老师,并因为成绩差而认为是考试太难。有一句粤语是这么说的, “一个人因为厕所太新而无法排泄!”把一切都归咎在所有的事物上,除了自己。


弟兄姐妹,最终我们都必须为自己所作的一切向上帝交代。到时就不能再辩护你是不是精神受困扰或被社会伤害。当我们愿意开始担负个人的责任,唯有主耶稣可以洗净我们的罪— 承认我们的罪、接受耶稣为救主并开始改变生命。今天就作出改变!


Barry Leong

18 Sep 2022

A girl was lamenting her examination results. She could have done better if only she had started her revision earlier, but it was all too late now. The results were set in stone for this round. Hopefully, she learnt her lesson and start preparing for the next examination early.

Interestingly her lamenting including things like blaming herself for spending too much time on her social media and watching useless videos on her phone. Well, is that not something that we already know?

Actually, there are many good things that we know within ourselves and they are not that difficult to do. It merely takes discipline for us to do it and become successful. Also, we know, and probably been warned of all the temptations along the sides, of the way to do everything correct. But more people seem to do everything that they are warned not to do instead of what they should not be doing. Weakness of the flesh.

It is important for those who want to succeed in what they are doing to start doing at the earliest possible moment, mainly NOW. Just like NIKE would say it, ‘Just Do It.’ There is not a moment to lose. Tomorrow is too late already.

If you want to start to have a good spiritual life, start changing. Read the bible and pray everyday already. Don’t start tomorrow, as tomorrow never

comes. If you want to have faith, then start believing. Do not wait for an event to have faith, start believing today. Create the future is the best way to know it. The future starts today, not tomorrow.

So! Whether we want to succeed in the physical or spiritual, we have to start now. We do not want to knock on heaven’s door when it is too late. We may not have a chance then. Believe in Jesus while he can still be found. When the door is shut, it will be useless to cry.

Brothers and sisters, it’s now or never; spread the gospel to all your loved one. Do not lose any of them to procrastination. Live eternal life now.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong




对于那些想要在自己所作的事上取得成功的人来说,在可行的时段越早开始是重要的,主要就是现在。就如耐克(NIKE)所说的‘Just Do It’。没有时间败下阵来。明天就已经太迟了。





Barry Leong

11 Sep 2022

A very rich woman was convicted in court for corruption of very large sum of money. What was most intriguing was the fact that she pleaded that she was poor while wearing a watch costing over two hundred thousand dollars. Also, the bag that she had cost tens of thousand dollars. I guess the definition of poor defers for different people. By her definition, I will be in the extremely poor category.

There are many people who are perpetually worried that they will not have enough money to live. Yet there are others who earn much less than these people but feel that they have enough. So! What gives?

You can put it to the different mindset. With the “half full” or “half empty” mindset, you determine if you have enough. Is that all there is? Mindset?

Well, you can reason as such in a secular world mentality. Then you can decide how you want to save or use your finances. Poor people should just blame themselves for not working hard to earn enough or down right blame their bad fortune.

How should we Christians think then? I would commend to you to trust the Almighty God who owns everything in the entire universe. Nehemiah 9:21 reminds us that the Israelites lacked nothing during the forty years in the wilderness. They had everything that they need. Time and again God had proven Himself faithful in providing for all of us. There will always be enough, if we are willing to trust and obey.

The danger will come when we start to hoard rather than using the finance given to us wisely to store treasures in heaven. What is the use of a big bank balance when the spiritual life rots internally? Why look at the temporal instead of the eternal?

Brothers and sisters, God never fails. His love endures forever. He will never allow us to lack anything necessary. He wants us to do His will; seek first His kingdom and righteousness, and the rest will be added to us. We will always have enough. Have faith my friends.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong





我们身为基督徒又应当怎么想?我会鼓励你信靠这位拥有全宇宙所有一切的全能上帝。尼希米记 9:21提醒我们,以色列人在旷野的四十年里一无所缺。他们拥有所需要的一切。上帝一再供应我们每一个人以证明祂是信实的。如果我们愿意信靠及顺服,总是会足够的。




Barry Leong

04 Sep 2022

I chanced upon a short video clip where an American man dressed himself in traditional Mexican costume went about interviewing people about their feelings regarding his dressing. Almost without fail, the white American general public felt that he was racist, insulting to the Mexican, and thought that he was very insensitive to the Mexicans. When he turned around and interviewed the Mexican on his dressing, they were so happy and honoured that he dressed in their traditional costumes.

The world, especially the West, is filled with people who live by half truths. People stop thinking but live by ‘shouting’ slogans. Racism, BLM, Climate change, foreign threats, gender equality, and the list goes on. What are the bigger implications, the history behind and the ways forward are not thought of carefully. Raising of placards, pseudo understanding and pointing fingers at other countries, as if such things will change things. No, it wouldn’t. They are momentary distractions to the general masses about the real problems that Western politicians want to avoid dealing with.

And this is coming on fast into our society via the powerful media influence from the West, especially US. The masses, especially non-critical thinking youths, are sucked into these debates and ‘shouting’. When there are too much ‘noises,’ level-headed thinking is difficult and the problem will not be solved fully or partially. Maybe, just maybe, people do not want to deal with it. After all, these are their problems not ours.

Brothers and sisters, we all live in one world. It is the only one we have and we are connected somehow whether you like it or not. Let me give you a very short but only effective answer to solve all these – stop “thinking like idiots” and the ‘shouting’, start to help people follow and live the way of Christ. Christ is the only answer to all these chaos. He is the only way.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong


这个世界,尤其是西方国家,存在着很多只活出一半真理的人。人民不再思考却靠着“呐喊”口号而活。种族主义、“黑人的命也是命”运动(Black Lives Matter)、气候变化、外在威胁、性别平等,及一连串的名词。什么是最大的涵义、背后的历史、以及前面的道路都没有经过谨慎的思考。他们高举布条、伪装了解并指向他国,以为这样就能改变事物。不,绝对不会。它们只是短暂地把群众的注意力,从西方政治家都不愿解决的问题中分散了。




Barry Leong

28 Aug 2022

The latest talking point is all about the repealing of section 377A. Churches are spending their time talking and talking and talking. They talk as if the end of the world is at hand because of the repeal of this section. All kinds of seminars and forums have been initiated and promoted. The amount of attention given to it is great. News and articles come into my inbox fast and furious.

Well, to me, it is a waste of my time. I delete them as they come in. I do not promote them. I knew this is coming since the longest time. The bible already tells us about what is going to happen in the last days. This is inevitable. The question to ask is not what we are to do about it. We are to ask ourselves what should have been done right from the early days. All our talks today will not stop it from happening. The last days, end times, will come whether you like it or not. The good news is that the Lord is also coming soon.

We should be spending our time bringing the good news to everybody. We must save as many as we can when it is still day. There is nothing we can do when night comes. The time and energy spent to talk about 377A would be better spent on telling others about God, His love and His salvation. Why get into a discussion that will not yield any viable outcome? Spend the time bringing people into the kingdom. Believe me, the people will appreciate you more.

Another thing of equal importance is to spend time and effort to teach our people the word well. Strengthen their faith and they will live a life worthy of the gospel. Then you need not worry about the any section of the law being repealed. When Christians only know God superficially, they live a superficial spiritual life. It will be easy for wrong morality to creep in. When the US banned the bible and public prayers in schools in 1962, their schools started to become hotbeds for violence and moralistic decadence.

Brothers and sisters, major on the major and not the minor. Preach the Word, live the life of God.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

21 Aug 2022

While waiting to cross the road, a pretty young thing walked to my side. She was also waiting to cross the road. Next thing I saw was smoke coming out of her mouth, but she did not have a cigarette. Then I saw hidden under the jacket on her hand was a vaping device. Ah, she was vaping (electronic cigarette); a habit that is more deadly than smoking. More nicotine enters the lungs and known to be many times more harmful than conventional cigarette smoking. It causes you to age much faster. I wonder if this young girl knows that!

More information and research are available to us now than ever before. We are at the age where we should know better. What’s good or bad is literally at our fingers, courtesy of ‘google.’ We can search and read, almost on the spot, on any subject that we want to know. And “Knowledge is Power.” Yet, there are still people who abuse drugs, smoking, and participate in other vices. Does that mean that knowledge does not save us? It is more likely the ignoring of knowledge that’s the culprit.

Did Adam not know of the consequence of eating the forbidden fruit? He did but ate anyway, thus plunging the entire humanity into perdition. So, knowledge is not power. The proper use of knowledge is power.

The sinful nature of humanity is a very powerful force that causes us to do what is wrong rather than what is right. The devil will always ‘sweeten’ the deal and make it really easy for us to sin against God. You may want to say that smoking is not sin. Well, maybe you are right but hurting your body like so is painful for our loving Father in heaven. And when the harmful effect of smoking is fully manifested, then the sick person always blames God for the illness. Did he or she not think that will happen?

Brothers and sisters, the road to perdition is paved with good intentions, and may I add, with many wrong assumptions. Better to listen to God’s word and take the narrow door to heaven, than to walk the broad way and end up in hell. Follow God and follow well.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong




人类的罪性是非常强大的力量,足以让我们去作错的事过于对的事。 魔鬼常常会“甜化”整件事,让我们更轻易的得罪上帝。你可能会说抽烟不是罪。好吧,或许你是对的,但是伤害你的身体会让慈爱天父心疼。此外,当抽烟的恶劣后果完全显露出来的时候,生病的人就会因为病痛而埋怨上帝。难道他或她不曾想过这些会发生吗?



Barry Leong

14 Aug 2022

A “hyper spiritual” person spoke to me about training the spirit was enough to keep ‘fit’. Only the spirit was important, others were secondary. Then another friend barged in the conversation and chided on his comment by saying: “Oh, come on! Live in the real world.” They argued on and on. Me? I sat there and enjoyed the show. 😊

To the people who do not know Jesus Christ, even some who claims they do, the physical or secular world is the real world. The spiritual world, or the kingdom of God, is not real. It is too perfect, they say, thus it cannot be real. It is a world reserved for some ‘spiritual’ people. And if you ask why it is not for them; they will tell you that they like the ‘real’ world. Simply said, they do not want to acknowledge their failings. Somewhere inside they know of their sinfulness and cover it up by splitting it into the ‘real’ world and ‘spiritual’ world.

First, let me say that there is no dichotomy of the world into two. There is only one world. Either the secular or spiritual, it is one world, different aspects of the one world. The is our Father’s world, the one that God created. It is the human beings trying hard to split it into two to cover up for our sinfulness. It is so that we need not answer for our failures to live a good life. The argument about flesh and spirit had gone on for centuries. Just that it is getting less clear as the ability to think deep and clear becomes weaker. The instant gratification phenomena of today cause people to think less.

Jesus Christ came to make entering the “spiritual’ world way easier. He died for our sins so that we are righteous by faith. The physical and spiritual worlds become one. In Jesus there is no dichotomy. It goes back to the world that God created for us.

Brothers and sisters, reject Jesus and the world will fall apart for you. It’s only in Jesus Christ that all things will make sense. Time to regain your rightful place, believe in Jesus.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

7 Aug 2022

Some years ago, I overheard a mother encouraging her young boy to pursue his dreams. “Do not let anyone stop you,” she said. “You must live your life and fulfil your dreams — marry the girl of your choice, have the career you desire, own a house you want — do not let laziness, meaningless distractions, other people’s ideals be your stumbling blocks,” she continued. And she went on and on for quite some time. “That’s an encouraging mother,” I thought to myself.

Recently, I overheard a conversation of two young adults while having a coffee break with my colleagues. One of them was lamenting on how the parents were putting their fingers into every decision he intended to make for his life – girl friends, career, car. His friend tried to mitigate by saying that the parents cared for him, and afraid that he might make the wrong choice. The reply was amusing: “I am already in my mid-thirties and I cannot make ‘good’ decisions? I have a degree and they do not, yet they think they know better.” The friend asked, “Then why didn’t you go ahead with your choices?” The young man answered: “I didn’t want to break their hearts even though I know my choice is correct. Guess I just have to live with regrets. I love my parents, but only hope that I will not turn bitter and hate them later for their interference. Already I had ‘wasted’ many years.” I wanted to listen more but everyone wanted to go back to work.

As a parent there are times that I think I know better. But I, like the first mother, had also encouraged my son to chase his dreams. Sure! I wanted him to go to certain educational institutes, do certain ‘likely to make money’ courses. But I kept these quietly in my heart, I made the deliberate choice to let him choose. He must like it or else he will not be happy. Of course, I advise him accordingly but fall short of interfering or blackmail him emotionally. Difficult, painful at times, but needed it to be so.

The bible exhorts us, the parents, not to provoke our children to anger. As long as they live their lives in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, that should be sufficient for us.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

31 Jul 2022

I was observing a beautiful little toddler learning to walk under the watchful eyes of the father. She took a couple of steps and fell down. The father just looks at her and she stood up by herself and walked again. Again, she fell and pick herself up each time. She neither cry or scream when she fell, but just finds some way to help herself get up. Her father, meanwhile, continued to keep a watchful eye but did not help.

I could see that we allowed our children to fall and pick themselves up when they were younger as we deemed it the right thing to do. My question to myself was that why we do not allow them, as they grow older, to make mistakes in order for them to learn. As doting parents, we tend to want to put our children in glass houses, well protected. Or is it because we have a hidden agenda of having them ‘fulfil our unfulfilled dreams’? The way they dress, the schools they choose, or even the spouse that they intend to have. These are some of the matters that we parents interfere, causing much frustrations in our children. Something for us to think about.

God the Father keep a watchful eye on us as we navigate life. He allows us to make mistake and do encourage us to stand up from where we fell. He allows us to make our own choices, prompt us to think through carefully before we make those decisions. One thing He never do is to restrict us in our decision. He will guide us through the Holy Spirit and His word (the bible), but He let us make the choice. If we fall, He wants us to stand up and not stay down. He will help when He knows that we cannot cope or unable to do so. And never a day will go by without His watchful eye keeping us safe. It is left for us to stay within the safety confines of God.

Brothers and sisters, don’t be lazy and wants things fed to the mouth without lifting a finger. Don’t expect beautiful bed of roses without the thorns. They will be there, but the loving and watchful eyes of God the Father will always be on us to keep us safe. So learn to live free, enjoy God’s creation and live a moral and happy life.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

24 Jul 2022

Every other month an organisation will come to my neighbourhood to collect old items for recycling. I did not participate in it thus far although it was as easy as putting them just outside your house, no forms to fill whatsoever. Last week I decided to clear out a few shirts that I think I will not be using anymore – okay I outgrown them. So, I took out one and soon enough many more came out of the cupboard. I was not really aware of the number of clothing that were no longer useful to me. They were in quite good conditions and so I packed them and left them out for recycling. My cupboard was now cleared of clutter, and I feel good. Little did I realised that an extra shirt here and there built up to many over time. Most time I was just thinking that it was just one shirt, but one shirt times X is X numbers of shirts. They take up space. Shirt is just an example of the things we amass.

There will always be things that clutter up our lives. They may be material things that we had collected over the years and left at a corner in the house unnoticed after the initial euphoria subsided. Or memories lying and gathering dust in a corner of our mind, appearing once in a long while either to haunt us or to bring a quick smile. There may be regrets that pop up often enough to make our lives miserable, even for a little while.

It is vital for us to ‘de-clutter’ them once in a while. Accumulation of such things or memories, either good or bad, will eventually weigh you down. It will become difficult to move forward when there are so many things that weigh us down. They will affect our decision-making processes, and hopefully for the better.

It is not easy to de-clutter but de-clutter we must. Our hearts are tugged by some of the things (memories) we keep. We will always be giving reasons to keep them, just a little while more. Well, the time is now and not later. If we need to be ruthless with ourselves, then let us learn to be.

God want us to live a life of freedom. Live free and live well my dear brothers and sisters.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

17 Jul 2022

One of the most recent debates is that of increasing GST. As usual, some advocate no increase but wants more pay-out, and no good solution for the government to work on. It is always easy to gain popularity to give pay-out, but where is the money coming from?

Paying taxes had been a proverbial hot topic since the beginning of time. Everybody wants ‘freebies’ but no one wants to pay for it. Therefore, there are many who will go through great extent to evade the paying of taxes.

I am no saint. I hate to pay taxes as much as anyone. The only difference for me maybe is that I try to convince myself that it is needed. The good facilities around me cannot be taken for granted. The beautiful parks, clean surroundings, efficient public transportation, competent public service, affordable healthcare, etc…. Somebody got to pay for it and part of it comes from our taxes. For me, paying a greater amount of taxes also meant that I am earning more money. Paying more GST means that I am able to buy more. If I want to pay less through GST, then I buy less or cheaper stuff. It is as simple as that. No one can drive two cars at the same time. The one who buys one pay less GST than the person who bought more than one, simple logic.

What does the bible tell us about taxes? Well, render unto Caesar that belongs to Caesar. The money collected is for the good of the nation and society. Yes I know, you will talk about abuses of the system. Well, we cannot deny that there are people who will cheat the system from either end. But does that constitute a reason to throw it out of the window? No! The only way to throw that out is for us to come out with a better system. If not, that system will remain till it happens.

Brothers and sisters, the fallen human will rebel against anything and everything. Look at how the humankind rebel against the rule of God and wanted a king to rule over them instead. As Christians, we should do our best to care for our society so that all of us can be blessed in it. Those in authority will eventually answer to God. As for us, we live a life trusting and honouring God.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong

最近备受争议的课题之一就是消费税的增加。及如往常,有些人主张不加税但是却要求有更多的回扣,而没有给政府建议良好的政策。 以回扣取得民心是容易的,但是钱又从哪里来呢?






Barry Leong

10 Jul 2022

I was having dinner one evening at a food court. The cleaner lady came by and asked the people sitting at the other table if she could clear the empty plates. They waved their hands sort of permission given. They did not look at the cleaner nor thank her for clearing the utensils. It was like she was some lowly servant not worthy of a second look. A simple thank you would have been good.

I wondered if they were Christians. If they were, I would be very sad. It is not a matter of theology but just a simple thing of manners or being a human, just simple decency. If we cannot even live out simple decency, then forget about living a life worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Brothers and sisters, in our daily lives, let us live and work to the praise and glory of God. Put aside your ‘great learning’ and live with love and care for the human being near you. All workers are equally important and deserve dignity as much as anyone. In terms of dignity and worth, there is no real distinction in good and honest work. We are doing different jobs according to our different abilities at the moment. There is no one to say that we are stuck forever in the same place. Put in the hard work and diligence, and you can move to the next ‘perceived’ better position.

Hard and honest work deserve our appreciation. Can you imagine if there is no one to clear out the trash from your surrounding daily? What if everyone wants to be doctors or lawyers, and no one desire to be farmers? Then there will be a shortage of food. Then the law of the jungle prevails and there will be no need for lawyers.

Let us learn to appreciate one another for the hard work that they do. A simple thank you or smile would be quite sufficient. No one says that you need to have a big celebration to commemorate such work. Daily appreciation of such work is an encouragement of itself. And we become better people at that.

If we cannot be faithful in little things, it is difficult to be faithful in the big things. That is because they are even more difficult.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong








Barry Leong

03 July 2022

I was having dinner at a coffeeshop nearby home. I ordered the food and proceeded to get a seat somewhere. Much to my surprise, there were houseflies all over the coffeeshop and the tables. Why was I surprised? This scene brought me back to the days in the 60s and 70s. With the strict cleanliness laws in Singapore, especially at F&B areas, such amount of houseflies is unheard of. More interesting is the oblivious attitude to the presence of those houseflies. My feeling is that the present young generation does not know the danger of diseases spread by houseflies. What about the older ones? They probably forgot the lessons from the past and desensitized to the surrounding already. Too much faith in the healthcare system in the country.

The situation in the world is definitely getting more complicated. In a way, it is becoming more evil but less obvious. We are too ‘sanitized’ and, therefore, oblivious to the ills in society. No, it is not just from the Christian perspective. Like I say, it is less obvious because we choose “not to see it.” We do not have a problem of hunger in the world, we have the problem of obesity. If we are more willing to share, then both problems can be solved. A certain country can give billions of dollars to another for war but is unable to provide adequate funding to help its own people in crisis. They create troubles in other areas in the world but sells terrible lies and dream to their own people. Unfortunately, many believed them, mainly due to the fact of the great “I” that matters. The world can only solve problems when they really look at humanity as the image of God and return to truth. Then we will have a better world.

Brothers and sisters, in the smaller context – our church and community – we must not be ignorant of the evil that lures in our lives and surroundings. Keep in line with God (by understanding the teachings of Christ through the reading of the bible), put them in to action and keep at it. Our Christian lives, Church and Community will then be one that glorifies God.

God bless.

In Christ’s service,
Barry Leong





Barry Leong

26 Jun 2022

During breakfast one morning, a piece of grain fell to the ground. I decided to pick it up after breakfast. After a while, I looked and found that the grain was filled with ants and many more coming towards it. The floor was very clean and void of ants before that grain fell to the ground. How they appeared out of nowhere in such a short time was baffling and amazing. My belief was that the ants were constantly on the lookout for food to gather. And the immediate action when food was found deserves a standing ovation.

I wonder if we are constantly looking out for the coming of Christ. Everyday do we check our lives, make changes to live better lives and be a better person. Do we read the bible to know more about God? Do we observe the world and the changes in it, no matter how subtle and inconspicuous? Are we too complacent? There is always tomorrow to change, no rush. Is that how we are thinking?

Even when we know intellectually and emotionally, do we take immediate action to do something about it? Or waiting and let someone else do it are the orders of the day. There will always be someone else doing it. Well, the easiest way for evil to proliferate is for good men to do nothing.

Work while it is still day for night is coming. Stay alert and dressed for action. These are the teachings in the bible about our duties and watching out for the Lord’s coming. We must not lax and become like the five foolish virgins, not prepared for the coming of the master. It resulted in being locked out in the place of darkness and gnashing of teeth.

Let us learn to jump into action as quickly as possible. The world is fighting back against the rule of God. In all kind of ways – violence, sex and promiscuity, idol worship – they are fighting back. It is not for us to miss out the signs and stay complacent. It is time for us to stand up and be counted for the kingdom of God. Stand up Christian soldiers and lift the banner of Christ high.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong







Barry Leong

19 Jun 2022

A doctor was down with COVID-19 and was resting at home. A friend sent get-well greetings to him during his isolation. An interesting statement in his reply was “You learn to appreciate your health when you are down with a sickness.” When I heard about this, I said doctors are just as human as anyone else. Most would have thought that they would appreciate health much more than others as they attend to sick people every day. Well, they take it for granted like most people; maybe more as they probably trust medicine more than others.

That aside, many do take the important things in life pretty much for granted. We assume our health, our safety, security, that the sky will not fall on their heads the next moment. The knowingly or unknowingly assumption is that it will not happen to us. The probability is one in a hundred million. That’s what they think. When it hits you, it is 100%.

So, let us treasure and appreciate all that is important to us: our relationships and families, health, country…..

Do not take them for granted for you know not what or when. Ukrainians probably thought that war will not happen. The US will help us. Yes, the US will help US, not us. The parents who sent their children to school one morning and then got the news that they were shot dead. Empty words will not help nor console anyone. They are but a mockery. We know not what or when. It is not will it happen but when it happens. Treasure what’s important, spend time with them.

Do not take our salvation for granted. Read the bible if you choose to believe in those prosperity gospel preachers. There is no such thing as “once saved always saved.” Follow the Lord according to His words, not the words of those who tickle your ears. It may seem tough, but it will save you much agony and pain. The day of reckoning will come, hopefully you will be prepared for that day.

Read your bible, Pray everyday, Trust the Lord, and Obey His words.

In Christ’s service,
Barry Leong






Barry Leong

12 Jun 2022

Before the Covid-19 pandemic there were many discussions about the so-called work-life balance and working from home (WFH) arrangements. Basically, many people wanted more time away from work so that they have more time for themselves to have a better physical, emotional and even spiritual health. Well, the pandemic hits and many people got their wish to have more time for themselves and WFH. The inevitable happened, instead of better whatever health, they were worse off. More family violence, greater anxiety, loss of direction, etc. Nobody talks about work-life balance or WFH arrangements anymore. The talk now is about intervention in psychological disorders caused by WFH and lack of boundaries.

What do a lot of people do when they have more time on their hands? Sadly, many just waste them on frivolous past times – gaming, messaging, social media contents…. And the lure of such tempting contents will cause one to demand more time, but now they demand it from those around them as workplace requirements are taken away. When there is a failure to make use of the time wanted and now given, dissatisfaction sets in. Temper flares easily, relationship breaks down, violence increases, divorces increased. Also, there is now no barrier in others demanding time from you as they are free and felt that you have plenty of time too. Be careful what you wish for and be ready to deal with it when given.

To many who wisely use the freedom and abundance of time, they benefitted. They were able to achieve better health, more time to exercise. They enhance their relationships, wisely choosing to communicate in meaningful ways. Their spiritual lives become stronger as they put in more time to know God better – reading the bible and praying more.

My friends, water can transport a boat and it can capsize a boat. Ask for wisdom from God and wish carefully. When you do get them, use them wisely. Do not waste the precious resources that God had given you.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong






Barry Leong

05 Jun 2022

I was at a polyclinic consulting a physiotherapist about an injured shoulder. As I was sitting at there trying to explain my injury, the physiotherapist was busy reading his messages on WhatsApp and was clearly not paying any attention at all. I stopped and after a long while, he looked up and asked me what’s my medical problem. I was about to “shout” in his face. I held back because I am a Christian. So, I was about to start, and he was back to his phone. I know for sure it was not anything official from his facial expressions. He noticed that I was getting very annoyed and quickly printed some sheets of paper and told me to follow the exercises. I stood up and told him to learn to do his job professionally.

I am sure you know of such incidents and probably guilty of it — addiction to the mobile phone, wither games or social media.

The mobile phone is a wonderful tool but a terrible master. There are so many things that we can do on the mobile phone that are absolutely helpful and convenient – paying for transport fares, order food, book appointments, etc. I myself use the phone for all these and appreciate them greatly. That’s if it is a tool. But when it becomes the master, it is even worse than drug addiction. Drug abuse can be outlawed, but not phone usage. The symptoms will be lack of sleep and concentration, increased isolation from the people around you, increased insecurity and anxiety, etc. Many people must look at the phone even when crossing a busy road choosing to ignore the traffic. Drivers “must” look at their phones ever so often and not the road that they are driving on. You probably know more. Many know about all these but choose to ignore them. The excuse? It won’t happen to me – famous last words.

I would strongly suggest to you to take an audit and make some really important decisions to use the mobile phone in a wise and controlled way. Take back the authority to be the master and not a slave to it. You will not regret the decision.

God bless,
In Christ’s service,

Barry Leong

我在一间综合诊疗所向一位物理治疗师询问有关肩膀受伤的事。当我坐着尝试叙述我的伤势,物理治疗师却在忙着看他的WhatsApp信息,显然完全没有集中注意力。我停止说话并过了好一阵子,他抬起头来问我有什么医疗问题。我几乎要当面“呼喝”他, 但因为我是基督徒,我止住了。就在我要再开始叙述的时候,他又回到他的手机上。从他的脸部表情,我确定那与公事无关。他发现我越来越生气了,于是赶快影印几页纸要我跟着作运动。我站起来告诉他,他必须学习以专业的态度来对待工作。





Barry Leong

29 May 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

I thank the Lord for the deep joy and great privilege to be your church pastor for the past 6 years. Being God’s under-shepherd, it has been a tremendous shepherding experience filled with laughter and joy, and also tears and sorrow, in our journey of spiritual growth, committed discipleship and pastoral friendship together.

Appreciative thanks for the encouraging support, loving care and fervent prayers for me and Connie and our children in delightful times of fellowship and community life. Thank you so much for all the help, concern and prayers for Connie’s health situation, especially during her multiple hospitalisations and ill health. Thank you also for all the love, help and prayers for our children in their growing teenage years.

It is my honour to labour alongside you together for the gospel with one heart and mind. Grateful thanks to many who served the Lord’s will and purposes in ministry and mission for the kingdom of God and the gospel of Christ.

  • Staff team – for your faithful commitment and joyful service
  • PCC – for your wisdom, missional heart and fear of God
  • Cell leaders – for your commitment and loving care of members
  • Ministry leaders – for your love for God and passion for the gospel
  • Ministry teams – for your faithful service and commitment in ministry
  • Church members – for your fellowship and joy in serving God together

I encourage you to come alongside Canon Barry, Rev Wai Lung and Deaconess Lena in labouring for the gospel in ministry and mission. Keep them in your constant prayers as they shepherd the flock of God with His love, grace and wisdom.

Value your prayers for Rev King Chiew Kwang and myself and our respective families as we transit to our next parish posting. We need the sufficient grace of God and the empowering strength of the Holy Spirit to serve the Lord’s will and purposes for His glory.

As we see the gracious salvation plan in the missional heart of God, may St John’s Chapel keep on being a missionary church of Spirit-filled committed disciples of Jesus Christ, always ready to take the gospel to the nations. “May all who come behind us find us faithful, may the fire of our devotion light their way”.

“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”   (Jude 1:24-25. KJV)

Pastor John

22 May 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

As St John’s Chapel prepare for the pastoral leadership transition at both the English and Mandarin/dialect congregations, let us unite our hearts and gird our minds in spiritual preparation to pray fervently and to see the sovereign hand of God at work in His Church for His glory.

There are three ways in which we can prepare ourselves as God’s people spiritually and mentally for this leadership change. Please take some time to read these three short pastoral reflections by Rev Jeffrey Chang (Grace Christian Church of Staten Island).

  1. Getting Ready for a Shepherd
  1. Preparing for a New Pastor: Change
  1. Preparing for a New Pastor: Pray for the Family

During my army training, we were taught that one likely timing when the enemy may attack is during the pre-dawn period when it is still dark with the sun about to rise and when most soldiers may be sleepy and not so alert. Similarly, for the church, a major leadership transition is an opportune time when the Adversary Satan will strike the Church of God to bring about disunity, distraction and discouragement. Hence, we must pray fervently and trust the Lord confidently.

I call upon St John’s community to

  1. Keep our eyes on Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd       (Heb 12:1-2)
  2. Keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace           (Eph 4:3)
  3. Keep on serving the Lord well in ministry and mission  (1 Cor 15:58)

The Lord is the strength of his people;
he is the saving refuge of his anointed. 
Oh, save your people and bless your heritage!  
Be their shepherd and carry them forever.”   Psalm 28:8-9

Pastor John

15 May 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

It has been four weeks since the official announcement of the clergy postings by diocesan bishop Titus, under the divine guidance of the Lord. My heart is filled with gratitude for your encouraging words, kind understanding and fervent prayers for me and my family and also for St John’s Chapel community.

As I was thinking and praying about how to edify and encourage God’s people during this period of pastoral transition for both the English and Mandarin/dialect congregations, I came across a short article entitled “6 Truths to Encourage You During Pastoral Transition” by pastor Ben Simpson (Eastwood Baptist Church, Kentucky, USA).

(weblink:  )

Pastor Simpson shared briefly on six truths to encourage God’s people during pastoral transitions:

  1. God will be with this church at all times.
  2. God is in control.
  3. God plans good out of this transition.
  4. It’s okay to weep.
  5. Ministry must go on.
  6. The church must not scatter. 

As you reflect on these essential points, may your heart and mind be strengthened by the Spirit of God and by the Word of God. Let us keep our eyes on our Good Shepherd Jesus Christ, following Jesus closely and press on in serving His will and purposes in the work of His eternal kingdom.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”   Hebrews 12:1-2

Pastor John

8 May 2022

Dear family in Christ

In the Fifth Commandment, the Lord commanded his people to “honour your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12). This weekend, Mother’s Day is commemorated all around the world. It is a day set aside to remember, honour and thank our mothers for all their labour, love and sacrifice.

As God’s people, what can we do to edify and encourage the mothers in our church community or in your family?

  1. PRAY:  Coming alongside the mothers in regular prayer support goes a long way to give renewal of strength in their mothering responsibilities. Through prayer, the mums look to God and depend on Him for His grace, help and wisdom. The collective prayers of the church community will bring encouragement and joy to them.
  2. ENCOURAGE:  Appropriate words of encouragement spoken at the opportune time can uplift and strengthen the hearts of mothers, especially if they are experiencing struggles and stress in their life. To “encourage” means to “give courage”. Many times, mothers really need the courage to persevere on in the midst of their difficulties.
  3. LISTEN:  Be ready with a listening ear to hear the cry of their hearts for their children, their elderly parents, their marriage and their struggle to keep a healthy work-life balance. Their problems and issues may not be solved immediately, but your presence and care will help to ease their pain and lighten their heavy burdens.
  4. HELP:  Do offer your help in practical ways. It can be giving a helping hand in church when any need arises. It can be helping to look after their young children, so that they can have some “me-time” or they can serve in ministry. Being there for them in practical ways will be a great help and blessing.

Praying and wishing all mothers a Blessed joyous Mother’s Day.

Pastor John

01 May 2022

Dear church family

We praise and thank God for his guidance and help for our church Annual General Meeting processes this year. Thank you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, for your proxy form responses, participation, suggestions, encouragement and prayers.

It is my joy to introduce the Parochial Church Council (PCC) for year 2022-2023.

Vicar’s Warden:      Kenneth Sng

People’s Warden:   Hidehito Ie

Hon. Secretary:       Elly Chiu

Hon. Treasurer:      Tan Pei Ching

PCC members:        Benjamin Kirk, Enoch Ng, Florence Ho, Gan Pak Lim, George Chen, Kevin Lee, Nellie Nam, Sally Lee

Synod representatives (2020-2023):  Elly Chiu, Ho Boon Sing, Justin Chan

Sub-committee chairpersons: Hidehito Ie (Personnel), Benjamin Kirk (Property), Nellie Nam (Finance), Vicar (Missions)

We welcome sister Sally Lee (Mandarin congregation) to the PCC team. Our grateful thanks and appreciation to sister Sheryl Sim for her faithful service and ministry unto the Lord at PCC for the past years.

We thank God for every PCC member’s commitment and heart in their latreuo worship of God in serving the Lord well. Value your prayers for the PCC team to continue being good stewards of church resources for the work of God’s eternal kingdom and in making wise decisions and sound policies under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Pastor John

24 Apr 2022

Dear church family

We thank the Lord for his wisdom and help for our church AGM process this year as we culminate proceedings at the virtual AGM this Sunday 24 April at 3.00 pm. All electoral roll members and regular worshippers are most welcome to attend.

A word of thanks to electoral roll members who submitted your proxy voting form and to all participants at the pre-AGM Town Hall discussion meeting last Sunday. I encourage all church members to take time to read the Vicar’s report and the various ministry reports. May it encourage your heart to see the Lord’s gracious leading at St John’s Chapel in ministry and missions.

Praise God for every provision of finances for year 2021 for manpower, ministry and missions. I have been encouraged by your obedience to God in returning your tithe to Him and by your generous and sacrificial freewill giving to the Lord. I am thankful for our PCC team in their collective godly wisdom in being good stewards of the church funds for the work of God’s eternal kingdom.

Thanks be to God for the commitment of many brothers and sisters in our church who serve faithfully and humbly in the various church ministries. Your example and dedication is a great encouragement to many of us as we seek to fulfil God’s will and purposes in the proclamation of the gospel.

I am grateful to the Lord for our committed and dedicated staff team. They have served tirelessly and faithfully despite many Covid-19 challenges. They have served with joy and purpose, even in the midst of painful trials, health concerns and family issues. Thanks be to God for His grace and goodness.

As we see the gracious salvation plan in the missional heart of God, may we be a missional church of Spirit-filled committed disciples of Jesus Christ, always ready to take the gospel to the nations and eagerly awaiting the Return of the King, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let us be God’s living church in these Last Days for the glory of God.

Pastor John

10 Apr 2022

Dear church family

We commemorate Palm Sunday today. Our Saviour Jesus Christ set his heart to walk the way of the cross to Calvary. He rode into Jerusalem city on a humble donkey (Matthew 21:1-11). The excited Jewish crowd shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”  But five days later ,loud voices cried out, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”.

As we enter Holy Week, may our hearts focus on Jesus Christ and His sacrificial obedience to the will of God the Father.

  1. Washing the disciples’ feet (John 13:1-17): Servanthood, humility and love for one another must be the hallmark of a committed disciple of Jesus.
  1. Passover meal (Matthew 26:17-29): Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper (body and blood) as an important remembrance of God’s new covenant of His grace and mercy.
  1. Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46): Jesus was in deep agony and sorrow, yet He was fully obedient to the will of His Father.
  1. Betrayal, arrest and trial (Luke 22:47 – 23:25): Jesus was mocked, beaten and humiliated, yet He was meek, “like a lamb that is led to the slaughter”.
  1. Crucifixion and death (Luke 23:33-56): In great suffering and painful shame, Jesus gave His life sacrificially on the cross in atonement for our sins and the sins of the world.
  1. Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10): Hallelujah. He is Risen. Praise and thanks be to God for the victory over sin and death, and the blessed hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ.

Let us set aside time during this Holy Week to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and be strengthened by God’s Word. May I encourage you to attend the three Evening Devotions from 11 to 13 April (via livestreaming) and the three onsite worship services (Maundy Thursday 14 April, Good Friday 15 April and Resurrection Sunday 17 April). Please see attached flyer for details.

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”   2 Corinthians 5:20-21

Pastor John

03 Apr 2022

Dear church family

Virtual Annual General Meeting on Sunday 24 April (3.00 pm)

We thank God for the coming virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 24 April. It will be a time when we see God’s gracious sovereign hand upon our church in the transformation of lives and in serving Him in ministry and mission in the work of His eternal kingdom.

On 5 April Tuesday, our church admin team will email the AGM 2022 reports and the proxy voting form weblink to all electoral roll (ER) members. Some ER members without email access will receive the printed AGM report by postal mail. May I encourage all church members to read the ministry reports and financial reports and give thanks to God for his grace and goodness in the church’s mission of proclaiming the gospel.  

Proxy voting form

Our church constitution requires one third of Electoral Roll members to form the AGM quorum. Under the Virtual AGM guidelines, your proxy voting form is important because it is counted as part of the quorum. Your proxy form appoints the Chairman of AGM (the Vicar of St John’s Chapel) as your proxy to attend, speak and vote on your behalf. We appreciate if you can submit your online proxy voting form, latest by 20 April, Wednesday 12 noon.

Pre-AGM Town Hall meeting (on Zoom)

We are organising a pre-AGM Town Hall zoom meeting on Sunday 17 April (3.00 pm) to address any questions, clarifications or comments concerning the AGM reports. Please use this Town Hall platform to present your thoughts, ask questions or seek clarifications. Kindly email your questions to   by 13 April.  The virtual AGM on 24 April will not include any Question & Answer segment.  

All electoral roll members are welcome and encouraged to attend the Town Hall zoom meeting on 17 April and the AGM zoom meeting on 24 April. Pls register your attendance at

Value your prayers for a Christ-centred AGM that honours the Lord and edify God’s people.


2 / 3    Lent 5Rev John LinHow long, Lord, how long?
 9       BB 64th Coy E&D(Sat)   Rev Bernard YeeGreat is the measure of our Father’s love
10      Palm Sunday(Sun)  Ds Lena Lim“Your King is coming to you…”
14      Maundy ThursdayRev George TayThe Route to Greatness
15      Good Friday Ven Wong Tak MengWere you there when they crucified my Lord?
17      Resurrection
Rev John LinJesus Christ, my Living Hope
23 / 24   AGMRev John LinRenewing our first love for Abba Father

27 Mar 2022

Dear church family

A few weeks ago, someone texted me this poster message which made me laughed aloud – “If you don’t have friends who have Covid, that means you have no friends.” It is a sad reality currently that people around our social circles have been infected with Covid or are close contacts … family members, house neighbours, work colleagues, school classmates, church mates, good friends, etc.

Our Daily Bread (ODB) Ministries has put together some Bible-reading resources and devotionals to help those who may have been infected with Covid or have loved ones and friends who were infected. There is even a practical section to help parents plan some activities for their children under isolation with Covid.

Please access this weblink for the resources.

Below is a message taken from the ODB website:

Quarantined? In Isolation? Whether you’re at home or in a quarantine facility, being isolated is tough. Worry, frustration, loneliness, claustrophobia, boredom . . . you may find yourself going through all these emotions over the next few days. And, if you’re taking care of a child who needs to be isolated, your challenges will probably multiply. Not only will you have to cope with your own emotions, but you may also be worrying about how to keep a bored, hyperactive child occupied.

How can you turn to God in such a challenging time? How can you find comfort and strength in His Word? In our “Covid Recovery Pack”, you’ll find specially-chosen resources to help you stay close to God and draw on His strength and patience over the next few days.

May God’s abiding Word be your source of strength and comfort, and also to those whom you know, on the road to a full recovery.

Pastor John

Timeline plan for AGM 2022

Date Task / Event
13 to 29 March Nomination period for PCC  (closes on 29 March)
5 April,
Notice of AGM + Annual report + Proxy form  (Email/post to Electoral Roll members)
13 April,
Due date for Submission of questions & clarifications and Registration for Townhall meeting
17 April,
Sunday, 3 pm
Townhall meeting Q&A  (webinar)
20 April,
Due date to submit proxy form by 12 noon and registration for AGM (webinar)
24 April,
Sunday, 3 pm
AGM  (webinar)

20 Mar 2022

Dear church family

This past week, many in Singapore and our Anglican church community mourned the loss of our Diocesan Chancellor and dear brother in Christ, the late Richard Magnus, who was called home to the Lord on 14 March.

In the midst of so many well-deserved tributes, heartfelt appreciation and encouraging eulogies reported in the news media about Mr Richard’s life of public service, one personal note stood out for me. His son Keith Magnus told The Straits Times reporter: “(My father) lived his life with integrity, purpose, dignity, service, honour and the highest set of moral values. He was a good friend to many from all stations of life and a loyal servant of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom he loved and has now been reunited with.”

Thanks be to God for such a humble and God-fearing “loyal servant of our Lord Jesus Christ”, whose life shone so brightly for Jesus in public service and in the church of God. To God be the glory.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16

Pastor John

Timeline plan for AGM 2022

Date Task / Event
13 to 29 March Nomination period for PCC  (closes on 29 March)
5 April,
Notice of AGM + Annual report + Proxy form  (Email/post to Electoral Roll members)
13 April,
Due date for Submission of questions & clarifications and Registration for Townhall meeting
17 April,
Sunday, 3 pm
Townhall meeting Q&A  (webinar)
20 April,
Due date to submit proxy form by 12 noon and registration for AGM (webinar)
24 April,
Sunday, 3 pm
AGM  (webinar)

13 Mar 2022

Dear SJCp family

Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday, 24 April 2022

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, our Singapore government gave official approval for AGMs to be held virtually for religious organisations. This special “temporary measures” approval remains applicable currently, until it is revoked or amended by the Government with six months’ notice.

In the light of the current Covid-19 Omicron wave and also the capacity restriction on non-congregational meetings (50 people maximum), our diocesan bishop, together with the Standing Committee, highly recommends that all parishes hold their AGM virtually, without any onsite attendance.

In consultation with and agreement of our Parish Church Council (PCC), we have decided to hold this year’s AGM virtually via zoom webinar, as per the last two years. The AGM date is on Sunday, 24 April 2022 at 3.00 pm. The AGM process will be similar to what was done for AGM 2021.

Please see the timeline plan for AGM 2022.

DateTask / Event
13 to 29 MarchNomination period for PCC  (closes on 29 March)
5 April,
Notice of AGM + Annual report + Proxy form  (Email/post to Electoral Roll members)
13 April,
Due date for Submission of questions & clarifications and Registration for Townhall meeting
17 April,
Sunday, 3 pm
Townhall meeting Q&A  (webinar)
20 April,
Due date to submit proxy form by 12 noon and registration for AGM (webinar)
24 April,
Sunday, 3 pm
AGM  (webinar)

We seek your active participation in the AGM process. Value your fervent prayers for our church community to continue serving God’s will and purposes faithfully to the glory of God.


6 Mar 2022

Dear church family

In the Church calendar, Ash Wednesday falls on 2 March this year, which marks the beginning of the LENT season. LENT is a 40-day period of reflection, repentance and renewal. Theliturgical colour is purple, signifying penitence and mourning. It is a time of deep spiritual reflection and honest heart-searching repentance. It is a season when we give ourselves devotedly to grow in Christlikeness. This growth in Christlike character requires spiritual disciplines in extended times of fasting, praying and reading the Scriptures.

At the Ash Wednesday service, the priest places some ash on our foreheads and says, “you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19b). This is a clear reminder that our bodies are frail and mortal. Because of sin, man has fallen short of the glory of God. But thanks be to God for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Christ, we are set free from our bondage to sin and death.

During this Lent season, firstly, let us reflect and give thanks to God for the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus walked the way of the cross in submission and obedience to His Father’s will. May our hearts be ever grateful to Jesus and follow his example of humble obedience.

Secondly, let us repent of our sins as we open our hearts to the powerful work of the Holy Spirit. God will forgive us when we truly repent and have a transformative inward change of heart. May we seek to live a life of holiness and godliness.

Thirdly, let us renew our first love for God and our commitment to discipleship in the kingdom of God. Take time to slow down during Lent and spend time with Abba Father in the Word and in prayer. Be restored in your soul and inner being. May we grow daily in our relationship with God and in Christlikeness.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.”   Psalm 51:10-12

Pastor John

27 Feb 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

In their September 2021 issue of Excelsis Coaching Newsletter, John Lim and Song Kheng, founders and life coach trainers for Excelsis Coaching Asia, had written on the topic “Coaching: God’s Guidance in times of Uncertainty. I have shared part 1 last week. Please see part 2 below.

I pray that you have found their counsel practically useful and may you also be able to use it to help others in drawing strength and guidance in the Lord during such challenging times.

Pas John

Coaching: God’s Guidance in times of Uncertainty   (part 2)

How do we enable people to depend on God?

As coaches, we intentionally move away from telling and advising. We create a safe space, prayerfully listen and use the following coaching questions to help people tune in and depend on God:

  • How are you going through this pandemic?
  • What do you need God’s guidance in?
  • What emotions are you feeling in your heart?
  • What is your common sense telling you about this matter?
  • What are the counsels of your God-fearing mentors/friends?
  • What are some open doors or close doors you are noticing?
  • What are some experiences with God in the past that may give you guidance regarding who you are (your identity) and what you should do?
  • How has the Lord spoken to you through His word regarding your situation?
  • What are your calling and spiritual gifts? How will God’s calling and gifting guide you in your decision?
  • What is the Lord speaking to you through the Holy Spirit?
  • What do you sense during prayer and after praying?
  • We have seen many examples of fasting in the Bible to seek God’s guidance in crisis, how might fasting be relevant in this situation?
  • From a scale of 1-10, how yielded is your heart to the Lord in this matter? (10 being fully yielded to God)

Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

May we take the time to seek God, receive His peace, discern His will and live as children of the Light in this uncertain world. May God use you to equip His people for the advancement of His Kingdom!


20 Feb 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

In the course of my ministry, I met a wonderful Christian couple, John Lim and Song Kheng, who are the founders and life coach trainers for Excelsis Coaching Asia. In their September 2021 issue of Excelsis Coaching Newsletter, they wrote on the topic “Coaching: God’s Guidance in times of Uncertainty. I have received their permission to share the contents of this newsletter with you.

I hope that you will find the guidance useful as you seek and depend on the Lord during such challenging times.

Pas John

Coaching: God’s Guidance in times of Uncertainty  

As you and I struggle to cope in this pandemic, the challenge we face is akin to driving alone through a dark and unfamiliar road with faulty headlights. We are fearful of getting into accidents, missing

important warning signs and losing our way or our lives. As I asked the Lord for help, He reminded me to “Be still and know that He is God”. The Lord is our guide and we are not alone.

How do we receive God’s guidance in this challenging time?

Isaiah 26:3-4 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal.”

First of all, go to our Lord Jesus, our Rock eternal who can keep us in perfect peace when we fix our mind on Him. We can have peace because Jesus knows the future. He is the Alpha and Omega,

the beginning and the end. Jesus is God; He is timeless and limitless.

Secondly, we can depend on Him to guide us. Some of the ways the Lord guides us are:

•   He guides us through His Word (2 Tim 3:16)
•   He sovereignly guides us through divine encounter (Acts 9:3-6, Rom 8:28)
•   He directs us inwardly by the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:6, Rom 8:14)
•   He directs us by counsel from mentors/friends (Prov 11:14)
•   He directs us by opportunities or open doors (1 Cor 16:9)
•   He guides us through the peace by prayer (Phil 4:6-7)
•   He directs us when we have a yielded spirit (Rom 12:1-2)
•   He directs us through our spiritual gifts (1 Cor 7:7)
•   He directs us through our common sense (Proverbs 16:9)
•   He directs us through fasting (Ezra 8:21)

(part 2 will be shared at next week’s church bulletin)


13 Feb 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

I remember growing up as a young Christian teenager, we often sang this beautiful hymn “Count Your Blessings” at church services. Let me share the first stanza.

When upon life’s billows, you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, Name them one by one, And it will surprise you, What the Lord hath done.
Count your blessings, Name them one by one. Count your blessings, See what God hath done.
Count your blessings, Name them one by one. Count your many blessings, See what God hath done.

This hymn was written in 1897 by prolific hymn-writer Johnson Oatman Junior, in partnership with well-known gospel music composer E.O. Excell. It has become a classic over the past 125 years and generally considered to be Oatman’s finest hymn. This hymn has encouraged millions of Christians all over the world to count their blessings and be surprised by all that God had done for them, especially in the midst of difficulties and struggles in life. Someone had reflected that this hymn is “like a beam of sunlight, it has brightened up the dark places of the earth.” During the great revival in Wales (1904-05), “Count Your Blessings” was sung at every service, along with Welsh favourites such as “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” and “O That Will be Glory”.

During these challenging times, may we take time to reflect on God’s bountiful blessings in our life. Even as some of us may be going through painful struggles and difficulties in life, may you experience God’s spiritual blessings of His love, joy and peace in your hearts. May you lean on Abba Father closely for his sufficient grace and empowering strength day by day.

May our hearts be filled with gratitude to God for all his gracious blessings, like king David in Psalm 103:1-5: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Pastor John

06 Feb 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

Whether it is New Year’s Day (1 January) on the Gregorian calendar or the first day of the Chinese Lunar calendar, there is always much joy and celebration all around.

Why is the celebration of the New Year so important?  Some possible reasons include:

  • Relief to have “survived” the previous year with its difficulties and heartbreaks and emerging a stronger, better person.
  • Gratitude for wonderful memories and happy times with family and friends.
  • Hope for improvements in our life and circumstances and growing in maturity.
  • Opportunity for a fresh start, eg. spiritual walk, educational progress, family adjustments, etc.

In our Anglican church experience and biblical teaching, this issue of celebrating something new spiritually has been embedded in our prayer tradition. Let me share some examples.

  1. At our Baptism, we rejoice that “we are raised with Christ to new life in the Spirit”.
  2. At our Confirmation, we thank God that He has “given your servants new birth in baptism by water and the Spirit”.
  3. When we confess our sins to seek God’s forgiveness, we ask God to “grant that we may serve you in newness of life”.
  4. During Holy Communion, we pray: “may we who share Christ’s Body live his risen life”.
  5. On Ash Wednesday, we plead with God to “create and make in us new and contrite hearts”.
  6. In Pentecost season, we ask God to “deliver us from the death of sin and raise us to new life in your love”.

May our lives be renewed and strengthened in the power of the Holy Spirit day by day to the glory of God.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Pastor John

30 Jan 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

This coming Lunar New Year festivities may be subdued understandably because of continual Covid-19 restrictions and concerns. Where there are opportunities to meet up with family relatives, good friends and friendly neighbours, let us pray for a meaningful and joyous time together.

As you enjoy the delicious food and friendly conversations, may the Lord bless and guide you in his love and grace to bear a good testimony for Jesus and reflect the glory of God in your life.

  1. RESPECT – Always be ready to give due honour and respect to our family elders and appreciate them for being such a blessing in our lives.
  2. UNDERSTAND  – Take time to hear the life stories of family and friends and understand their hopes, fears and struggles during such challenging times.
  3. CARE  – May the Lord grant you a sensitive heart to discern the needs of your family, friends and neighbours, so that you can minister, show care and help them.
  4. PRAY – As you share in conversation together, commit your family and friends to the Lord prayerfully in your heart for God’s grace of salvation.

The harvest field need not be just about crossing the seas to a foreign land. But it is seeing the cross at the places and among the people where God has positioned you.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”   John 3:16

Pastor John

23 Jan 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

The psalm writer wrote in Psalm 130– “Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! O Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy! If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning. O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption. And he will redeem Israel from all his iniquities.”

Psalm 130 formed part of the Songs of Ascent, which was a collection of 15 psalms (120 to 134) traditionally sung by Hebrew pilgrims as they ascended the mountainous roads up to Jerusalem city to attend the annual Jewish festivals at the Temple. The theme of Psalm 130 was to encourage the people of God to place their hope in Yahweh’s forgiving love. Israel, God’s chosen people, had been disobedient to Yahweh’s commandments. In His mercy and compassion, Yahweh forgave the sins of Israel when they truly repented. Indeed, the steadfast love of the Lord endures forever and He will restore mercifully and redeem plentifully His beloved people.

Let us remember in prayer for the salvation of the millions of modern Jews in Israel and all around the world in this 21st century. God’s steadfast love remains for the people of God (please read Romans chapter 11 for scriptural insights on this issue). The gospel of Jesus Christ must be proclaimed to the Jews, so that many can hear and come to salvation faith in the Messiah Jesus.

Let us place our hope in Abba Father’s forgiving love. Whatever difficulties or struggles that you may be facing in your personal situation or that of your family members, do not lost heart and do not be discouraged. Take heart, receive God’s steadfast love, seek refuge in the Lord and be strengthened in your soul in the power of the Holy Spirit. Meditate on this regularly: “Hope in the Lord!  For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption”.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”  Romans 15:13

Pastor John

16 Jan 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

One of the greatest joys as a disciple of Jesus is to belong to the koinonia community of believers in the Body of Christ.

Jesus commanded his disciples to love one another. As we do so obediently, it will bear a powerful testimony to a watching world. “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35). This is our family trademark, as explained in this devotional article by Revd Bill Crowder, a Bible teacher with Our Daily Bread Ministries.

The Aran Islands, off the west coast of Ireland, are known for their beautiful sweaters. Patterns are woven into the fabric using sheep’s wool to craft the garments. Many of them relate to the culture and folklore of these small islands, but some are more personal. Each family on the islands has its own trademark pattern, which is so distinctive that if a fisherman were to drown, it is said that he could be identified simply by examining his sweater for the family trademark.

In John’s first letter, the apostle describes things that are to be trademarks of those who are members of God’s family. In 1 John 3:1, John affirms that we are indeed part of God’s family by saying, “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” He then describes the trademarks of those who are the children of God, including, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God” (1 John 4:7).

Because “love is of God,” the chief way to reflect the heart of the Father is by displaying the love that characterizes Him. May we allow His love to reach out to others through us — for love is one of our family trademarks.  (Revd Bill Crowder, ODB Ministries)

May our community at St John’s Chapel be marked joyfully by our Christlike love for one another.

We love because He first loved us.”   1 John 4:19

Pastor John

09 Jan 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

On New Year’s Eve, a dear brother in our church sent me a hymn entitled “God will take care of you”. The Lord used this song to encourage my heart wonderfully. It is sung beautifully to orchestra music by a group of young people. You can hear the song at this weblink

This hymn was written and composed in 1905 by a Baptist evangelist Rev Walter Martin and his wife Civilla, when they were guests at a Bible school in New York. On a Sunday morning when Rev Walter was about to leave for church service as the guest speaker, his wife was suddenly taken ill, making it impossible for her to accompany her husband. Rev Walter seriously considered cancelling his speaking assignment as it would require him to be away for quite some time. At that moment, their young son said, “Father, don’t you think that if God wants you to preach today, He will take care of Mother while you are away?” Having been inspired by her son’s words, Civilla wrote the words of this hymn on that very afternoon. When Rev Walter returned, he went to the organ immediately and composed the music.

I can resonate personally with the circumstances which led to the composition of this hymn. During my regular overseas travels when previously serving as the Dean of Vietnam, it was often difficult emotionally to be away from my wife and young children. God is gracious and good. He always assures my heart that He will take care of them, often through the care and love of the church family and close friends. Thanks be to God.

As I carry various pastoral burdens in my heart concerning our St John’s Chapel family, I am reminded that God will take care of you.

As you cry out to God for your family and friends in their various difficult situations, remember this: God will take care of them.

As you enter the New Year 2022 facing various challenges, struggles and pain, remember this: God will take care of you.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”  1 Peter 5:6-7


Pastor John

02 Jan 2022

Dear beloved family in Christ

We thank the Lord for his bountiful grace and faithful help for the year that is past. Let us keep on looking to Abba Father for the year ahead. At this Covenant service today, may we turn to God in reverence and submission as we renew our hearts and minds in the Lord.

The Christian life to which we are called, is a life to be lived in our Lord Jesus Christ. We are redeemed from sin by Him, and through Him we are consecrated to God. We have entered into this life through our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Mediator of the New Covenant sealed by His own blood. Therefore, let us give thanks to God.

With willing hearts, let us respond to our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Let us take the yoke of Christ upon us: Christ has many services to be done; some are easy, others are difficult; some bring honour, others bring reproach; some are suitable to our natural inclinations and personal interests, others are contrary to both. In some we may please Christ and please ourselves; in others we cannot please Christ except by denying ourselves.

Yet the power to do all these things is given to us in Christ, who strengthen us. Therefore let us give ourselves anew to Him, trusting in His promise and relying on His grace.

The Invitation for God’s people to respond to the Lord:

Lord God, Heavenly Father, thank you that through the blood of your Son Jesus Christ, You have called us to this gracious Covenant. Help us as we respond to that call. We take upon ourselves with joy, the yoke of obedience and love for you. We give ourselves to seek and do Your perfect will. We are no longer our own but Yours.

Lord, put me to whatever task You will; rank me with whom you will. Let me be empty, let me be full. Let me have nothing, let me have all things. I freely embrace my place in Your Kingdom. Today, we renew our community covenant and personal covenant with You; that we will love and serve You with all of our heart, our mind, our soul and our strength.

Eternal Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You are our Covenant-God. We, through Your infinite grace, are your children and servants. May this covenant renewed with You bring honour & glory to you, Lord God Almighty. Amen.

Pastor John

19 Dec 2021

Dear family in Christ

We thank the Lord for his grace and help as we experience another challenging year in the midst of the worldwide Covid-19 situation.

For some brothers and sisters in our church community, this year has been filled with painful struggles and sorrowful circumstances. May you find continual deep comfort and inner peace in the Lord and be strengthened by the sufficient grace of God.

As we come near the end of this year 2021, may our hearts be joyful in praising the Lord for who He is and be filled with gratitude to God for all His blessings in our life. May we sing like the grateful psalmist, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!” (Psalm 103:1).

As we reflect on the issues and circumstances in our life, let us give thanks to God and “forget not all his benefits”. May we be grateful to Abba Father for His loving forgiveness, merciful healing, gracious redemption, steadfast love, faithful goodness and life renewal in the power of the Holy Spirit (Psalm 103:2-5).

May I encourage us to spend time in quiet reflection in the Lord as we prepare to end the year.

  • How am I coping emotionally and mentally during this pandemic?
  • How have I grown spiritually in Christlikeness and loving God more deeply?
  • In what ways have I learnt to trust God more in the circumstances of my life?
  • What direction in life is the Lord leading me as I seek His guidance?
  • What has the Lord spoken to me through His Word and His Spirit this year?
  • In what ways have I been involved in the harvest work of His eternal kingdom?
  • How have I glorified God in the trials and circumstances of my life?

Only one life, ’twill soon be past; Only what’s done for Christ will last.”  C.T. Studd

Pastor John

12 Dec 2021

Dear family in Christ

The season of Christmas is always a wonderful opportune time to share the good news of great joy that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born 2000 years ago in Bethlehem (Israel) to be the Saviour of the world.

These past two years have been difficult, challenging and filled with anxieties for many people because of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, many are searching for purpose and meaning in life, and also seeking for a present and future hope that is certain and secure.

Let us join our hearts to pray for the salvation of family, friends and guests at the various outreach programs at St John’s Chapel during this Christmas season.

  1. “Christmas Musical Adventure” for children aged 4 to 12 on Sunday, 12 December, 1.00 pm. Pray for the children and their friends to understand the true meaning of Christmas.
  2. “Reheat Your Bao” is a combined Youth and Young Adult event on 18-19 December. Pray for a fruitful outreach to new friends and also good community bonding time for all.
  3. “The King has Come” Christmas Day service on 25 December (9.00 am, English). Pray that the choir song presentation and the message by Rev Joshua Sudharman will minister deeply to the hearts of visitor friends and God’s people.
  4. “Completely Perfect and Beautiful” Christmas evangelistic service on 25 December (11.15 am, Mandarin) with guest evangelist Rev Elvis Yong. Pray for a fruitful program and the work of the Holy Spirit in touching many lives with the love of God.
  5. “Home For Christmas: The Gift”: ‘Celebrate Christmas in Singapore’ (CCIS) performances will be livestreamed into many homes and digitally across the world through YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Pls encourage your family and friends to tune in to CCIS Christmas performances (English and Mandarin). Details available at

And the angel said to (the shepherds), “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.”  Luke 2:10-11

Pastor John

05 Dec 2021

Dear family in Christ

In his series of sermons for Missions month, bishop Kuan taught us that in Luke 18, Jesus told a parable “to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart” (18:1). Jesus then ended his parable with an important question to his disciples: “…when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (18:8b).

As we await eagerly for the Second Advent in the second coming and return of the King Jesus Christ, what is our personal and collective response to this key question from Jesus? When Jesus returns, will He find us a faithful and faith-filled people who are persevering in prayer fervently for the salvation of every people group in the world?

Three years ago, I had introduced the “Operation World Prayer Guide” to our church community in praying for every nation of the world. This informative and practical prayer guide helps us to see God at work in every nation in gospel proclamation and church planting. At the recent Missions month, we were strongly encouraged to use this prayer guide in our daily prayers.

There is a free app of “Operation World Prayer Guide” available for download on your mobile phone (or tablet or laptop) via this weblink   Upon downloading this app, you will receive information each day to pray for a specific country with all its various people groups and prayer needs. For example, on 25 October every year, we pray for Singapore. Currently, this app is only available in English. There is a printed book version of Operation World Prayer Guide in English and also in Mandarin. Pls speak with the church staff for assistance if you would like to buy a copy.

May we grow in our prayer life and may the Lord open our eyes, heart and hands to his sovereign purposes as we pray for the nations.

Pastor John

28 Nov 2021

Dear family in Christ

Today is the first Sunday in Advent, the liturgical season focusing on the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ. It is a season of spiritual reflection, marked by times of quiet meditation upon God’s Word and also deep conversations with Abba Father in prayer.

Advent is an opportune time to involve our children in devotion activities at home that directly connects with the worship of God in church. I encourage all parents to use the Advent-Christmas Devotional Guide to teach and transmit the Christian faith to your children by involving them in reading the Scriptures, lighting the Advent wreath candles and times of interaction and prayer. This Advent devotional was distributed to church members in recent years. If you need a soft copy, pls email to request for it.

There is a double focus in Advent. Firstly, it is the joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus the Messiah in his First Advent 2000 years ago. We celebrate the revelation of God’s redeeming love in Jesus Christ in his First Advent for the purpose of reconciling our fallen sinful world to God the Father. Secondly, it is the anticipation of Jesus’ impending return as King in his Second Advent. Having known God as Abba Father and walking in obedience with Him daily, we now look forward eagerly to the Second Advent, where Christ the King will come in power to judge and rule the world.

As we live in between the two Advents, we are called to live godly and holy lives. We are to be faithful stewards of the gospel entrusted to us as God’s people. In our spiritual journey as committed disciples of Jesus Christ, we have an important responsibility to live a life that brings glory to God and to share about Jesus Christ through the gospel message and our loving deeds.

To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.”   Revelation 1:5b-7

Pastor John

21 Nov 2021

Dear family in Christ

In line with our 2021 Missions month theme “Missio Dei – Ours also?”, I have selected a theme song entitled “So send I you”. This hymn has been called the greatest missionary hymn of the twentieth century.

This hymn was written by a Canadian school teacher Ms Margaret Clarkson in 1938 upon her scriptural reflection of John 20:21 “… as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” I have appended the historical background of this hymn below. May it bring encouragement and inspiration to your heart.

For those whom God is calling into the mission harvest field overseas, may you continue to discern God’s leading and calling in your life.

For all of us, may we respond to the Lord like Margaret Clarkson, “This is my mission field, and this is where He had sent me.”

Pastor John

This hymn, “So Send I You”, has been called the greatest missionary hymn of the twentieth century. The hymn has been labelled by many evangelical leaders as the finest missionary hymn of the twentieth century. It was first published in 1954, after having been written sixteen years earlier by a Canadian school teacher, Margaret Clarkson.

Margaret Clarkson, who was born in 1915, was a teacher in a gold-mining camp in northern Ontario, Canada. It was a lonely life for this woman, but she also knew that this is where God wanted her to serve Him. She had a great desire to be a missionary on a foreign field, but because of her health was unable to go. One day she was reading again the verse John 20:21, “Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” While meditating on this verse she wrote the words to a hymn that has become a favourite during missionary conferences, “So Send I You.”

In 1935, teaching jobs were so scarce that I had to take my first job as a teacher in a lumber camp some 1400 miles from home, out in the Rainy River District of northwestern Ontario. From there I moved to the gold mining camp of Kirkland Lake, 450 miles north of Toronto. In all, I spent seven years in the north. I experienced loneliness of every kind; mental, cultural, but particularly spiritual, for in all of those seven years I never found real Christian fellowship – churches were modern and born-again Christians almost non-existent.

I was studying the Word one night and meditating on the loneliness of my situation and came in my reading to John 20, and the words ‘So send I you’. Because of a physical disability I knew that I could never go to the mission field, but God seemed to tell me that night that this was my mission field, and this was where He had sent me. I was then twenty-three, in my third year of teaching. I had written and published verse all of my life, so it was natural to put my thoughts into verse.”

( Source credit:  )


14 Nov 2021

Dear family in Christ

This weekend is our Diocesan Missions Sunday, where we remember and pray for the 6 deaneries which God has entrusted to our diocese in the proclamation of the gospel and church planting work.

Attached to this e-bulletin is the Diocesan Mission Annual Report 2021, where you can read each deanery’s organisation & staff profile, financial needs, infrastructural projects and prayer requests.

Value your prayers for the 6 deans: Revd Steven Seah (Cambodia), Revd Dr Timothy Chong (Indonesia), Revd Ian Hadfield (Laos), Canon Steven Asirvatham (Nepal), Canon Yee Ching Wah (Thailand) and Revd Jonathan Wong (Vietnam). Pray for them as they lead their respective Deanery Council, Field council and Field team of pastors with clear vision, effective strategy and systematic development plan, so as to establish a community of witnesses for Christ and towards the formation of a future diocese rooted in the Anglican heritage. Pray for their personal well-being and their family as they attend to the work in the field or from the base in Singapore.

Let us pray for the Lord to supply the resources needed for these growing deaneries and to call out more labourers (committed missionaries and indigenous clergy & staff) into the harvest field. Pls pray for the indigenous churches to grow in spiritual maturity to reflect the glory of God and for the formation of good biblical foundations and Spirit-filled communities of committed disciples of Jesus.

I encourage the people of God to give generously and sacrificially towards the gospel work in the deaneries. You may send your gift by cash, cheque or bank transfer to the account of St John’s Chapel. Pls indicate clearly on the envelope or in the banking details that your gift is designated for the deaneries.

And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”   Matthew 24:14

Pastor John

07 Nov 2021

Dear family in Christ

This is a milestone weekend in the life of the Diocese of Singapore.

On Sunday 7 November, we will witness the Institution of Rev Canon Daniel Wee as the next Archdeacon of Singapore. Canon Daniel is currently the Vicar of Church of Our Saviour. Value your prayers for God’s grace and wisdom as he serves in this additional appointment as the Archdeacon, coming alongside diocesan Bishop Titus in caring for the clergy and looking after the parishes.

Let us give thanks to God for his grace and strength upon bishop Low Jee King, who had served faithfully as the incumbent Archdeacon of Singapore for many years.

At the same church service, we will also witness the ordination of four deacons to the priesthood and one pastor who will be made a deacon. Praise and thanks be to God for calling these servants of God into the shepherding ministry and the proclamation of the gospel. It is important and timely for these 5 brothers to be added to the diocese clergy team because within the next 5 to 10 years, there is a significant number of clergy who will reach compulsory retirement, myself being one of them.

Value your prayers that in the next few years, God will continue to raise up more godly servants and under-shepherds to serve God’s purposes in the work of his eternal kingdom.

All are invited to participate in the church service via live-streaming at this link:

Pastor John

31 Oct 2021

Dear family in Christ

I was browsing a copy of the Vietnamese-English devotional by Our Daily Bread Ministries this week and came across this encouraging devotional written by Ms Marion Stroud.

I pray that the love, peace and grace of God will minister to your heart during such challenging times, even as some of you face struggles in some situations in your life and that of your family.

Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.”    Psalm 33:20-22

Pastor John

Waiting is hard at any time; but when days, weeks, or even months pass and our prayers seem to go unanswered, it is easy to feel God has forgotten us. Perhaps we can struggle through the day with its distractions, but at night it is doubly difficult to deal with our anxious thoughts. Worries loom large, and the dark hours seem endless. Utter weariness makes it look impossible to face the new day.

The psalmist grew weary as he waited (Psalm 13:1). He felt abandoned — as if his enemies were gaining the upper hand (v2). When we are waiting for God to resolve a difficult situation or to answer often-repeated prayers, it’s easy to get discouraged.

Satan whispers that God has forgotten us, and that things will never change. We may be tempted to give in to despair. Why bother to read the Bible or to pray? Why make the effort to worship with fellow believers in Christ? But we need our spiritual lifelines most when we are waiting. They help to hold us steady in the flow of God’s love and to become sensitive to His Spirit.

The psalmist had a remedy (Psalm 13:5-6). He focused on all that he knew of God’s love, reminding himself of past blessings and deliberately praising God, who would not forget him. So can we.

For Reflection and Prayer:

Lover of my soul, who draws close in the darkest and longest night,
please keep me trusting You, talking to You, and leaning on Your promises.

God is worth waiting for; His time is always best.


24 Oct 2021

Dear family in Christ

As we see the gracious salvation plan in the missional heart of God, may we be a missional church of Spirit-filled committed disciples of Jesus Christ, always ready to take the gospel to the nations.

Let me share a few matters relating to Missions for your prayer and participation.

1. Missions month in November

In November, we will have our annual missions focus month. We are glad to have bishop Kuan Kim Seng to preach on the theme Missio Dei (mission of God) on 3 weekends of 14, 21 and 28 November at both Saturday and Sunday English services. The Mandarin congregation has also invited three guest preachers to share on the theme of missions.

2. Gan Family Chiang Mai Missions

Value all your prayers for Gerry and Yahui as they serve the Lord faithfully at Chiang Mai. Do call them, drop them a text or email them a note of encouragement. Pls see attached October prayer newsletter for your info and prayer.

3. Diocesan Missions Evening 2021

During this period of pandemic, it has been difficult for us to travel to serve in the Deaneries. Hence, Missions Board is bringing the Deaneries to you. Diocesan Missions Evening 2021 is the place

where all 6 Deaneries are gathered to share updates from the ground and also their needs for corporate prayer. We will hear encouraging stories during the breakout sessions. It will be held online on 11 November, Thursday 7.30pm via ZOOM. Registration is required using the QR code in the attached flyer, or at weblink

4. “Home” – Cultural show for Chinese New Immigrants

The Diocesan Chinese Board is presenting an online cultural show which will depict how new immigrants feel about finding a home in Singapore and the church. “Home” is a skit that will include dance and songs. It will be screened online on 4 November (Thursday) at 7.30pm. We will inform of the video link when it is available. We encourage you to set aside some time to learn about the life of new Chinese immigrants in Singapore. If you have new immigrant friends, pls invite them to watch this together!

The Lord is not slow to fulfil his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

Pastor John

17 Oct 2021

Dear family in Christ

In our Singapore Anglican diocese, we have many platforms and opportunities in the medical, nursing, elderly and community services to show the love of God and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This year, St Andrew’s Mission Hospital (SAMH) will be celebrating her 108th Anniversary on St Luke’s Day on 18 October 2021. Singapore Anglican Community Services (SACS) will also be included in this commemoration.

Let us remember SAMH/SACS in our prayers as the staff and volunteers persevere in their service of faith, hope and love to their patients, residents, clients and students.

During this Covid-19 pandemic, Covid cases among the residents and staff in residential care homes has been rising across Singapore. Quite a number of our Anglican nursing homes, psychiatric rehabilitation homes, crisis shelter and day care centres have been affected.

Value your prayers for those in the SAMH/SACS Centres who are affected in various ways. Archdeacon Wong Tak Meng has provided the following prayer items.

  1. COVID cases (residents and staff): Healing and recovery, God’s grace and peace.
  2. Other Residents: Continue to be well as they receive holistic care from staff and chaplains, against isolation, anxiety and infections.
  3. Family members: More tolerance with MOH Advisory and our staff.
  4. Frontline care staff: Skill, strength and stamina, managing anxiety and stress. Protection from infection outside.
  5. Human Resource Dept: Easing of restrictions on new foreign staff to address manpower shortage and extra workload.
  6. Chaplains: Non-anxious presence, empathy and prayerful strength to support residents, staff and leadership.
  7. Centre Leadership: Peaceable wisdom, strength and compassion to manage outbreak with good decisions and teamwork.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16

Pastor John

10 Oct 2021

Dear family in Christ

Many countries in the world celebrate Children’s Day, a time we remember the worth, significance and dignity of children. In Singapore, it is celebrated on the first or second Friday of October when many happy children enjoy a school holiday, often having their parents bring them out for a special outing to fun places.

Children are God’s treasured creation and a great joy to all in God’s family. Our Lord Jesus Christ told his disciples, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” (Luke 18:16). Children are lovingly welcome in the kingdom of God because of God’s steadfast love and their child-like faith in God.

Let us pray unceasingly for the children in the many households of faith at St John’s Chapel. May God’s Word take root deeply in the hearts of the children and light their path in life’s journey. May they grow into God-fearing godly men and women of God who love Abba Father deeply, walk with Jesus closely and serve the Lord faithfully all the days of their life.

A special word of appreciation to all our teachers and helpers teaching God’s Word at our Children’s ministry. Thank you for your faithful labour, loving concern and whole-hearted commitment in communicating God’s Word and showering God’s love upon these precious lives.

Let us pray unwaveringly for the children to whom our church is reaching with the gospel through the various outreach ministries. May they experience the love and grace of God deeply in their hearts and come to salvation faith in Jesus Christ, and also their parents and families.

Heartfelt thanks to all the staff and church volunteers serving faithfully at the school chaplaincy, 64th BB, 31st GB, 52J BB, 52nd GB, 59J BB and 59th GB. Thanks be to God for your dedication, commitment, counsel, help and love for the children and youths under your care and guidance.

(The Lord) established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.” Psalm 78:5-7

Pastor John

03 Oct 2021

Dear family in Christ

Have you ever wondered how our fellow Christian brothers and sisters around the world are coping with the Covid-19 pandemic?

May I encourage you to read some Covid-related stories from this website

This website is hosted by YMI, a resource and outreach department of Our Daily Bread Ministries.

These short stories, testimonies and articles were written by Christians residing in Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, USA and China. The writers wrote their reflections upon experiencing how the Covid-19 pandemic had impacted their lives in their respective countries.

Here are some story titles:

  • How to Beat That Languishing Feeling
  • God’s Unexpected Plan for My Family Through COVID-19
  • 3 Uplifting things to do while Waiting for restrictions to lift
  • 3 Ways To Share Jesus in a Post-COVID World
  • 4 Tips To Survive A Second Lockdown
  • Losing Patience with Covid-19?
  • To My Pre-Covid-19 Self, From 2020 Me
  • 3 Ways to Live by Faith Amidst Covid-19
  • When Covid-19 Disrupted My Travels Plans
  • How Psalm 121 Speaks to Covid-19
  • 3 Ways To Combat Cabin Fever
  • Coronavirus Pandemic: I’m Afraid, and I Don’t Even Know Why
  • Covid-19: One Month Later, I’m Still Trapped at Home
  • Coronavirus Outbreak: In My Panic-Buying, I Bagged More Than Rice
  • Coronavirus Outbreak: Would You Be Selfish or Selfless?

I pray that the Lord will use these reflective stories and testimonies to encourage, comfort and strengthen your heart during such challenging times.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear …”    Psalm 46:1-2

Pastor John

26 Sep 2021

Dear family in Christ

The new congregation plant, Caleb Fellowship, was launched on Saturday, 25 September 2021 (4.00 pm) at YMCA Orchard Road. All thanks and praise be to God.

The Lord has given Rev George & Mrs Eunice Tay a burden to reach out to those 60 years old and above who have yet to experience the love of Christ. Bishop Titus Chung has given his approval to Rev George to start this new church plant and also for St John’s Chapel to provide the ecclesiastical covering for Caleb Fellowship.

Please see below write-up by Rev George on the background thinking for this new church plant.

“Traditionally, senior citizens in Singapore who are 60 years old and above are predominantly Chinese-speaking. However, the demographic pattern has changed and currently most of the senior citizens are now English-speaking.  Out of a population of about 5.6 million, roughly 20% are 60 years old & above. This works out to about 1.12 million senior citizens in Singapore, the majority by far may have yet to experience the love of Christ in their lives. It is understandable that senior citizens would be more responsive towards those of their own generation than that of their children. It takes a senior citizen to better relate to a fellow senior citizen.

The average length of life for Singaporeans is currently around 83 years  for men and around 87 years for women. About 50% of Singaporeans will live up to their eighties and around 25% will live up to their nineties. There are currently about 1,500 centenarians in Singapore. The challenge for senior citizens would be to have reasonable quality of health and meaningful interests and activities, that would give them a fulfilling purpose in life.  However, even a healthy lifestyle would not be a guarantee for anyone to be free of major illnesses, such as cancer, stroke, heart attack, covid-19, etc.

Hence, there is a sense of urgency for senior citizens to experience the love of Christ, so that the remaining years of their lives would be meaningful and fulfilling.”

If you would like to find out more about Caleb Fellowship, please be welcomed to speak with the Vicar or Rev George. Let us remember Rev George & Mrs Eunice Tay and Caleb Fellowship in our prayers regularly.

Pastor John

19 Sep 2021

Dear family in Christ

Recently, my wife introduced me to a YouTube audio of instrumental music playing hymns on the Chinese Zither (also known as the guzheng). It is a plucked string instrument of 16 or 21 strings with more than 2,500 years of history in China. It was so calming, refreshing and soothing to hear familiar English hymns played so beautifully on the Chinese guzheng. You may like to listen to them by accessing this weblink

Music and singing are God’s wonderful gifts to mankind. I find them a blessing in 3 ways:

  1. Praise of God

Music occupied an important place in the life of ancient Israel, especially in their worship  of God. The psalmist declared in Psalm 95:2  “Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!”  Through music and song, let us habitually give thanks to God and sing praises to his wonderful name, for his steadfast love and his gracious faithfulness.

  1. Peace of God

In joyous times and especially during sad times, let us allow God to minister to our hearts through music and song. As we do so, may we experience the peace of God and the love of God in a meaningful way. Through the well-composed music and well-written lyrics, the Spirit of God can use them to minister deeply to our soul as we find rest and comfort in the grace and mercy of God, who is our Refuge and our Strength.

  1. Presence of God

Through the refreshing sounds of music, we can reflect thoughtfully and rest lovingly in the presence of God. In his presence, there is fullness of joy. Oftentimes, during the singing of praises at the church services, I experienced God’s presence deeply in my heart and in my spirit. I pray the same for you too, both in your personal time with the Lord and also together with the people of God.

It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night to the music of the lute and the harp, to the melody of the lyre. For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy.”  Psalm 92:1-4 

Pastor John

12 Sep 2021

Dear family in Christ

I share a few announcements for your information and prayer.

  1. Launch of Caleb Fellowship wef 25 September 2021

The Lord has given Rev George & Mrs Eunice Tay a burden to reach out to those 60 years old & above who have yet to experience the love of Christ, via a new church plant named “Caleb Fellowship”. Bishop Titus Chung has given his approval to Rev George to start this new church plant and for St John’s Chapel to provide ecclesiastical covering for Caleb Fellowship. The launch date will be on Saturday 25 September 2021 at 4.00 pm at YMCA Orchard Road. Value all our prayers that as the gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed faithfully, many will believe in Jesus and come into His eternal kingdom by the grace and mercy of God.

  1. Diocese Education Sunday

We thank God for many gospel opportunities in Education Missions. The diocese Education Board oversees 31 schools and preschools with a total enrolment of 15,000 students. COVID has presented many challenges to staff and students, as well as parents, but we acknowledge God’s grace and mercy as He continues to sustain us. Value your prayers for our church chaplaincy team (Rev John, Florence Hou, Loon Fu Mun, Yeo Yun Jing, Shirleen Yap, Sasha Michael) as they minister the gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of God in outreach and pastoral care to the students and staff of St Margaret’s Secondary school.

  1. Auxiliary chaplaincy staff, Ms Sasha Michael

I have been praying for God to provide personnel to strengthen our chaplaincy team. By God’s gracious provision, Ms Sasha Michael has agreed to serve as an auxiliary staff, solely focusing on school chaplaincy ministry for three full weekdays per week during the MOE school terms. Sasha is a lay member of St Andrew’s Cathedral, serving as a Lay Reader and Praise team leader & musician. We welcome her to our chaplaincy team.

  1. Tributer, Ms Ny Jiyin

We welcome new Tributer Ms Ng Jiyin as she comes on the Tribute program from 7 September to 31 December 2021. She will serve in the following ministries: Chaplaincy, Children, Young Adults, Pastoral care and 31st Girls Brigade (SMSS). Ds Lena will provide pastoral leadership and guidance for Jiyin’s spiritual growth and ministry service.

For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:12-13

Pastor John

05 Sep 2021

Dear family in Christ

I am very encouraged to see more of God’s people attending onsite church services in recent months. With the children ministry resuming two weeks ago, we are having an over-capacity situation where the current limit of 50 attendees has resulted in church members unable to secure tickets for 1 John Saturday 4.30 pm service.

Hence, my staff team and I have decided to increase the capacity for Saturday service from 50 to 100 attendees (or 150 with overflow at Patmos Hall), wef 18 September.

With effect from 18 September 2021, entry for Saturday service will only be allowed for those who are “vaccinated” in accordance with government MCCY requirements and guidelines.

An individual is considered “vaccinated” if he/she has: 

(a) been fully vaccinated, i.e. has received the full regimen of Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnatry, Moderna or WHO EUL vaccines, with an additional two weeks for the vaccine to be fully effective,


(b) recovered from COVID-19,


(c) obtained a negative Pre-Event Test (PET) taken in the past 24 hours before the expected end of the service. For Saturday service, pls do your PET not earlier than Friday 6.00 pm. For the PET, only the ART or PCR test result done at an approved medical clinic is valid. Pls note that DIY swab test result cannot be accepted. Pls refer to this MOH website for more details on PET

Members who attend Saturday service must bring their TraceTogether, either the physical token or the electronic app in your phone. This is needed for our duty staff team to do the screening process to check for “vaccinated” status before allowing entry into the church. You may consider keeping the MOH Covid-19 vaccination card in your wallet to show the church staff, just in case there is a problem with your TraceTogether.

The Sunday 9.00 am service capacity will remain at 50 attendees, with no requirement to check for “vaccinated” status. This will allow those who are unvaccinated yet for various reasons, to be able to attend onsite church services.

Grateful thanks to all for your understanding, help and cooperation in all the necessary Safe Management Measures as instructed by the government to keep all churches a health-safe place for everyone.

The Lord watch over you and your family with his grace and love.

Pastor John

29 Aug 2021

Dear family in Christ

We thank the Lord for our church missionaries, called by God to bring the gospel of Jesus our Messiah to various ethnic people groups. Pls remember them regularly in prayer, give them a call, write an email or send a card to encourage them in their ministry.

  1. Gerry & Ya Hui Gan – Praise God for their continual good work of education missions and church planting at ChiangMai under the deanery of Thailand. Grateful thanks for God’s gracious provision of the Covid-19 vaccine miraculously made available for Gerry and Ya Hui at Bangkok last week. Pls pray for God’s grace and strength as they persevere on in their missional ministry among the Thai people.
  2. Ian & Alison Gosling – They have been serving faithfully and strategically under a foreign missions agency. Ian provides significant IT training and development for this agency’s mission outreach around the world. The Goslings are reaching out to displaced refugees with the love of God through practical help and educational training. Pls pray for their health as they serve the Lord’s purposes.
  3. Deborah Loh – She is reaching out to the Urban Poor at Bangkok under the missional work of Overseas Missionary Fellowship. Deborah will complete her current term of service with OMF on 31 December 2021. Pls pray for God’s protection and strength in her outreach to the Thai people and for God’s guidance in her future plan and direction.

In addition to the above overseas missionaries, our church is also financially supporting the following church members serving locally with parachurch organisations:

a. Wang Qiu Yue is reaching out to children in the Pre-Teens ministry of Singapore Youth For Christ (SYFC). She also serves at 59th Girls Brigade company at Greenridge Primary school.

b. Tan Xing Wei is serving with Youth Guidance Outreach Services (YGOS) doing outreach ministry with youths-at-risk.

c. Goh Boon Siong is serving with Youth Guidance Outreach Services providing leadership for the youth outreach teams.

Our church practises the two-envelope giving system. The first is the Tithing envelope. All tithes returned to the Lord go to the General Fund, which is used to pay staff salaries, church expenses, chaplaincy outreach, diocese quota and giving to parachurch organisations like SYFC, YGOS, Celebrate Christmas in Singapore, etc.  

The second is the Freewill giving envelope. This giving goes to the Mission Fund, which is used to support the above-mentioned overseas missionaries, Operation Mobilisation, Komering outreach, plus ad-hoc giving to diocese deanery work and other missional work as led by the Lord such as Ethiopia, Myanmar, etc.

As the Lord enables, may I encourage us to give cheerfully, generously and sacrificially for the work of God’s eternal kingdom.

Pastor John

22 Aug 2021

Dear family in Christ

Many of us have been gripped by recent developments at Afghanistan and were moved to prayer. I had received a well-written article and would like to share it with you for your fervent prayers.

Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name.” 1 Peter 4:16

Pastor John

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, in Afghanistan’

(17 August 2021)

I struggle to put these swirling thoughts into writing, but this I must do.

Today is one full day after the complete fall of Kabul, and thereby Afghanistan, to the Talibans. There are countless views expressed in both legacy and social media, ranging from disparaging remarks about the Americans to a deep sense of sorrow, sympathy and pain for the ordinary Afghans who now face an uncertain future. Video clips via social media showed thousands of desperate and frightened Afghans converging into the Hamid Karzai International Airport, adding to the many foreigners already there, trying to flee the country, will forever be seared into the mind.

My thoughts go to Messianic Afghans, virtually all of them recently minted followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. All of them, our brethren, will almost certainly face a hostile future, as the Talibans have demonstrated a clear hatred for anything Christian. From the numerous postings that I saw, many Afghan pastors or church leaders, have simply come to grips with what is facing them.

(The exact number of Messianic Afghans is of course unknown, with estimates ranging from 500 to 8000 – with many more who are living outside the country. There are no church buildings in Afghanistan.)

Under such circumstances, how do we pray?

Unpopular as the idea goes, we must accept suffering and persecution as part and parcel of the Christian life, especially so as a consequence of living out a God-honouring life, recalling the words of Paul in 3 Tim 3:12. An equally unpopular idea is to think of the Talibans as part of God’s divine plan for the salvation of the Afghans – with all their myriads of tribal groups and subgroups. Dare we think of God calling the Talibans as ‘my servants’ as he did so with Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 27:6 and 43:10)?

Without the fall of China to the communists in October 1949, the poster boy being Mao Tse-Tung, the hyper exponential growth of the Church in China over the past 70 years would not have happened! The same may be said about the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in April 1979, the poster boy being Ayatollah Khomeini. Today, the world’s fastest growing church is found in Iran, with an estimated annual growth of 19.6 percent! Both Mao Tse-Tung and Ayatollah Khomeini were vehemently anti-Christian, and yet, they were God’s servants in the unstoppable advance of the Kingdom of God.

We recall these blessed words of Jesus the Messiah, ‘… I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ (Matthew 16:18) as we pray:

“Abba Father, we thank You that you love the Afghans and that Your Son Jesus Christ died for their sins too; and that You desire that they should be reconciled back to You, God Almighty. We praise You that we will see Afghans in all their various tribes and sub-tribes around Your eternal throne.

We come to You to pray for our Afghan brothers and sisters in this present time of crisis and pain. We pray that in the midst of the political and social darkness that is descending upon the Afghans, the light of the Gospel of the Kingdom will shine forth even more brightly; that in the midst of hopelessness, the ‘blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ’ will sustain them. Deliver them, Lord God, from the evil one.

Father in heaven, may Your Kingdom come and Your will be done. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”


15 Aug 2021

Dear family in Christ

We rejoice with the 18 brothers and sisters in Christ who are confirmed today (8 at English congregation and 10 at Mandarin congregation). We give thanks to Abba Father for his bountiful grace and mercy in calling them to Himself as His beloved children and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

In the Anglican Church, the rite of Confirmation is significant for several reasons.

  1. It is for the strengthening of the believer for Christian life and witness and for ministry service, by the empowering of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands by the bishop.
  2. It is an opportunity for those who had been baptized as infants to confess their faith publicly and declare their baptismal vows personally.
  3. It is the receiving into full membership in a particular parish and a declaration of their discipleship commitment together with the church community at St John’s Chapel.

As we witness the Confirmation today, may we be strengthened in the following areas:
a. Community: We are a community together as the Body of Christ. Let us encourage one another, especially those in our Cell groups, to walk close to Jesus and to serve God faithfully in the work of His eternal kingdom.
b. Commitment: We have declared our baptismal vows to God at our baptism. Let us honour our vows to live a Christ-centred godly life and to trust in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
c. Communion: We have the communion of the Holy Spirit with us. Let us walk in step with the Spirit in obedience and faith and proclaim the gospel of Christ faithfully, even as we await eagerly for the Return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor John

08 Aug 2021

Dear family in Christ

On this National Day weekend, let us give thanks to God for his grace and mercy for our nation. Many years ago, our forefathers landed on the shores of Singapore and made this island their homeland. They laboured and grew their families. By the sovereign grace of God, many families and individuals heard the gospel and came to salvation faith in Jesus Christ.

May I encourage you to reflect on the lyrics of this meaningful song by retired Methodist bishop Robert Solomon, “From Many Shores”.

May we be grateful to the Lord and seek to fulfil God’s calling and purpose in and through our lives for his honour and glory.

Pastor John


1.  FROM MANY SHORES you gathered, Our fathers mothers all
And gave as home this island, So precious though so small
They toiled and built our nation, As You blessed them with grace
O God of our salvation, We seek Your holy face

Chorus:    Bless Singapore our home with peace, And make us a blessing,
                  To the nations near and far, We worship You our King,
                  May everyone know who You are!

2. We’re many tongues and colours, Teach us to live as one
Bless all our dreams and labours, In all Your will be done
Help us to honour cherish, All that is good and right
Let all Your people flourish, As we live in Your light

3. We pray for all our children, Our leaders workers too
That we would all be open, To trust Your word as true
Let righteousness and justice, Your mercy and Your love
Be found in home and office, As we each other serve

4. We know our strength is in You, Our future in Your hands
Our nation Lord come renew, Come heal and bless our land
Let every street and heartland, Echo the name of Christ
To every heart and home extend, Your love Your grace Your light

01 Aug 2021

Dear church family

In recent weeks, I have been experiencing physiological difficulties sleeping at night.

I was glad to come across a devotional reflection on Psalm 4.

May Abba Father and His Word minister to your heart and soul as you find rest and strength in the Lord day by day.

Pastor John


In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8

What keeps you awake at night? Lately I’ve been losing sleep, tossing and turning on my bed, trying to work out a solution to an issue. Eventually I begin fretting about not getting enough rest to handle the challenges of the next day!

Sound familiar? Troubled relationships, an uncertain future, whatever it is — we all give in to worry at one point or another.

King David was clearly in distress when he penned Psalm 4. People were ruining his reputation with groundless accusations (v2). And some were questioning his competency to rule (v6). David probably felt angry for being treated so unfairly. Surely he could have spent nights stewing about it. Yet we read these remarkable words: “In peace I will lie down and sleep” (v8).

Charles Spurgeon explains verse 8 beautifully: “In thus lying down, . . . [David] resigned himself into the hands of another; he did so completely, for in the absence of all care, he slept; there was here a perfect trust.” What inspired this trust? From the start, David was confident that God would answer his prayers (v3). And he was sure that since God had chosen to love him, He would lovingly meet his needs.

May God help us to rest in His power and presence when worries threaten. In His sovereign and loving arms, we can “lie down and sleep.”

written by Ms Chia Poh Fang, Our Daily Bread Ministries, 24 May 2018 ]


25 Jul 2021

Dear church family

During such painful and challenging times,
let our words be few and let our intercessory prayers be many.

Let us remember especially the young and the elderly in Singapore.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear …”   Psalm 46:1-2

Pastor John


18 Jul 2021

Dear church family

In Matthew 24:14, Jesus told his disciples that “this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”  To hasten the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, the gospel must be proclaimed to every people group in the world. Not many of us can go out into the mission field to be missionaries, but all of us can give financially and definitely, all can pray fervently.

For the past two years, I have been using an app that provides information prayer pointers from “Operation World” in my daily prayer for the nations. You can download this free app on your mobile phone via this weblink   Currently, this app is only available in English. There is a printed book version of “Operation World” in Mandarin. Pls speak with the church staff for assistance if you would like to buy a copy.

Let me give two examples from this week’s prayer focus.

IRAN   (14 July)

Massive numbers of Iranians have come to Jesus in recent years! From only 500 Muslim-background believers in 1979, many estimates suggest the number is even greater than 1 million just in Iran alone. Large numbers of Persian people have also encountered the risen Christ outside of Iran. The Church in Persia has not grown this fast since the 7th century. In Iran, a person can receive a death sentence for apostasy (abandoning religious faith). This growth is a remarkable move of the Holy Spirit, with many signs and wonders, dreams and visions.

IRAQ  (17 July)

The Christian community has lived an unbroken existence in Iraq since the 1st Century, but this legacy is at risk of disappearing. The majority are Assyrians and descendants of the Nestorian, or Ancient Church of the East, centred in Nineveh and Mosul. The Nestorian Church was one of the greatest missionary denominations of history, winning 6% of all of Asia’s population 1,000 years ago. Today, it is reduced through persecution, harassment and compromise to less than two million in the world. Christians in Iraq, the victims of sustained persecution and even genocide, are now only half of what they numbered in the 1990s. Most have fled persecution to Syria or Jordan, others to the West. Few are likely to ever return. Two-thirds of Baghdad’s churches are closed or destroyed. Pray for the preservation of Iraq’s biblical heritage, and for the restoration and rejuvenation of this most historic of Churches.

May the Lord open our eyes and heart as we pray for the nations, that God will continue to do His mighty work of grace and mercy, especially amongst the unreached peoples.

Pastor John

11 Jul 2021

Dear church family

On 16 June 2021, the Singapore government released the report on the Census of Population 2020. The report is accessible at the Department of Statistics’ website

Subsequently on 22 June, The Straits Times (ST) published an article written by Mathew Mathews and Melvin Tay entitled, ‘Fading Faith? Fathoming the future of Singapore’s religious landscape’. The article provided an analysis of religious trends in Singapore based on the Census report and covered a range of issues in the changing religious sentiments of Singaporeans in general and also trajectories in specific religious traditions.

Consequently, Dr Roland Chia, theologian professor at Trinity Theological College, wrote a response paper entitled “No Room for Complacency”, which is available on the website of Ethos Institute for Public Christianity,

Dr Chia shared his concerns on the analysis of the current religious trends that have direct or indirect bearing on Christianity and the churches in Singapore. He highlighted three issues raised by the ST article that he thought pastors, leaders, educators and parents should be concerned about and must give more attention to.

1. Spirituality without Religion

This issue has to do with the delinking of spirituality from organised religion, a trend that has been endemic in the West for several decades. The rejection of organised religion has resulted in privatised spiritualities. Dr Chia encouraged the Singapore churches to place emphasis on the importance of ecclesial and liturgical spirituality.

2. Digitalisation of Religion

Church services and meetings have gone online because of restrictions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. While it is beneficial practically, this digitalisation has exacerbated the drift away from organised religion and this can potentially lead to four critical issues. Firstly, Christian orthodoxy could be easily jeopardised. Secondly, religious or theological authority may be compromised. Thirdly, it encourages religious consumerism. Fourthly, it may lead to a DIY religion.

3. God of the Gaps

This issue is about how the emphasis on the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) disciplines in our Singapore education system has impacted and challenged the relevance of religion. The relationship between science and the Christian faith is an important but neglected topic in our churches. We need to help people to see and understand the relevance of the Christian faith in a world that is governed by science and technology.

May I encourage you to read Dr Chia’s response paper on your own. You may consider sharing your thoughts and having a discussion at your cell group meetings or friendship fellowship groups. Let us pray for God’s wisdom and grace for pastors, leaders and parents to guide God’s people during such challenging times.

Pastor John

04 Jul 2021

Dear church family

Youth Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of July in Singapore. In this complex post-modern age, the young generation faces many challenges in their growing years, such as the pressure of education, dysfunction of family, diversity of temptations, shifting of moral values, influence of social media, etc. Pastors, parents and educators are concerned for the rise in the number of youths and young adults struggling with mental illness, depression, pornography, gambling, materialism, work stress, etc.

As God’s people in community together, it is important to come alongside the youths and young adults in our church in their discipleship journey. Let me suggest some practical ways for our action and involvement.

  1. PRAY: Remember the youths and young adults in fervent prayer at our personal devotions and corporate prayer times. May they have the fear of the Lord and committed discipleship in following Jesus. Let us pray for their parents to experience God’s grace and receive God’s wisdom to love, teach and guide their children.
  2. ENCOURAGE: Young people need lots of love, affirmation and encouragement as they grow in their Christian faith and in Christlike character. They need spiritual guidance in coping with the struggles of life and finding direction in life. Where opportunities arise, do give them a word of encouragement.
  3. MODEL: Youths learn best when they see godly Christian life examples in the church and in the family. By God’s grace and help, let us model the life of godliness and committed discipleship as an exemplary encouragement to the youths.
  4. DISCIPLE: Let us make time to disciple a group of youths to help them grow in their discipleship journey and also train them to disciple others. We are thankful to God for those serving as youth leaders and young adult leaders in being a spiritual friend and godly influence.

Let us seek the Lord together for the hearts of the young generation to be anchored in faith and Christlike in character, always having the fear of the Lord.

Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth …”   Ecclesiastes 12:1

Pastor John

27 Jun 2021

Dear church family

At times when I need some advice in decision-making or have some struggles in life and ministry, I am thankful to God for a few elders in the Lord whom I can consult or share my heart with. The Bible is filled with examples and advice on seeking the wisdom of the elders who are God-fearing and faithful to the Lord.

I am thankful that in our St John’s Chapel community, we have many elders (seniors) who have walked faithfully with the Lord through the storms of life. Their life and example have been a blessing and encouragement to many.

I would like to share a Our Daily Bread devotional below, written by a Singapore ODB staff Ms Chia Poh Fang (8 March 2018).

Let us find time to chat with our elders, learn from their experiences and seek their wisdom in the Lord.

Pastor John

Age-Old Wisdom           

Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?”   Job 12:12

In 2010, a newspaper in Singapore published a special report that contained life lessons gleaned from eight senior citizens. It opened with these words: “While aging brings challenges to mind and body, it can also lead to an expansion in other realms. There is an abundance of emotional and social knowledge; qualities which scientists are beginning to define as wisdom . . . the wisdom of elders.”

Indeed, wise older people have much to teach us about life. But in the Bible, we meet a newly crowned king who failed to recognize this (1 Kings 12:1–7, 12–17). King Solomon had just died, and in 1 Kings 12:3, we read that “the whole assembly of Israel went to Rehoboam” with a petition. They asked the new king to lighten the harsh labour and heavy taxes his father Solomon had demanded of them. In return, they would loyally serve Rehoboam.

At first the young king consulted the elders (v6). But he rejected their advice and accepted the foolish counsel of the young men who had grown up with him (v8). He made the burden on the people even greater! His rashness cost him most of his kingdom.

All of us need the counsel that comes with years of experience, especially from those who have walked with God and listened well to His counsel. Think of the accumulated wisdom God has given them! They have much to share with us about the Lord. Let’s seek them out and give a listening ear to their wisdom.

20 Jun 2021

Dear church family

During this current pandemic season, many of us are working from home (WFH), as advised by our government for health safety reasons. We know some of us in essential services and service providers who cannot WFH by nature of our work. Whether WFH or working onsite, I pray that you are coping well by the grace of God in the vocation that God has called you to do.

I came across a helpful ‘Our Daily Bread’ article written by retired Methodist bishop Robert Solomon on the topic “Working from Home: Does It Count As Working for God?”.  May I encourage you to read this article by accessing

In his article, bishop Solomon shared his reflections on

  • Martin Luther’s Teaching on the Christian Vocation
  • A Homemaker Is a Servant of God
  • Essential Services and Brave Workers
  • Working from Home
  • Discovering Digital Ministry

He concluded by encouraging Christians on “Serving God at All TimesWhether you are working in the office, factory, school, hospital, shop, or at home, you can still serve God. The key is to have the attitudes of service and humility, and to know that whatever we do and wherever we are working, we are called to serve God for His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31). Our vocation in Christ remains intact whether we are in lockdown mode or not, and as Paul reminds us, what we do in serving Christ, whether working from home or in our normal places of work, is not in vain, as we give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58).”

May the joy of the Lord be your strength day by day.


13 Jun 2021

Dear church family

Thank you for your encouragement, support and prayers for our church missionaries Gerry and Yahui. They left for Chiang Mai in June 2012 and have completed 3 terms (total 9 years) of missionary service with the Deanery of Thailand. They will continue serving for one more term till June 2024.

I have attached their latest prayer newsletter to this church bulletin and summarised a few key highlights below. As the Lord provides and enables you, pls consider freewill giving to our church Mission Fund for their support, especially for the education of their three children. May I encourage you to communicate with Gerry and Yahui regularly and keep them in our prayers. Thank you.

Pastor John

Thailand’s COVID-19 third wave has tapered down, especially in Chiang Mai, albeit some clusters still surfacing in districts near St. Andrew’s Centre. Thank you for praying with us.

ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH: Online church services and cell meetings will continue till the end of June. We thank God for regular attendance of 40 to 45 members. Pls pray that our church members will continue to cling on tightly to the Lord despite the challenges due to the pandemic.

COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTRE: We thank God for the opportunity to befriend the boys who have been hanging out in the carpark in the evenings. Gerry and Khun Mai (our housekeeper) refurnished our old goal post for use by the boys and they were elated. Pls pray for the boys to respond to God’s work in their lives, for relationships to be built and for opportunities to share Christ.

SIRIAUNDA SCHOOL (ST. ANDREW’S ANGLICAN SCHOOL): (1) We thank God that Khun Boe, the mother of one of our students (Tin-Tin) contacted Yahui to share that her whole family (Grandmother, Father, Mother and 2 children) have accepted Christ and would like to attend St. Andrew’s Church. Praise the Lord of the Harvest for His redemptive grace at work. Pls pray with us that the Word of God will take root in the lives of Khun Boe, Tin-Tin and family. (2) Pls pray for our parents and children that they will experience God and receive Christ, especially in this time of difficulties and uncertainties. Pray for all the children as they return to school on 14 June and that they will be able to adapt to the C-19 precautionary measures and school life. Pls pray for our school director, teachers and school staff for God’s strength, wisdom and grace as we nurture the children.


06 Jun 2021

Dear church family

St John’s Chapel is one of 27 parishes in Singapore. Together with the 6 deaneries, 9 schools, 22 preschools and a wide range of community services, we form the Diocese of Singapore. I would like to share three matters from the diocese with us.

  1. From the Bishop’s Heart
    At the recent 25th session of Synod (3rd meeting) on 15 May 2021, Bishop Titus gave his Presidential address on the theme “Spurring one another on towards love and good deeds”. May I encourage you to hear our diocesan bishop’s heart for the diocese by accessing this weblink
  2. Diocesan Digest
    The Diocesan Digest is produced twice a year as a means of communications to the whole diocese for information, encouragement and prayer. The May 2021 issue is now available on this weblink   Amongst many encouraging articles, you can read our missionaries Gerry and Yahui’s Chiangmai ministry update on pages 18-19. You can also read my farewell words as the outgoing Dean of Vietnam on page 20. Pls use the informative articles to pray for the deaneries, parishes, schools and community services.
  3. Morning Prayer
    The Daily Office is our ancient Anglican heritage which allows the Psalms, Prayers and the Word to shape and edify our spiritual life. It creates a daily pattern and a rhythm of life, which is spiritually useful during the current Covid-19 restrictions. For 1-30 June 2021, the Diocese will host a daily Morning Prayer from Monday to Friday, 7.30 am to 7.50 am, over Zoom and on Youtube. Let us keep a good rhythm of life and grow in our spiritual formation.
    Zoom link
    Youtube link

The Lord watch over you and your family with his grace and peace.

Pastor John

30 May 2021

Dear church family

I was thinking whether there had been any songs written in the midst of a pandemic. I found one – “A Mighty Fortress is our God” by the great reformer, Martin Luther. The article below was written on 15 May 2020 by Rev Dr Ray Howell III, a senior minister at First Baptist Church, USA. May this well-loved hymn strengthen your faith, encourage your heart and refresh your soul.

Pastor John

The Bubonic Plague first hit Europe in the 14th century and killed an estimated 60% of the population… For over 300 years there were outbreaks of the disease, including the summer of 1527 in Wittenberg. The entire university left town, most professors and their families fleeing the city, but not Martin Luther. He felt God was calling him to minister to those dying of the plague. He was ready to do battle with the Prince of Darkness himself.

Luther knew all too well the deadly power of this cruel enemy. Two of his brothers died in the pandemic. In spite of the fact that his wife, Katie, was pregnant, Luther turned his home into a hospital to care for the sick and dying. Writing to others about the danger of this mortal ill, Luther said that if you truly love your neighbour, you will self-quarantine to stop the spread of the disease.

The personal strain of living in this world that was “devil filled” threatened to undo Luther. He was slipping into depression, an ancient foe that Luther battled his entire life. But he found great strength and solace in the Word of God, especially Psalm 46 “God is our fortress and our strength, an ever-present help in time of trouble.”

Struggling with depression, Luther knew that he, in his own strength, could not prevail. He put his hope and trust in the one who is our refuge and strength. In the midst of a global pandemic as he battled his own personal demons, Luther wrote the enduring words that have lifted millions of hearts throughout the centuries. “A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing!”

When you look carefully at the words of this powerful hymn, you can see many references to the devastating pandemic. “Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also; the body they may kill: God’s truth abideth still: his kingdom is forever.

As we find ourselves struggling with a flood of mortal ills known as COVID-19, let us find courage and resolve in the words of the great Reformer: “And though this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for God hath willed his truth to triumph through us.”  It is Christ who will win this battle.


23 May 2021

Dear church family

Today is Pentecost Sunday in our Anglican Church calendar. God the Holy Spirit came in power to indwell the lives of the disciples of Jesus Christ and initiated the beginnings of God’s Church called to be witnesses for Jesus in the world. As children of God, we have and need the power of the Holy Spirit to live holy and fruitful lives, especially during this current Covid-19 pandemic.

Firstly, let us walk in the Spirit. “Walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” (Gal 5:16). There is a constant battle in our heart and mind concerning our sinful nature (flesh). The indwelling Spirit of God will grant us the grace and strength to live in obedience to God’s Word and overcome our sinful desires.

Secondly, let us bear the fruit of the Spirit, which is “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…” (Gal 5:22-23). May our hearts be transformed daily by the Holy Spirit as we grow in Christlikeness in our attitude, behaviour and conduct in all areas of our life.

Thirdly, let us exercise the gifts of the Spirit. “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.” (Rom 12:6). God has given spiritual gifts to His people for the edification of His church at St John’s Chapel. Let us use these gifts faithfully to encourage one another and to do the gospel mission work.

Let us seek the Lord fervently that even in the midst of this pandemic, many people will come to salvation faith in Jesus through our lifestyle evangelism and church online services. May the Church of God arise with fresh zeal and power of the Holy Spirit to minister to a lost and fearful world with God’s love.

Pastor John

16 May 2021

Dear church family

On 13 May 2021 in our Anglican church calendar, we commemorated Ascension Day. The Ascension of Jesus occurred 40 days after the Resurrection (see Acts 1:1-11; Luke 24:44-53). It was highly significant because it began a deep transformation in the lives of the disciples for the advancement of the gospel.

How did the Ascension of Jesus impact the disciples and the people of God spiritually?

  1. It encouraged the people to worship God joyfully (Luke 24:50-53) because their faith was strengthened and their hope was secure.
  2. It changed their mindset about the kingdom of Israel to a new focus of being a people belonging to the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3, 6).
  3. It gave them a missional purpose to live as faithful and courageous witnesses for Jesus Christ  (Acts 1:8b; Luke 24:45-48).
  4. It anchored their hope in the Return of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:10-11; John 14:1-3). The victorious King is coming back again to bring us home.

As the people of God, let us make a significant impact for Jesus Christ as His faithful witnesses in the world today. We have the Good News to share to those “without hope and without God in the world” (Eph 2:12).

Maranatha  “Even so, come Lord Jesus” (Rev 22:20)

Pastor John

09 May 2021

Dear church family

During such difficult challenging times of Covid-19 pandemic in Singapore and all around the world, especially in India now, let us join our hearts in crying out to the Lord in fervent prayers for His grace and mercy.

  1. Pray for our Singapore government and all world governments.
    May government heads and decision-makers have the wisdom and courage in making wise and right decisions to protect and help the people.
  2. Pray for healthcare workers at the forefront of this pandemic.
    May they be well protected physically, sustained emotionally, supported socially and strengthened spiritually in their courage and labour.
  3. Pray for healing of the infected sick and their families.
    May those who are infected recover well with sufficient hospital resource support and may their families experience comfort and peace in their hearts.
  4. Pray for the scientists and researchers.
    May they have good knowledge in the continual process of developing effective vaccines and medication, even as the virus mutates around the world.
  5. Pray for God’s salvation grace.
    May many people hear the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ and call upon His name and be saved, and receive the gift of eternal life.
  6. Pray for God’s sovereign mercy.
    Let us plead for God’s mercy that in His sovereign power and will, his purposes will be fulfilled through this pandemic and there may be an end to much suffering.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Pastor John

02 May 2021

Dear church family

We praise and thank God for his wisdom and guidance for our church Annual General Meeting processes and meetings this year. Thank you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, for your responses, participation, suggestions, encouragement and prayers.

It is my joy to introduce the Parochial Church Council (PCC) for year 2021-22.

Vicar’s Warden    : Kenneth Sng
People’s Warden : Hidehito Ie
Hon. Secretary     : Elly Chiu
Hon. Treasurer     : Tan Pei Ching
PCC members      : Benjamin Kirk, Enoch Ng, Florence Ho, Gan Pak Lim, George Chen, Kevin Lee, Nellie Nam, Sheryl Sim
Synod representatives (2020-2023) : Justin Chan, Elly Chiu, Ho Boon Sing
Sub-committee chairpersons : Hidehito Ie (Personnel), Benjamin Kirk (Property), Nellie Nam (Finance), Vicar (Missions)

We thank God for every PCC member’s commitment and heart in their latreuo worship of God in serving the Lord well. Value your prayers for PCC and myself to continue being good stewards of church funds for the work of God’s eternal kingdom and also in making wise decisions and sound policies under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Pastor John

25 Apr 2021

Dear church family

We thank the Lord for his help and guidance for our church AGM process this year as we culminate proceedings at the virtual AGM this Sunday 25 April at 3.00 pm. All are welcome to attend. Zoom details can be obtained from the respective cell leaders.

A word of thanks to electoral roll members who have submitted your proxy voting form and to all the participants at the pre-AGM Town Hall discussion meeting last Sunday. I encourage all church members to take time to read the vicar’s report and also all the ministry reports. May it encourage your heart to see the Lord’s gracious leading at St John’s Chapel in ministry and missions.

Praise God for every provision of finances for year 2020 for manpower, ministry and mission. I have been encouraged by your obedience to God in returning your tithe to Him and by your generous freewill giving to the Lord, and also your sacrificial giving. Value your prayers for PCC and myself to continue being good stewards of the funds for the work of God’s eternal kingdom.

I am thankful for our committed and united staff team. They have served tirelessly and faithfully, especially during this past year with many Covid-19 challenges. They have served with joy and purpose, even in the midst of difficult trials, health concerns and family issues. In view of the Covid-19 pandemic affecting many jobs and the Singapore economy, the whole staff team (clergy, deaconess, missionaries, pastoral staff and admin staff) had a salary freeze wef 1 January for the year 2021.

Let us continue looking to God for his gracious sovereign hand as we journey in discipleship and serve God’s purposes together. Let us be God’s living church in these Last Days for the glory of God. As we see the gracious salvation plan in the missional heart of God, may we be a missional church of Spirit-filled committed disciples of Jesus Christ, always ready to take the gospel to the nations and eagerly awaiting the Return of the King, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Pastor John

18 Apr 2021

Dear friends, guests and church family

A very warm special welcome to all the special guests, honoured parents and BB boys & alumni at the 64th Boys Brigade Enrolment and Dedication service at St John’s Chapel. We are so glad that you are here with us for this important service. We hope that you will have an enjoyable and meaningful experience that will bring deep peace and great joy in your heart.

There are times when we go through painful struggles in life such as ill health, financial debt, family quarrels, marriage issues, disobedient children, work stress, job loss and especially the stress & worries caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our hearts feel deep pain and we experience many anxieties. In such times, we can only pray that the painful situations we are facing will have a happy turnaround as we cling on to the hope of a clear solution and a positive change.

Hope is so important in every area of life. The unemployed person hopes to get a job soon. Students hope to pass their exams with good results. Parents hope that their child will behave and grow up well. Families in conflict hope for restoration in their relationships. Struggling families hope for enough food and finances. There is a popular Mandarin song that expressed the hope in every heart that “Tomorrow will be better” ( 明天会更好).

Because Jesus Christ lives, there is a blessed hope. Two weeks ago, Christians all over the world commemorated the death of Jesus Christ on the cross on Good Friday. This was followed two days later in the celebration joy of Easter (Resurrection Sunday) when Jesus resurrected from the dead. In Jesus Christ the Son of God, we experience the love, joy and peace of God. We receive the grace and mercy of God in the forgiveness of our sins. We have purpose and meaning in life. We have the joyous hope of eternal life.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13

Love in Christ
Pastor John

11 Apr 2021

Dear family in Christ

Singing at church services

Sometimes in life, we only treasure what or who is really important to us when it is taken away or no longer with us. Many of us had experienced missing this “treasure” of singing praises aloud to God together for the past one year. We are thankful that from 5 April 2021, the government has given approval for congregation attendees to sing aloud at our church worship services, subject to safe management measures of (1) mask-wearing at all times, and (2) the duration of masked singing is capped at a total of 30 minutes at each service. Let us make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

Virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday 25 April (3 pm)

We thank God for the coming virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 25 April, a time when we see God’s gracious sovereign hand upon our church in the transformation of lives and in serving Him in ministry and mission in the work of His eternal kingdom. By now, electoral roll members would have received the AGM reports and the proxy voting form weblink.

Our church constitution requires one third of Electoral Roll members to form the AGM quorum. Under Virtual AGM guidelines, your proxy voting form is important because it is counted as part of the quorum. Your proxy form appoints the Chairman of AGM (the Vicar of St John’s Chapel) as your proxy to attend, speak and vote on your behalf. After you have read all the AGM reports, thank you for submitting your (online) proxy voting form, latest by 21 April, 12 noon.

We are organising a pre-AGM Town Hall zoom meeting on Sunday 18 April (3.00 pm) to address any questions, clarifications or comments concerning the AGM reports. Please use this Town Hall platform to present your thoughts or questions, as the virtual AGM on 25 April will not include any Question & Answer segment. Kindly email your questions to  by 14 April.  All electoral roll members are welcome to attend this Town Hall zoom meeting. Pls register your attendance at

Value your prayers for a Christ-centred AGM that honours the Lord and edify God’s people.

Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous works among all the peoples!”  Psalm 96:1-3

Pastor John

28 Mar 2021

Dear family in Christ

We commemorate Palm Sunday today. Our Saviour Jesus Christ had set his heart to walk the way of the cross to Calvary. He rode into Jerusalem city on a humble donkey (Matthew 21:1-11). The excited Jewish crowd shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”  But five days later,loud voices cried out, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”.

As we enter Holy Week, may our hearts focus on Jesus Christ and His sacrificial obedience to the will of God the Father.

  1. Washing the disciples’ feet (John 13:1-17): Servanthood, humility and love for one another must be the hallmark of a committed disciple of Jesus.
  2. Passover meal (Matthew 26:17-29): Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper (body and blood) as an important remembrance of God’s new covenant of His grace and mercy.
  3. Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46): Jesus was in deep agony and sorrow, yet He was fully obedient to the will of His Father.
  4. Betrayal, arrest and trial (Luke 22:47 – 23:25): Jesus was mocked, beaten and humiliated, yet He was meek, “like a lamb that is led to the slaughter”.
  5. Crucifixion and death (Luke 23:33-56): In great suffering and painful shame, Jesus gave His life sacrificially on the cross in atonement for our sins and the sins of the world.
  6. Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10): Hallelujah. He is Risen. Praise and thanks be to God for the victory over sin and death, and the blessed hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ.

As we reflect on these series of events, may we learn precious lessons from Jesus and press on in walking close to Him in joyful surrender.

Pastor John

21 Mar 2021

Dear family in Christ

In the book of Psalms and in the New Testament epistles, the call to give thanks to God in all circumstances can be heard clearly and emphatically. As disciples of Jesus Christ, it is good for us to have a devoted heart of gratitude and thanksgiving to the Lord.

During this past week, I had to minister to a church couple who experienced a painful situation. Yet even in the midst of their grief, they gave thanks to the Lord for his grace and love. I was deeply encouraged by such strong faith in God and their heart of thanksgiving.

Take some time to reflect on the various areas of your life. Then open your hearts to give thanks to God for his goodness and grace.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.”    Psalm 136:1

Pastor John

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Timeline Plan for ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on 25 April 2021 

DateTask / Event
14 March, SundayPCC nomination opens
14 to 30 MarchNomination period for PCC (closes on 30 March)
6 April, TuesdayNotice of AGM + Annual report + Proxy form  (Email/post to Electoral Roll members)
14 April, WednesdayDue date to submit questions & clarifications for Townhall meeting and to register for Townhall webinar.
18 April, Sunday, 
3.00 pm
Townhall meeting Q&A  (webinar)
21 April, WednesdayDue date to submit proxy form by 12 noon and to register for AGM (webinar)
25 April, Sunday,
3.00 pm
AGM   (webinar)

14 Mar 2021

Dear family in Christ

Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 25 April 2021

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, our Singapore government gave official approval for AGMs to be held virtually for religious organisations. This special “temporary measures” approval expires on 30 June 2021. In the light of current Covid-19 conditions and capacity restriction on non-congregational meetings (50 people maximum), our diocesan bishop, together with diocese standing committee, strongly recommends for all parishes to hold their AGM virtually, without any onsite attendance.

In consultation with and agreement of our Parish Church Council (PCC), we have decided to hold this year’s AGM virtually via zoom webinar, as per last year. The AGM date is on Sunday, 25 April 2021 at 3.00 pm. The AGM process will be similar to what was done for AGM 2020. Pls see the timeline plan for AGM 2021.

DateTask / Event
14 March, SundayPCC nomination opens
14 to 30 MarchNomination period for PCC (closes on 30 March)
6 April, TuesdayNotice of AGM + Annual report + Proxy form  (Email/post to Electoral Roll members)
14 April, WednesdayDue date to submit questions & clarifications for Townhall meeting and to register for Townhall webinar.
18 April, Sunday, 
3.00 pm
Townhall meeting Q&A  (webinar)
21 April, WednesdayDue date to submit proxy form by 12 noon and to register for AGM (webinar)
25 April, Sunday,
3.00 pm
AGM   (webinar)

We seek your active participation in the AGM process. Value your fervent prayers for our church community to continue serving God’s will and purposes faithfully to the glory of God.

Pastor John

07 Mar 2021

Dear family in Christ

It has been almost a year since our government imposed the Covid-19 circuit-breaker and then the gradual opening up in phase two and phase three for religious services. Due to our space constraints, we can have up to 150 attendees in three zones (two zones at sanctuary and one zone at Patmos hall) for the worship service.

It is such a wonderful joy to have God’s people being allowed to gather physically again in the praise of God and in safe-distanced fellowship. There is something special about being in the presence of one another in sharing a brief conversation, to see a smile on the eyes and to encourage each other in the Lord.

Recently, I read an article written by retired Methodist bishop Robert Solomon on the topic “Why go to church when I can’t sing or fellowship?”  The full article can be read from this weblink

In his conversations with local pastors, Bp Solomon heard that Christians in Singapore are attending church service less often, whether on-site or online. He shared three reasons encouraging Christians to return to on-site services as soon as they possibly can, for the sake of their spiritual health.

1. On-site church services honour God: “There is value in having a faith community worshipping God publicly in a regular place. Over time, such places become spiritual places that are treasured and stand as a witness to the God we worship.”

2. Meeting in person builds unity: “There is the value of solidarity in face-to-face meetings. Our physical presence gives us mutual encouragement when we see fellow believers standing together as a worshipping and praying community.”

3. Going to church helps us stay close to the faith community: “We need to be careful that skipping church does not become a habit and a part of our routine (see Hebrews 10:25). Staying away from church could be the first step to losing the fellowship and protection of being part of a community of fellow believers.”

How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God.”   Psalm 84:1-2

Pastor John

28 Feb 2021

Dear family in Christ

In this season of Lent, we seek to realign our life and priorities to the will of God. As we focus on our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and walk the Calvary Road, let us draw nearer to our Abba Father in personal relationship and grow in Christlikeness.

Let us consider the following practical ways to grow in Christlikeness:  

In relation to GOD:

  • Abstain from dwelling in sorrow; Experience the joy of God’s presence.
  • Abstain from hiding in sin and darkness; Walk in the freedom and light of God.
  • Abstain from worry and anxiety; Rest in the love and care of God.
  • Abstain from depending on our own strength; Rely on God’s transforming power.

In relation to OTHERS:

  • Abstain from judging others; Look for Christ living in them.
  • Abstain from words that tear down; Use words that build up.
  • Abstain from self-concerns only; Exercise compassion to care for others.
  • Abstain from idle gossip; Find ways to encourage those in need.

In relation to SELF:

  • Abstain from discontentment; Count our blessings with gratitude to God.
  • Abstain from the pain of bitterness; Experience the peace of forgiveness.
  • Abstain from thoughts that discourage; Trust in God’s promises that inspire.
  • Abstain from concentrating on problems; Turn to God in prayer that strengthens.

Growing in Christlikeness is a lifelong journey. Let us encourage one another in growing in Christ together.

Pastor John

21 Feb 2021

Dear church family

In the Church calendar, Ash Wednesday falls on 17 February this year, which marks the beginning of the LENT season. At the Ash Wednesday church service, the priest places some ash on our foreheads and says “you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19b), signifying that our bodies are frail and mortal. This past one year of Covid-19 pandemic is a stark reminder of our human mortality.

LENT is a 40-day season of reflection, repentance and restoration. Theliturgical colour is purple, signifying penitence and mourning. It is a time of deep spiritual reflection and honest heart-searching repentance. It is a season when we give ourselves fully and devotedly to grow in Christlikeness. This growth in Christlike character requires spiritual disciplines in extended times of fasting, praying and reading the Scriptures. 

The Scriptures teach us about the holy God’s wrath and hatred of sin, but also of his faithful great love for the sinner.Because of our Abba Father’s love, He sent his beloved Son Jesus Christ to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. During Lent, we focus on Jesus Christ, his obedience to his Father and his journey to the cross.

Because of sin, man has fallen short of the glory of God and destined for a spiritual death. But thanks be to God for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Christ, we are set free from our bondage to sin and death. In Christ, we are a new creation and have a new life in Him. At the church services during Lent, we recite the ten commandments to remind us of our discipleship walk in full obedience to our Abba Father in newness of life.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.”   Psalm 51:10-12

Pastor John

14 Feb 2021

Dear church family

In all the national and ethnic groups celebrating their respective “new years” around the world, there is one common thread that runs across all the different cultures and traditions. This is the sense of having something new. For example, wearing new clothing, giving new money notes, cleaning the house to look new, a new haircut, welcoming a new addition to the family, etc.

In the spiritual realm, there is great joy in experiencing something new. The apostle Paul encouraged the Corinthian Christians: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2 Cor 5:17). At our Confession time during worship service, we pray to Abba Father to “forgive us all that is past; and grant that we may serve you in newness of life; to the glory of your name”.

I came across this song many years ago that speaks of God’s love and mercy being wonderfully new.

New! every morning it’s new! The love of God to me is wonderfully new!
New! every morning it’s new! The mercy of the Lord is wonderfully new!
Great is His faithfulness, Constant is His love,
Great is His saving power, Coming from above!
New! every morning it’s new! The mercy of the Lord is wonderfully new!

Whatever struggles and difficulties that you may be going through in your life right now, may you find peace, rest and strength in the Lord, remembering and singing deep in your heart that the unfailing love, bountiful mercy and saving power of God is wonderfully new every morning. Yes, every morning.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”    Lamentations 3:22-24


07 Feb 2021

Dear church family

This coming Lunar New Year festivities will be quite different and subdued because of Covid-19 restrictions. However, I believe there will still be available opportunities to meet up with family relatives, good friends and friendly neighbours. As you enjoy the delicious food and friendly conversations, may the Lord guide you with his love and grace to bear a good testimony for Jesus and reflect the glory of God in your life.

  1. PRAY – As you share in conversation together, commit your family and friends to the Lord prayerfully in your heart for God’s grace of salvation.
  2. RESPECT – Always be ready to give due honour and respect to our family elders and appreciate them for being a blessing in our lives.
  3. LISTEN – Take time to hear their life stories and understand their hopes, fears and struggles.
  4. CARE – May the Lord grant you a sensitive heart to discern the needs of your family and friends so that you can minister and show care to them.
  5. SHARE – Be led by the Spirit to share the gospel with them and let them know that God loves them very much.

The harvest field need not be just about crossing the seas to a foreign land. But it is seeing the cross in the land where God has placed you. Would you labour for Jesus?

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.”   Matthew 9:37-38


24 Jan 2021

Dear church family

Prayer is such an immense joy and privilege for God’s children in our walk and relationship with God. Every disciple of Jesus Christ should have a vibrant and healthy prayer life and intercession ministry. Whether praying alone in our “closet” or praying together at our cell groups or at corporate church prayer meetings, the people of God are called to “pray at all times in the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:18).

There is great potential when prayer and small groups are integrated. In his book “Praying together: Equipping small groups to grow their prayer potential” (pg. 16-18), Dr Alan Harkness shared on six things that will happen when small groups pray together.

  1. Expression of community between God and people, and between people themselves.
  2. Sense of  belonging where Christians know that they are “at home”.
  3. Provision of a setting to allow God to work at transforming us.
  4. Process of  growth in spiritual maturity and committed discipleship.
  5. Careful and sensitive listening to God and to one another.
  6. Mission focus to sense and respond to God’s heartbeat for his world.

Let us gather in prayer together as the community of God’s people in our small groups and at church prayer meeting.

Too often we treat prayer as the preparation for the work of the church.

Do you not see?  Prayer IS the work of the church.”   – Oswald Chambers

Pastor John

17 Jan 2021

Dear church family

Starting this weekend until end of March 2021, I will be preaching on a sermon series entitled “Be Mature: Faith in Action” by expounding the Scriptures from the New Testament book of James. The people of God were experiencing fierce persecution in the Roman empire in the first century. The letter of James was written to encourage God’s people to put their Christian faith in action and to guide them to grow mature in Christ spiritually.

It is my prayer that as we learn precious lessons from God’s Word, we will be stirred in our hearts to put our Christian faith in action at all the places that God has placed us. No matter how long you have been a follower of Jesus Christ, may we seek to grow deep in spiritual maturity, to grow closer to the Lord in our walk with Him, and to grow in Christlikeness more and more each day.

Pastor John

10 Jan 2021


Dear church family

In January 1874, Frances R. Havergal, a gifted poet, sent a New Year greeting card to her friends. She had written a heartfelt prayer of consecration, which epitomised her deep faith in God and exemplified her total commitment to the Lord. This poetic prayer has become a well-known favourite hymn among God’s people over the years.

Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
In working or in waiting, another year with Thee;
Another year of progress, another year of praise,
Another year of proving Thy presence all the days.

Another year of mercies, of faithfulness and grace,
Another year of gladness in the shining of Thy face;
Another year of leaning upon Thy loving breast;
Another year of trusting, of quiet, happy rest.

Another year of service, of witness for Thy love,
Another year of training for holier work above;
Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
On earth, or else in Heaven, another year for Thee.

As we begin a new year 2021 in the midst of this relentless Covid-19 pandemic, may you experience God’s love and peace as you rest in the presence of God. May you receive God’s grace and strength as you walk close to the Lord. May you find joy and purpose as you seek and obey the will of God.

So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.”  Psalm 90:12  (NASB)

Pastor John

03 Jan 2021

Only One Life   –    by C.T. Studd

Two little lines I heard one day, Traveling along life’s busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart, And from my mind would not depart;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, yes only one, Soon will its fleeting hours be done;
Then, in ‘that day’ my Lord to meet, And stand before His Judgement seat;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, the still small voice, Gently pleads for a better choice
Bidding me selfish aims to leave, And to God’s holy will to cleave;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, a few brief years, Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears;
Each with its clays I must fulfill, living for self or in His will;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

When this bright world would tempt me sore, When Satan would a victory score
When self would seek to have its way, Then help me Lord with joy to say;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Give me Father, a purpose deep, In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep;
Faithful and true what e’er the strife, Pleasing Thee in my daily life;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Oh let my love with fervour burn, And from the world now let me turn;
Living for Thee, and Thee alone, Bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, yes only one, Now let me say, ”Thy will be done”;
And when at last I’ll hear the call, I know I’ll say “twas worth it all”;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Charles Thomas Studd, often known as C. T. Studd (1860-1931), was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China. He was part of the Cambridge Seven and later was responsible for setting up the Heart of Africa Mission, which became the Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade (now WEC International). As a cricketer, he played for England in the 1882 match won by Australia, which was the origins of The Ashes.

27 Dec 2020

Dear family in Christ

We thank God for his grace and help during this very challenging Covid-19 year. For some brothers and sisters in our church community, this year has been filled with painful struggles and sorrowful circumstances. May you find continual comfort and peace in the Lord and be strengthened by the grace of God.

As we come near the end of year 2020, may our hearts be joyful in praising the Lord for who He is and be filled with gratitude to God for all His blessings in our life. May we sing like the grateful psalmist, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!” (Psalm 103:1).

As we reflect on the issues and circumstances in our life, let us give thanks to God and “forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:2-5) of loving forgiveness, merciful healing, gracious redemption, steadfast love, faithful goodness and life renewal in the power of the Holy Spirit.

May I encourage us to spend time in quiet reflection as we end the year. Here are some reflection questions:

  • Have I grown in Christlikeness and loving God more deeply?
  • Have I learnt to trust God more in the trials of life?
  • What direction in life is the Lord leading me?
  • How has God used me this year for his kingdom?
  • How have I glorified God in the ordinaryness of my life?

Only one life, ’twill soon be past; Only what’s done for Christ will last.”  C.T. Studd

Pastor John

20 Dec 2020

Dear friends, guests and visitors  

very warm special welcome to you to our Christmas Caroling service this weekend, and also to visitors at our Mandarin worship service. We are so glad that you are with us today for our special Christmas program. We hope that as you hear the delightful Christmas carols presented by our church choir, you will have an enjoyable and meaningful experience that will bring deep peace and great joy in your heart this Christmas.

We love to hear good news. When PM Lee announced that phase 3 will start on 28 December and vaccines will soon be available (free of charge!), thousands of Singaporeans rejoiced to hear this happy news. 2000 years ago, an angel brought good news to a group of shepherds, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.”  (Luke 2:10-11). This good news brought joy and hope to the world.

Hope is so important in every area of life. This has been a very challenging year for many people because of Covid-19. When we experience painful struggles such as job loss, financial debt, family quarrels, ill health, travel restrictions, etc, we hope to hear good news and for a happy turnaround in our circumstances. There is a popular Mandarin song that expressed the hope in every heart that “Tomorrow will be better” (明天会更好).

Christians all over the world celebrate the joy of Christmas because of the blessed hope we have in Jesus Christ. When we believe and trust In Jesus Christ, we experience the love, joy and peace of God. We receive the grace and mercy of God in the forgiveness of our sins. We have purpose and meaning in life. We have the joyous hope of eternal life.

Wishing you a Blessed Christmas and a Joyous New Year.

Pastor John

13 Dec 2020

Dear family in Christ

The season of Christmas is always an opportune time to share the good news of great joy that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born 2000 years ago in Bethlehem to be the Saviour of the world.

During this difficult and challenging Covid-19 year, many people are searching for meaning of life and seeking a present and future hope that is certain and secure.

Let us join our hearts to pray and think of family, friends and children to invite, and also for us to be involved in serving, at these Christmas outreaches.

  1. “The Gift of Love” Christmas Outreach to Migrant Workers:  We are mobilising volunteers to serve in the packing and distribution of goodie bags to the dormitories (15-18 December) and also at the Christmas celebration activities at Kranji Recreational Centre (19-20 December, 11am to 3pm).
  2. Children Christmas outreach on Saturday, 19 December (session one 10am – 12pm; session two 2pm – 4pm). Fun activities for children age 4 to 12 and the sharing of the Christmas story.
  3. Christmas Carol Services on 19 December Saturday 4.30 pm service and on 20 December Sunday 9.00 am service. Carol singing by the choir and gospel preaching by an evangelist.
  4. Christmas Day services on 25 December, 9.00 am (English) and 11.15 am (Mandarin). May the gathering of God’s people be a powerful testimony of Christmas joy in declaring the grace and love of God in Christ Jesus.
  5. Christmas Meal in the Home: As a Cell group or as a family, do consider inviting friends for a Christmas meal in the home, with the listening of carols and the sharing of the Christmas message. Safe distancing measures allow households to receive up to five visitors at any one time.
  6. Celebrate Christmas in Singapore (CCIS): Due to Covid-19 restrictions, CCIS cannot be held at Orchard Road. Instead, it will be livestreamed online into the homes and digitally across the world. Pls tune in to the CCIS Christmas performances  (  at 8.00 pm nightly on 21 & 23 Dec (English) and on 22 & 24 Dec (Mandarin).

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.”  Luke 2:10-11

Pastor John

06 Dec 2020

Dear family in Christ

This Advent-Christmas season is an opportune time for spiritual reflection. In what ways can Advent encourage us in our spiritual walk with the Lord?

Firstly, be faithful followers of Christ.

As we live in between the First Advent (2000 years ago) and the Second Advent (Return of Christ), we are called to holy living and be faithful stewards of what God entrusted to us. In our spiritual journey as a Christ-following community, we have the joy and privilege to bring glory and honour to God. We have an important calling and responsibility to share about Jesus Christ through the gospel message and our loving deeds. The lights in Advent-Christmas are a good reminder that Jesus Christ is the “Light of the world” (John 8:12) and that we are called to “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16).

Secondly, be ready for Christ’s return.

We look forward to the Second Advent. The Scriptures teach us that “… Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.” (Hebrews 9:28). In great triumph and with loud trumpet sounds, Christ will come again to bring his people home to dwell in God’s presence for all eternity. We need to be accountable, watchful and spiritually alert in our daily walk. Is the Lord pleased and satisfied with the way we are living our life? Is there true worship of God in the total surrender of our life to Jesus and His kingdom?

Are you ready for His Return?

Pastor John

29 Nov 2020

Dear family in Christ

Today is the first Sunday in Advent, the liturgical season focusing on the coming of the Saviour Jesus Christ. It is a season of spiritual preparation marked by prayers of humble devotion and times of quiet reflection. There is a double focus in Advent. Firstly, it is the joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus the Messiah in his First Advent. Secondly, it is the anticipation of His impending return as King in his Second Advent. We celebrate the revelation of God’s redeeming love in Jesus Christ in his First Advent for the purpose of reconciling our fallen world to God the Father. Having known God as Abba Father, we now look forward eagerly to the hope of eternal life in the Second Advent, where God the King will come in power to judge and rule the world.

As we live in between the two Advents, we are called to live godly and holy lives and be faithful stewards of the gospel entrusted to us as God’s people. In our spiritual journey as committed disciples of Jesus Christ, we have an important responsibility to live a life bringing glory to God and sharing about Jesus through the gospel message and our loving deeds.

Giving to Mission Fund:  Our church practises the two-envelope giving system. The first is the Tithing envelope. All tithes returned obediently to the Lord go to the General Fund, which is used to pay staff salaries, ministry programs, office expenses, diocese quota, etc. The second is the Freewill giving envelope. This goes to the Mission Fund, which is used to support our overseas missionaries (Gerry & Yahui Gan, Ian & Alison Gosling, Deborah Loh), and several regular and ad-hoc giving to missions. As the Lord enables and provides for us, may we give joyfully, generously and sacrificially for the work of God’s eternal kingdom.

Pastor John

22 Nov 2020

Dear family in Christ

A special thanks to all the Children Ministry leaders and teachers for your commitment and perseverance during this challenging year in teaching the children over Zoom and for your love and care for all the children. What a great joy to see so many children back in church last Saturday for Children’s Ministry after seven months of circuit breaker and phase two precautionary measures. The children spent time together learning the Word of God and also packed special gift bags that were distributed to 50 needy migrant workers at the SG Accident Help Centre. It was our way of teaching the children about rendering practical help in missions as part of our church missions month.

It is so wonderful and encouraging to see brothers and sisters gradually returning and gathering for on-site physical worship services. In recent weeks, the attendance at the English and Mandarin services were almost to full capacity of 50 persons. We thank the Lord that we have received approval from Ministry of Community, Culture and Youth (MCCY) for our seating capacity to be increased to 100 attendees, divided into two zones of 50 people each, with the necessary safe distancing measures in place. We seek your understanding and cooperation in effective implementation of these important safe distancing measures. For the English services, this increased capacity of 100 will take effect from Saturday, 5 December 2020. For the Mandarin service, it will take effect from Sunday, 13 December.

During this challenging Covid-19 pandemic year, let us continue to draw strength from the Lord and find our rest in Him. Let us continue to care and encourage one another and uphold one another in fervent prayers for God’s grace and peace. If you need a listening ear, feel free to contact myself, the pastors or pastoral staff, or your cell leader for a chat and prayer.

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.”  3 John 1:2

Pastor John

15 Nov 2020

Dear family in Christ

This weekend, we commemorate Diocesan Missions Sunday. It is the time of the year that we bring our focus to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. The Church has a clear missional calling from the Lord to proclaim the gospel faithfully. The Diocese of Singapore has ecclesiastical responsibility in the six deanery countries of Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam. By God’ grace and help, we proclaim the gospel and aim to plant dioceses in these countries.

Pls access and read the Diocesan Mission Annual Report 2020 at  

  1. Pls see the prayer pointers for each deanery and seek your fervent prayers.
  2. As the Lord enables, pls give unto the Lord towards the Diocesan Mission Fund for the purpose of church planting work in these six deaneries.
  • If writing a cheque, pls put payee name as “Diocese of Singapore” and write “For Diocesan Mission Fund” at the back of the cheque.
  • If giving by internet banking, pls indicate the words “For Diocesan Mission Fund”.

We give thanks to God for people from every nation, tribe and language coming to salvation faith in Jesus. Let us pray for the continual faithful proclamation of the gospel in these six deanery countries and for growth in spiritual maturity of God’s people in committed discipleship.

Praise the Lord for his goodness and faithfulness to the St Margaret’s School family as she celebrates her 178th anniversary on 16 November. The Lord has given St John’s Chapel a wonderful mission harvest field right at our doorstep. Our grateful thanks to brothers and sisters in Christ who serve faithfully in the various areas of school chaplaincy work. May we always be found faithful in the proclamation of the gospel.

Pastor John

08 Nov 2020

Dear family in Christ

We thank the Lord for pastoral staff Tan Chwee Lian, who retires from church employment on 10 November 2020. She has served faithfully as a pastoral staff since January 2000, mainly with the Mandarin congregation and also ministering at the Hokkien and Cantonese congregations. God has used Chwee Lian in her pastoral ministry to touch many lives through her pastoral care, preaching & teaching and evangelism. She has also led mission trips to Batam, Setiawan and Hui-An. In recent years, she has served in school chaplaincy work through her weekly interaction with the students at Lighthouse.

Chwee Lian is thankful for two key highlights in her ministry life. The first is to see the youths under her care at the Youth Ministry growing up in spiritual maturity and in their life stages. The second is the privilege and joy of preaching and teaching the Word of God. Upon her retirement, Chwee Lian will continue serving in lay pastoral care support as well as any ministry when the needs arises. There will be a thanksgiving time at the Mandarin service on 8 November (Sunday) in appreciation and thanks for the ministry of pastor Chwee Lian. We wish her every blessing in Christ and a blessed restful retirement.

During this Missions month, let us continue to uphold our church missionaries in fervent prayers:

(1) Gerry and Yahui serving at ChiangMai with Deanery of Thailand in church planting work;

(2) The Goslings serving with a missions agency in their outreach to refugees;

(3) Deborah Loh serving amongst the urban poor at Bangkok with Overseas Missionary Fellowship.

Pastor John

01 Nov 2020

Dear family in Christ

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused great distress and much suffering to millions of people all over the world. In such difficult times, the message of hope and peace in the gospel of Jesus Christ becomes even more important as ever. The mission of the Church must continue, no matter how challenging, even as we see the Return of our Lord Jesus Christ drawing nearer.

This November, we are focusing on our annual theme of Missions at all our church services. We are thankful for the guest preachers with varied missional experiences coming to share God’s Word and their particular areas of ministry in missions and evangelism. I pray that the variety of messages will help us to see what the Lord is doing in Singapore and in the nations of the world in the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

At the English services, we will hear from Canon Yee Ching Wah (Director of Missions), Dr Michael Lim (Director, Crisis Relief Alliance), Bp Kuan Kim Seng (Commissary Bishop for The Horn of Africa) and Mr Kua Wee Seng (Director of China ministry in an international organisation). At the Mandarin service, we will hear from Canon Yee Ching Wah and Rev Dr Patrick Fung (General Director, OMF International).

For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”   Romans 10:13-15

Pastor John

25 Oct 2020

Dear family in Christ

We praise and thank the Lord for two significant events last weekend. On Saturday 17 October, 52J Boys Brigade company and 52nd Girls Brigade company celebrated its 20th anniversary joy. The BB and GB children, together with their parents, and also teachers, officers and helpers, gathered joyously over Zoom for the 20th anniversary Thanksgiving and Badge presentation programme. On behalf of Pei Tong Primary School, Mr Jonah Lim (teacher in charge) presented the anniversary plaque to St John’s Chapel in appreciation of our church ministry partnership.

We thank the Lord for the opportunity to shape and build the character of 20 cohorts of children and the joy of sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. We want to acknowledge and appreciate our church members who have been involved in this ministry, both past and present, for their faithful and committed ministry service as captains, officers, chaplains, regular helpers and ad-hoc volunteers. Thank you so much for loving the children and touching their lives with the grace and love of God.

As a diocese, we rejoice in the consecration and enthronement of the tenth Bishop of Singapore on Sunday 18 October. Let us keep Bishop Titus Chung in fervent prayers as he leads the diocese and shepherd God’s people in Singapore and the six deanery countries by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

May the gospel of Jesus Christ be faithfully proclaimed through God’s people in the parishes, schools, community services and mission deaneries.


Pastor John

18 Oct 2020

Dear family in Christ

In our church calendar, we commemorate St Luke the Evangelist on 18 October 2020. What a fitting day to hold the Consecration and Enthronement Service of Revd Canon Dr Titus Chung as the tenth Bishop of Singapore. The diocesan bishop is called to lead the church of God in evangelism and mission in the faithful proclamation of the gospel.

This historic Service will be held on Sunday 18 October at 4.00 pm at St Andrew’s Cathedral. It will be live-streamed via this weblink  May I encourage all of us to participate meaningfully and prayerfully in this Service, together with the whole diocese in Singapore and in the six deanery countries.

Let us be in fervent prayers for Bishop Titus Chung and his family (wife Connie and sons Theodore and Thaddeus). May he be empowered by the Holy Spirit to lead the Church of Jesus Christ to be faithful to Jesus and to proclaim the gospel committedly. May he experience the sufficient grace of God and the bountiful wisdom of God in serving the Lord courageously during such challenging times.

Pastor John

11 Oct 2020

Dear family in Christ

The Covid-19 pandemic has been the central focus in this year 2020. It is on the news everyday and has affected the daily lives of millions of people in every country of the world. As at 8 October 2020, there were 36 million cases of infection globally. The number of deaths has just crossed 1 million recently. There is deep grief for the families who have lost their loved ones and also much anxiety for those still recovering from this infection.

I thought about the large number of deaths and a few reflection questions came to mind: How many of them had heard the gospel of Jesus Christ? And having heard the gospel, how many had placed their faith to believe and trust in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour?  Where are the souls of these 1 million people now – in heaven or in hell?

May this unprecedented pandemic spur us on to focus and press on urgently in the faithful proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ amongst our family and friends and also the countless millions of people in Singapore and all over the world who need to hear the good news of salvation.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”  John 3:16-17

Pastor John

04 Oct 2020

Dear family in Christ

Many countries in the world celebrate Children’s Day, a time we remember the worth, significance and dignity of children. In Singapore, it is celebrated on the first or second Friday of October when many happy children enjoy a school holiday. In the Church, children are God’s treasured creation and a great joy to all in God’s family.

Our Lord Jesus Christ taught his disciples, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:14).  Children are lovingly welcome in the kingdom of God because of God’s sacrificial unfailing love and for their trusting child-like faith in God.

Let us pray unceasingly for the children in the many households of faith at St John’s Chapel. May God’s Word take root deeply in their hearts and light their spiritual path in their life journey. May they grow into God-fearing godly men and women of God who love God deeply, walk with Jesus closely and serve the Lord faithfully all the days of their life.

Let us pray unwaveringly for the children whom our church is reaching out with the gospel through the various ministries such as the Children’s ministry, Boys Brigade, Girls Brigade, etc. May these children experience the love and grace of God deeply in their hearts. May they come to salvation faith in Jesus Christ, and also their parents and families.

(The Lord) established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.” Psalm 78:5-7

Pastor John

27 Sep 2020

Dear family in Christ

In recent weeks, the whole diocese has joined together in common prayer for Bishop-designate Titus Chung. We are now going into the third diocesan prayer wave with the focus on the Lord sending His Holy Spirit to anoint BpD Titus to continue the work of renewal in the parishes and in the lives of God’s people in love, truth, wisdom and unity.

  1. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and lead the Church of Jesus Christ to be faithful to Christ through the servant-leadership of our new bishop.
  2. May the Holy Spirit grant BpD Titus every wisdom in guarding biblical doctrines and every grace to grow in Christlikeness of love, compassion and mercy.
  3. Pray for BpD Titus to be renewed in deeper faith in God and reliance on God’s Word, and having a true shepherd’s heart in caring for the flock of Christ.
  4. May God keep BpD Titus and his family (wife Connie and sons Theodore and Thaddeus) under His loving wings always.
  5. Pray for God to make our diocese one in Christ as BpD Titus leads the Diocese into greater unity in a loving community with a clear vision and mission to do the will of God.

Pastor John

20 Sep 2020

Dear family in Christ

Let us uphold Bishop-designate (BpD) Canon Dr Titus Chung in fervent prayers in preparation for his consecration and enthronement.

1. Pray for the Lord’s grace, strength and protection upon BpD Titus, his wife Connie and their sons Theodore and Thaddeus, against the spiritual attacks of the Enemy.

2. Pray for God’s anointing upon BpD Titus to have the spirit of wisdom, counsel and compassion to discern God’s will for the Diocese as God’s appointed shepherd, pastor, teacher and leader.

3. Pray for God’s provision of spiritual gifts upon BpD Titus to lead the diocese’s multiple ministry platforms in the parish churches, mission deaneries, Anglican schools and community services in the faithful proclamation of the gospel.

Pastor John

13 Sep 2020

Dear family in Christ

We stand at the threshold of a new season in our continual diocesan journey as we prepare for the consecration and enthronement of Bishop-designate (BpD) Canon Dr Titus Chung on 18 October 2020. At Bishop Rennis’ Thanksgiving service on 30 August, he commended BpD Titus to the diocese and asked for fervent prayers for him: “Titus has a warm pastoral heart, a well-formed theological mind, a steady pair of hands and a desire for the truth of the Gospel to be practised and be made known. I therefore commend him and his wife Connie to you, for your full support and fervent prayers.”

  1. Let us thank God for Bp Rennis and all the past Bishops who have served and led the Diocese of Singapore faithfully for their guidance, teaching, nurturing and nourishing the flock with the Word of God in the love of God.
  2. Pray for the Lord’s strength and protection upon BpD Titus, his wife Connie and their sons Theodore and Thaddeus, against the spiritual attacks of the Enemy.
  3. Pray for God’s anointing upon BpD Titus to have the spirit of wisdom, counsel and compassion that he may discern God’s will for the Diocese as God’s appointed shepherd, pastor, teacher and leader.
  4. Pray for God’s provision of spiritual gifts upon BpD Titus to lead the diocese’s multiple ministry platforms in the parish churches, mission deaneries, Anglican schools and community services in the faithful proclamation of the gospel.

And when (Paul and Barnabas) had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.”  Acts 14:23

Pastor John

06 Sep 2020

Dear family in Christ

In September every year, we commemorate Diocese Education Month. The diocese Education Board oversees 30 schools and preschool entities with a total estimated enrolment of 15,900 students. This enormous number present many exciting opportunities for the love of God and pastoral care which is expressed through chaplaincy work. Value your prayers for our church chaplaincy team (staff Florence, Fu Man, Yun Jing & Shirleen and tributers Gloria & James) in our outreach and pastoral care with the students of St Margaret’s Secondary school.

September is also the month where students all over Singapore appreciate their school teachers for their care, support and commitment. Teachers play an important role in shaping the minds and hearts of their students, especially during their growing up years. We remember our brothers and sisters in our church family who are called to work and serve in this meaningful teaching vocation. Let us pray for them to keep their passion and fire burning brightly for Jesus as they seek to make an impact in the lives of their students in the love of Christ for the sake of the gospel.

In God’s Church, those who teach God’s Word serve a significant purpose in building up the people of God to grow in spiritual maturity. Let us thank and appreciate all those involved in teaching God’ Word at St John’s Chapel in the various congregations and ministries: Children ministry teachers, Youth leaders, young adults leaders, Cell leaders, Bible teachers, Boys Brigade and Girls Brigade officers & helpers, Chaplaincy staff & volunteers. Thank you all for your love and labour in God’s kingdom. May we be found faithful in teaching God’s Word and walking in obedience to the Lord daily.

Pastor John

30 Aug 2020

Dear family in Christ

Our Diocesan Bishop Rennis Ponniah retires officially in September 2020. There will be a livestreaming Thanksgiving service this Sunday 30 August, where Bp Rennis will hand over the pastoral staff to the Vicar-General Bp Low Jee King. The consecration and enthronement of Bishop-designate Canon Titus Chung will be on 18 October.

At the August 2020 issue of Diocesan Digest, Bp Rennis shared these words from his heart:

I step down from office with a grateful and joyful heart….. but I will, in the grace of God, continue to minister under the authority of the new diocesan bishop and support his leadership as best as I can. Pray for me and Amir as we settle into a new role and a new season in our lives. We thank the Lord for each one of you and the marvellous run we have had over the last eight years. Thank you for your love and support and the joy of serving the Lord together. The race is not over yet. The Lord is worthy of a Church on the front foot. There is a world to win for Christ…”

We thank the Lord for the godly life and faithful ministry of Bp Rennis and his loving supportive wife, Amir. All praise and thanks be to God.

Pastor John

23 Aug 2020

Dear family in Christ

I had commenced on the sermon series “Living the Ten Commandments in the 21st century” in first quarter 2020. However, during the circuit-breaker period and phase two reopening, I had focused on sermon topics that addressed the spiritual, mental and emotional issues relating to this challenging Covid-19 pandemic that has greatly affected our family, work and social lives.

For the next two months, I will cover the remaining commandments four to ten. May we grow in our love relationship with God and live a life of total obedience to Him. Jesus told his disciples in John 14:15-16  “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever…”   How is your love relationship with Abba Father today?

Pastor John

Aug Preacher Sermon topic Bible texts
Bp Rennis
Holy Communion –
A Provision Not to be Neglected
1 Kgs 19:1-8;
Lk 22:14-22
8/9    Rev John Lin Created for a Destiny and Purpose Dan 2:17-30
Bp Kuan Kim
Mary the Doule Lk 1:46-55;
Gal 4:4-7 
22/23 Ds Lena Lim If there is a tomorrow… Jam 4:13-17
29/30 Rev John Lin #4  Remember the Sabbath day to       keep it holy Exo 20:8-11
Rev John Lin #5  Honour your father & your mother Mt 15:1-9;
Eph 6:1-4
12/13 Rev King Chiew
Open topic  
Rev John Lin #6   You shall not murder                Mt 5:21-26;
Jam 1:19-27
26/27 Rev John Lin #7   You shall not commit adultery Mt 5:27-30
Enoch &
Shirleen Ng
Let the little children come to Me Mk 10:13-16
10/11 Rev John Lin #8   You shall not steal Lk 19:1-10
Rev John Lin #9   You shall not give false testimony Prov 30:5-10;
Jn 8:39-47
24/25 Rev John Lin #10  You shall not covet Lk 12:13-21

16 Aug 2020

Dear family in Christ

We are thankful that diocesan bishop Rennis has granted a special dispensation for parishes and congregations in the Archdeaconry of Singapore to practise one or more of the following three forms of administering Holy Communion during the period 2 August to 31 October 2020 to address the extraordinary situation posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Holy Communion to a congregation that physically gathers and safely distributes the bread and the wine in a manner that satisfy the safety standards specified by the national authorities for churches.

2. Holy Communion by extension from a common table, whereby diocesan authorised persons distribute pre-consecrated elements to dispersed households or small groups at their respective locations using a simple liturgy.

3. Holy Communion through an Online Service with good controls to a congregation that is electronically present and connected.

We praise and thank God that one powerful aspect of the Lord’s Supper is the communal experience of breaking bread and praying together. At our parish, we will celebrate Holy Communion on-site physically and online electronically on the first and third weekends at the following service timings:

  • Saturday 4.30 pm (English)
  • Sunday 9.00 am (English)
  • Sunday 11.15 am (Mandarin)

For those present electronically, pls view this video guide on preparing the bread and wine (juice) at home. )

May all things be done with faith and love and in good order to exalt the Lord and strengthen His church for missions and ministry. May we be nourished and strengthened by the Lord communally.

And (Jesus) took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”  And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.”   
Luke 22:19-20

Pastor John

9 Aug 2020

Dear family in Christ

On this National Day weekend, I was reminded of a very meaningful song written some years ago by bishop Robert Solomon, the former Bishop of The Methodist Church of Singapore. The song is entitled “From Many Shores”. You can view the song video clip by accessing our church website and click on the graphic icon “From Many Shores”. May I encourage you to take some time to reflect on the lyrics, give thanks to God and pray for our nation.

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”  Proverbs 14:34

Pastor John

1 FROM MANY SHORES you gathered, Our fathers mothers all
And gave as home this island, So precious though so small
They toiled and built our nation, As You blessed them with grace
O God of our salvation, We seek Your holy face

Chorus:  Bless Singapore our home with peace, And make us a blessing,
   To the nations near and far, We worship You our King,
   May everyone know who You are!

2 We’re many tongues and colours, Teach us to live as one
Bless all our dreams and labours, In all Your will be done
Help us to honour cherish, All that is good and right
Let all Your people flourish, As we live in Your light

3 We pray for all our children, Our leaders workers too
That we would all be open, To trust Your word as true
Let righteousness and justice, Your mercy and Your love
Be found in home and office, As we each other serve

4 We know our strength is in You, Our future in Your hands
Our nation Lord come renew, Come heal and bless our land
Let every street and heartland, Echo the name of Christ
To every heart and home extend, Your love Your grace Your light

2 Aug 2020

Dear family in Christ

In view of the Covid-19 pandemic situation, diocesan bishop Rennis has granted special dispensation for ONLINE Holy Communion to be celebrated for the period 2 August to 31 October 2020.

For the combined Diocese Online Holy Communion service on Sunday, 2 August (10.30 am), and also for subsequent parish online communion, please prepare the following at home:

(1) Bread on a clean tray/plate
(2) Wine (or juice) in a clean glass/cup

All consecrated bread and wine (juice) will need to be fully consumed at the end of the service.

You are encouraged to participate in the Online Communion service as a household family, or in a small group gathering of not more than 5 visitors at a home. We should consider gathering in small groups to break bread together (especially the elderly who may be alone at home) because there is a Body aspect, a communal aspect in the breaking of bread. Hence, for this communal reason, you need to follow the service timing of the livestreaming, so as to break bread together with the Body of Christ. For example, at 10.30 am this Sunday 2 August. If you miss the official service timing, you can still view the recorded service, but the holy communion segment will have been digitally removed.

In his teaching video, Bishop Rennis emphasized the importance of spiritual preparation.

First, we want to prepare ourselves through “Repentance”. We are a people broken by the (Covid-19) adversity, totally dependent on God. We ask God in times of judgement to remember mercy, and to bring us through. So there is a repentant heart we need to bring.

Second, we also need to bring “Longing” because it has been about 3 months since we partook of Holy Communion. The longing to experience that communion with God, that solidarity with one another. We are the people of the risen Lord.

Third, we want to be “Expectant”. I want to ask you to prepare and to pray for the experience of Christ’ spiritual presence as we break bread simultaneously. I want to ask you to pray that there will be renewed joy and strength and hope, as we have that online communion.

May our hearts be spiritually nourished and strengthened by the Lord as we partake in the breaking of bread together as the redeemed people of God.

Pastor John

26 Jul 2020

Dear family in Christ

In view of the Covid-19 pandemic situation, diocesan bishop Rennis has granted special dispensation for ONLINE Holy Communion to be celebrated for the period 2 August to 31 October 2020.

For those who may have missed bishop’s teaching on this important matter, pls access this diocese weblink  and watch the following videos:
a. Teaching video by bishop Rennis – “Do this in Remembrance of Me: Holy Communion during Covid-19 times
b. Demonstration video on “Preparing for Online Communion service

Online Holy Communion Service will have the following good controls:

  1. It will be led by a Priest.
  2. A congregation is ‘present & connected’ by remote means, who will partake of the breaking of bread together.
  3. It will be a simultaneous breaking of bread by the Priest, individuals or households, and small groups.
  4. There will be a suitably designed liturgy.
  5. There will be due preparation for reverent participation.

There will be no St John’s Chapel services for the weekend of 1-2 August. The whole diocese will be gathered together for the combined Online Holy Communion service on 2 August, Sunday at 10.30 am, led by bishop Rennis and bishop-designate Titus. Pls access this livestreaming link  

In our preparations for this sacred time on 2 August and also subsequent parish online communion, you will need to prepare the following at home before the service starts: (1) Bread on a clean tray/plate; (2) Wine (or juice) in a clean glass/cup. All consecrated bread and wine (juice) will need to be fully consumed at the end of the service.

Let us draw near to the Lord’s table with reverence and fear of the Lord. Let us come with faith and repentant hearts to renew our covenant and experience the Lord’s presence.

Pastor John

19 Jul 2020

Dear family in Christ

For the past 6 months, the world has been grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic. Many governments, companies, businesses, hotels, airlines and hospitals have experienced such a severe shaking. Thousands of families have been affected in various ways and facing the future with uncertainty and insecurity.  

During such tumultuous times, we look to the Lord for His strength and grace as God’s beloved children. The Bible has many examples of God’s people experiencing pain, difficulties and struggles and how they find strength in the Lord. I share some portions of Scripture for our meditation to receive encouragement and peace from Abba Father.

I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8

The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear…” Psalm 46:1-2

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.” Psalm 62:5-6

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

You need not walk alone in your pain and struggle. If you need prayer or someone to talk to, the pastoral staff, cell leaders and myself are available to come alongside to journey with you as we look to the Lord together.

Pastor John

12 Jul 2020

Dear family in Christ

Thanks be to God that our church Safe Management Plan has been approved by Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY). We can resume essential office operations, necessary ministry activities and on-site congregational worship services (with Holy Communion).

  • English worship services resume on 18 July (Saturday, 4.30 pm) and 19 July (Sunday, 9.00 am)
  • Mandarin service will resume on 9 August (Sunday 11.15 am)

Pls note the following for Congregational worship service:

  1. Each service is allowed a maximum attendance of 50 people (excluding church staff and duty personnel).
  2. You need to book a “ticket” online at
  3. Attendees must follow Safe distancing measures and clear SafeEntry procedures.
  4. Children’s Ministry will not resume physically yet, and will continue electronically over Zoom.
  5. Children are welcome at the church service with their family. The creche will be open.
  6. Livestreaming (and recording) of church services will continue to be available online.
  7. Holy Communion will resume in August and it will be celebrated weekly.

On another matter, in view of the Covid-19 situation, our diocesan bishop Rennis has granted special dispensation for an ONLINE Holy Communion service. Bishop will teach on this issue via a teaching video on 11-12 July. The Mandarin video will be available on 19 July. As a start, the whole diocese will be gathered together for a diocesan combined Online Holy Communion service on 2 August, Sunday at 10.30 am.

We look forward to see you in church together again in the praise and adoration of God and to hear His Word. For those who may not be ready yet to be physically present in church for various reasons, we understand your situation and hope to see in person at a later time this year. May the Lord watch over everyone with his grace and peace.

Pastor John

5 Jul 2020

Dear family in Christ

Psalm 84 described a situation where a Levite (son of Korah) longed to be present physically at the Jerusalem temple for the worship of Yahweh. It expressed great delight to be in God’s dwelling place to experience His presence, to praise and adore Him and to rest in his grace and strength.  

For the past three months, the Church in Singapore has been unable to meet physically. I believe that there are many in our church community who miss being in community together praising the Lord and to be in fellowship with one another. We are thankful that under Phase Two, the church is now allowed to have congregational services, up to a maximum of 50 attendees at each service.

Before congregational services can resume, we need to obtain approval from the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) for our church’s Safe Management Plan (SMP). The SMP lists the multiple action plans and detailed safe distancing measures that our church will implement for our congregational services and church activities, with clear compliance to MCCY guidelines and restrictions (  )

We are in the planning and preparation process to resume congregational services. Pls note the following key points:

  1. Tentative start date is 18-19 July 2020, subject to MCCY approval of the SMP.
  2. Children’s Ministry will not resume physically yet, but continue electronically over Zoom.
  3. There will be an online booking system to manage the “50-person” limit.
  4. Livestreaming (and recording) of church services will continue to be available.
  5. Holy Communion will resume in August 2020 and it will be celebrated weekly.

Thank you for your understanding and help during several safe transition stages these past few months. Value your prayers.

Pastor John

28 Jun 2020

Dear family in Christ

We praise and thank God for his wisdom and help for our church virtual Annual General Meeting processes and meetings. Thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ, for your responses, participation, encouragement and prayers.

It is my joy to introduce the Parochial Church Council (PCC) for year 2020-21. We thank God for every PCC member’s faithfulness and heart in their latreuo worship in serving the Lord.

Vicar’s Warden:       Kenneth Sng
People’s Warden:    Hidehito Ie
Hon. Secretary:       Elly Chiu
Hon. Treasurer:       Tan Pei Ching
Synod representatives (2020-2023):
     Justin Chan, Elly Chiu, Ho Boon Sing
PCC members:
     Benjamin Kirk, Enoch Ng,
     Florence Ho, Gan Pak Lim,
     George Chen, Kevin Lee,
     Nellie Nam, Sheryl Sim
Sub-committee chairpersons:
     Hidehito Ie (Personnel),
     Benjamin Kirk (Property),
     Nellie Nam (Finance),
     Vicar (Missions)

We are very encouraged by the faithful ministry of brothers David Lui and Peter Soon. Both have been serving as Synod representatives and had requested to step down from PCC to encourage newer and younger members to serve. David was a faithful stalwart representing the Mandarin congregation at PCC for 13 years. Peter started serving in PCC in 1986 and experienced key church transitions such as the physical relocation to SMSS and St John’s (Jurong) becoming a parish. Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to David and Peter for their exemplary and humble service unto the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Pastor John

21 Jun 2020

Dear family in Christ

We thank the Lord for his help and guidance for our church AGM process as we culminate proceedings at the virtual AGM on 21 June (2 pm). A word of thanks to the AGM taskforce and to the 273 electoral roll members who submitted your AGM proxy voting form and to the 45 participants at the pre-AGM Town Hall discussion meeting. Let us continue looking to God for his gracious sovereign hand as we journey together in discipleship and serve God’s purposes in the work of his eternal kingdom.

Our grateful thanks to the committed team of brothers and sisters who had served faithfully in the Parochial Church Council (PCC). A great majority will continue serving for the new PCC term 2020-2021. This provides good continuity and stability in the lay leadership team. We welcome a new PCC member, brother George Chen (Mandarin congregation), to serve with us. A special note of thankful appreciation to brother Peter Soon and brother David Lui for their steadfast faithful ministry service for many years. They will “retire” as our church Synod representatives and will continue serving in other areas of church ministry.

As Singapore enters Phase Two of Safe Reopening, we have just received the latest advisory from Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth providing rules and guidelines for churches and also the advisory from our diocese Covid-19 taskforce. Together with the staff team and PCC, we will study both advisories carefully and implement safe and appropriate measures in the gradual resumption of church services, activities and meetings. Value your prayers for God’s wisdom and help.

Let us focus on our mission and purpose in the journey ahead as God’s people in his kingdom. Let us be God’s living church in these Last Days. As we see the gracious salvation plan in the missional heart of God, may we be a missional church of Spirit-filled committed disciples of Jesus Christ, always ready to take the gospel to the nations and eagerly awaiting the Return of the King, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Pastor John

14 Jun 2020

Dear family in Christ

Thank you for taking time to read the AGM reports. May it encourage your heart to see the Lord’s gracious leading at St John’s Chapel in ministry and missions. Thank you for submitting your AGM proxy voting form. For those yet to submit, the closing date is 14 June. Together with the PCC, we look forward to meet brothers and sisters who have registered for the Town Hall Webinar this Sunday 14 June (2 pm).

During this Safe Reopening Phase one period, all our church staff continue to work from home, as strongly advised by our government leaders. I thank the Lord for a wonderful staff team who continue to press on in the various ministries of administration, pastoral care, teaching, chaplaincy, outreach and ministry, with lay leaders and members coming alongside in serving with joy and commitment together.

We are in the planning process to submit our church Safe Management Plan (SMP) to the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth to seek approval for the resumption of allowable religious activities. When this approval is given, our church office can open gradually and we can open our church premises for private worship. Please pray along with us for SMP approval.

Many of you would be missing the spiritual nourishment in the partaking of Holy Communion for the past three months. In the recent weeks, diocesan bishop Rennis has been in sharing and discussion with the senior clergy and also all the clergy and deaconesses on this important sacrament. There is a possibility for a special dispensation to be given by bishop Rennis for Online Holy Communion in all our parishes. I will update our church community in due course.  

The Lord watch over you and your family during such challenging and uncertain times. For those who are struggling deeply in various areas, may you find shalom peace and comforting strength in God our Refuge and may you rest well in the arms of our loving Good Shepherd.

Pastor John

7 Jun 2020

Dear family in Christ

I pray that you are keeping well in the Lord, in your family and in your health during such challenging times. May you find peace, rest and strength in the Almighty God, our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).

We thank God for the coming Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 21 June, a time that we see God’s gracious sovereign hand upon our church in year 2019 in the transformation of lives and in serving Him in ministry and mission in the work of His eternal kingdom.

Our church constitution requires one third of Electoral Roll members to form the AGM quorum. Under Virtual AGM guidelines, your proxy voting form is important because it is counted as part of the quorum. As we cannot meet physically, your proxy form appoints the Chairman of AGM (the Vicar of St John’s Chapel) as your proxy to attend, speak and vote on your behalf. After you have read the AGM reports, thank you for submitting your (online) proxy voting form, latest by 14 June.

We are organising a pre-AGM Town Hall Webinar on Sunday 14 June (2.00 pm) to address any questions, clarifications or comments concerning the AGM reports. Please use this Town Hall platform to present your thoughts, as the virtual AGM on 21 June will not include any Question & Answer segment. Kindly email your questions to Upon receiving your email, we will contact you with the webinar details.

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”  Isaiah 26:3-4

Pastor John

31 May 2020

Dear family in Christ  

By now, you would have received the AGM report and the email notice explaining the virtual AGM processes. Please take time to read all the ministry reports and give thanks to God for his wonderful work of grace upon St John’s Chapel in discipleship, evangelism and missions. As you read the treasurer’s report, give thanks to God for his blessing and provision to enable us to return His tithes and offer freewill givings for the work of His eternal kingdom.

For the virtual AGM to be effective and to form the quorum, thank you for your help in submitting the electronic Proxy voting form by 14 June.

What a great joy that the whole diocese (27 parishes in Singapore and the churches in 6 deanery countries) can gather together as one Body of Christ on 31 May at 10.30 am to [celebrate] Pentecost Sunday, led by diocesan bishop Rennis and bishop-designate Titus. Let us pray and seek the Lord fervently that during this Pentecost, we might see:

  • God’s victory over Covid-19 and his purposes fulfilled through this pandemic.
  • People come to faith in Jesus through our personal testimonies and church online services.
  • Our diocese and the global Church arise with fresh zeal and power to minister to a lost and fearful world with God’s love.

Only the Holy Spirit can make this happen! Only the Holy Spirit can do a deep work of transformation in every heart to the glory of God. Let us devote ourselves to pray beseechingly, and prepare our hearts and homes for a fresh Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Pastor John

24 May 2020

Dear family in Christ  

As announced, St John’s Chapel will hold our virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday, 21 June 2020 at 2.00 pm. In order to have an effective AGM by electronic means, it is necessary to communicate with church members on our Electoral Roll via Email. Appreciative thanks to a great majority who have confirmed their email addresses.

Nominations are open (from 17 May) for members to serve in our Parochial Church Council (PCC) for 2020-2021 and Synod representatives for 2020-2023. Till date, we have received 1 nomination for People’s Warden, 9 nominations for PCC and 3 nominations for Synod reps. If you wish to submit any nomination, pls request for a nomination form via email  Nominations close on 24 May.

In this coming week, we will email the agenda, AGM reports, audited accounts, budget 2020 and the nomination list. Pls make time to read these documents. As explained last week, the Vicar of St John’s Chapel as the Chairman of Meeting, will act as the member’s proxy to vote, speak and attend the AGM. This proxy shall form the quorum for the AGM. We will provide a weblink for you to submit your proxy form electronically, with the closing date being 14June.

We are organising a pre-AGM Townhall meeting Webinar on Sunday 14 June (2.00 pm) to answer any question or clarification concerning the minutes, reports, accounts and nominations. Pls email your question or clarification to, latest by 7 June. After receiving your email, we will email you directly to provide details concerning registration for this Townhall webinar.

Electoral Roll members are welcome to “observe and listen only” to the proceedings of the AGM via Webinar. Please note that this participation is not compulsory, as your attendance is already counted in the quorum if you have appointed the Chairman of the meeting as your proxy. Further details will be provided concerning registration for the AGM webinar.

Thank you dear church, and value your prayers for PCC and myself as we conduct the virtual AGM with due diligence by the grace and wisdom of God.

Pastor John

17 May 2020

Dear family in Christ  

In view of the current suspension of church services and gatherings, the diocesan leadership is guiding all parishes to conduct their parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) by electronic means. For St John’s Chapel, our virtual AGM will be held on Sunday, 21 June 2020  at 2.00 pm.

In order to hold an effective AGM by electronic means, one important element is to have the email addresses of church members on our Electoral Roll. This is for the purpose of communications in sending the notice of AGM, relevant documents and the nomination of PCC candidates and Synod representatives. I want to thank all Cell leaders for your help in collating the email addresses. For those not in a cell group, you would have received a phone message request. Thank you everyone for your help on this matter.

From 17 May onwards, we will receive nominations for members to serve in our Parish Church Council (PCC) for 2020-2021 and also our Synod representatives for 2020-2023. Nomination forms can be requested via email  Nominations will close on 24 May 2020.

On 27 April 2020, the Government gazetted the “COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Alternative Arrangements for Meetings for Registered Societies) Order 2020”. We will endeavour to follow the key guidelines of the Order, which can be found on the website of the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.

  • In sections 5 and 6, the Vicar of St John’s Chapel as the Chairman of Meeting, will act as the member’s proxy to vote, speak and attend the AGM. Those members who have appointed the Chairman of the meeting as proxy, shall form the quorum for the AGM.
  • In section 2, members will have an option to observe and listen to the proceedings of the AGM via an audio-visual broadcast. Please note that this participation at the AGM is welcome but not compulsory, as your attendance will be counted if you have appointed the Chairman of the meeting as your proxy.

We will inform of more details and processes in the coming weeks. Value your prayers for PCC and myself as we plan and implement the virtual AGM with due diligence by the wisdom and help of God.

Pastor John

10 May 2020

Dear family in Christ

In the Fifth Commandment, the Lord commanded his people to “honour your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12). This weekend, Mother’s Day is commemorated all around the world. It is a day set aside to remember, honour and thank our mothers for all their labour, love and sacrifice.

As God’s people, what can we do to edify and encourage the mothers in our church community or in your family?

  1. PRAY:  Coming alongside the mothers in regular prayer support goes a long way to give renewal of strength in their mothering responsibilities. Through prayer, the mums look to God and depend on Him for His grace and wisdom. To know that someone is keeping them in prayer means alot to them as they toil faithfully.
  2. ENCOURAGE:  Appropriate words of encouragement spoken at the opportune time can uplift and strengthen the hearts of mothers, especially if they are experiencing struggles and stress in their life. To “encourage” means to “give courage”. Many times, mothers really need the courage to persevere on in the midst of their difficulties.
  3. LISTEN:  Be ready with a listening ear to hear the cry of their hearts for their children, elderly parents & marriage and their struggle to keep a healthy work-life balance. Their problems may not be solved immediately, but your presence and care will help to ease their pain and lighten their heavy burdens.
  4. HELP:  Do offer your help in practical ways. It can be giving a helping hand in church when any need arises. It can be looking after their young children, so that they can have a good rest at home or they can serve in church ministry. Being there for them in practical ways will be a great help and blessing.

Praying and wishing all mothers a Blessed Mother’s Day.

Pastor John

3 May 2020

Dear family in Christ

During such challenging and difficult times of Covid-19 pandemic, some Christians have asked, “Is Jesus Christ returning very soon?”  Well, the short answer(s) to this very important question is this: “Yes and No”.

Why “YES”?  When we look at the trends and signs of the times, they seem to fulfil the prophecies of Jesus in Matthew 24. For example, we see earthquakes, famines, wars, violence, persecution, false teaching, lawlessness, drifting away from God, etc. In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the apostle Paul taught that in the last days, “men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, …. lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God”.

Why then “NO”?  Because the preaching of the gospel in the whole world is yet to be completed. In Matthew 24:14, Jesus declared, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to ALL “NATIONS” (ethnic people groups), and then the end will come.”

According to statistics by Joshua Project (, there are 10,435 unique ethnic people groups across all the countries in the world. Out of these, 4,605 are unreached people groups, located at places where there are zero or very few people who identify as Christian, with little or no history of Christianity.  

Many churches, para-churches, mission agencies, Bible translators and missionaries are working hard to reach out to these remaining unreached people groups with the gospel. Let us be in fervent prayer and practical support for this important work. Meanwhile, let us continue in faithful evangelism and outreach at where God has placed us in our family, school, workplace, neighbourhood and nation. In times like this, people need the Lord, because in Jesus Christ, there is gracious merciful salvation and the hope of eternal life.

Pastor John

26 Apr 2020

Dear family in Christ

A grateful word of thanks to many of you who had responded generously to the following Covid-19 appeals for help:

(1)  Food delivery team to foreign worker dormitories, in partnership with Crisis Relief Alliance

(2)  Contribution of 110 used phone chargers for infected foreign workers at Ng Teng Fong hospital

(3)  Fund-raising collection for three groups of people:

       a. Welfare and needy cases amongst our church members

       b. Help for church members who lost their jobs or had their work income substantially reduced

       c. Financial help and encouragement support for foreign workers

As at 23 April, we have raised a total of $10,000. Quite a number of us have given away the $600 Solidarity payment from the government and also members who gave out of your savings. This amount will be used for the three purposes listed in point 3. A small team of four PCC members, together with the Vicar, will be involved in the process to disburse the funds.

At PCC meeting on 21 April , the PCC made the decision to give $5,000 towards our Anglican diocese outreach project to foreign workers in three specific areas:

  1. Providing 2 months’ supply of multi-vitamins
  2. Providing 2 meals daily for 14 days for 1,000 workers
  3. Developing media content in 3 languages (Tamil, Mandarin, Bengali) for 6 months

Thank you for your generous and compassionate heart. You may continue your giving through our church internet-banking digital giving (pls indicate “Covid-19 help fund”).

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”   Matthew 5:14-16

Love in Christ
Pastor John

19 Apr 2020

Dear family in Christ

St John’s Chapel family welcomes Rev King Chiew Kwang and his family warmly into our church community. Pastor Chiew Kwang is married to Sor Lay, a school teacher, and they have three wonderful children. His family of origin is located at Kuching, where his mother and eight siblings currently reside.

After his professional training and work as a land surveyor, the Lord called pastor Chiew Kwang to full-time ministry in 1989. He received his theological education both in Sarawak and also at Trinity Theological College, Singapore. Upon graduation, he started ministry at All Saints Church Chinese Congregation (1996-1999) where he served at young adults ministry, Mainland Chinese Ministry and chaplaincy ministry at Anglican High School. Subsequently, he was posted to Church of the Good Shepherd Chinese Congregation (2000-2004) where he served at the youth ministry, bilingual service and community outreach.

Rev King was made a deacon in 2004 and ordained as a priest in 2005. He was posted to Marine Parade Christian Centre as Priest-in-charge of the Mandarin Congregation (2005-2009). Subsequently, he was posted to Anglican Care Centre (at Hougang and at Yishun) to pioneer and grow the mental health chaplaincy (2010-2020) and also served as honorary priest at Yishun Christian Church. The mental health ministry has helped him develop his strengths in pulpit preaching, Christian education, counselling, contemplative spirituality and theological reflection.

Pas Chiew Kwang enjoys many personal hobbies, such as reading, movies & documentaries, doing house chores, appreciating nature, arts, music &  dance performances and cross-cultural immersion. I ask for your prayers for God’s grace and wisdom for Pas Chiew Kwang and his family in this period of adjustment and for his focal ministry overseeing the Mandarin, Hokkien and Cantonese congregations.  

I ask for your prayers for God’s grace and wisdom for Pas Chiew Kwang and his family in this period of adjustment and for his focal ministry overseeing the Mandarin, Hokkien and Cantonese congregations.

Love in Christ
Pastor John

5 Apr 2020

Dear family in Christ

We commemorate PALM SUNDAY today. Our Saviour Jesus Christ had set his heart to walk the way of the cross to Calvary. He rode into Jerusalem city on a humble donkey (Matthew 21:1-11). The excited Jewish crowds carried the expectant hope of the conquering Messiah and king who would come to liberate them from the tyrannical Romans.

As they followed Jesus along the city streets, they shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”  But five days later,loud voices cried out, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”.

As we go into Holy Week, let us keep our focus on Jesus Christ and His sacrificial obedience to the will of God the Father. As we remember the series of events during this significant week, may our hearts be filled with gratitude and may our wills be resolved to walk the way of the cross.

  1. Washing the disciples’ feet (John 13:1-17): Servanthood, humility and love for one anothermust be the hallmark of a committed disciple of Jesus.
  2. Passover meal (Matthew 26:17-29): Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper (body and blood) as an important remembrance of God’s new covenant of His grace and mercy.
  3. Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46): Jesus was in deep agony and sorrow, yet He was fully obedient to the will of His Father.
  4. Betrayal, arrest, trial (Luke 22:47 – 23:25): Jesus was mocked, beaten and humiliated, yet He was meek, “like a lamb that is led to the slaughter”.
  5. Crucifixion, death, burial (Luke 23:33-56): In great suffering and painful shame, Jesus gave His life sacrificially on the cross in atonement for our sins and the sins of the world.
  6. Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10): Hallelujah. He is Risen. Praise and thanks be to God for the victory over sin and death, and the blessed hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”  Galatians 2:20

Pastor John

29 Mar 2020

Dear church family

In the midst of many challenges and difficulties in his life and kingship, King David trusted in Yahweh and kept his eyes on the Lord. In Psalm 16:8, David declared, “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.”  Why was David able to make this declaration with faith and confidence?  

Firstly, the Presence of God (“I have set the Lord always before me”). King David was a man after God’s heart. As he remained faithful and obedient to God and loved the Lord with all his heart, he was comforted by God’s presence. He experienced the fullness of joy and the blessing of God.

Secondly, the Power of God  (“because he is at my right hand”). As king of Israel, David faced tremendous challenges. Because David set the Lord continually before him and took refuge in God his Helper, he received God’s counsel and experienced the power of God helping him in all his difficulties.

Thirdly, the Peace of God (“I shall not be shaken”). Despite David’s many struggles, he was not shaken by them, but remained steady and secure. He had shalom peace and rest in God, trusting God and dwelling securely in the Lord.

We are all experiencing tremendous challenges and uncertainties in this worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. You may be going through struggles and heartaches in your life now. Let us keep the Lord continually before us, with childlike faith and whole-hearted dependence upon God. May you experience the presence, power and peace of our sovereign loving Abba Father deep in your heart.

Shalom in Christ
Pastor John

22 Mar 2020

Dear church family

As announced on 9 February, diocesan bishop Rennis Ponniah will be posting Revd Bernard Yee to serve at Chapel of Christ the Redeemer wef 1 April 2020. On the same date, Revd King Chiew Kwang will be posted to St John’s Chapel, where I will assign him to serve as pastor-in-charge for the Mandarin and dialect services, amongst other responsibilities.

We thank the Lord for His love and goodness for pastor Bernard, his wife Dorcas and their wonderful children in being God’s gracious blessings in our church community all these years. Bernard started attending St John’s Jurong in 1985 when he was five years old, together with his three siblings, as brought by their mother Julian, who was invited to church by Bernard’s auntie Florence Hou. Although he believed in Jesus at a Children’s camp, it was at a youth camp in 1995 that Bernard became serious in following Jesus Christ and began his spiritual journey of committed discipleship.

Growing up as a BB boy with the 64th Boys Brigade company had a tremendous impact in Bernard’s life. As he grew in physical age and in spiritual maturity, he learnt to serve the Lord in various church ministries and developed a passion to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. After being on the church staff team for several years, pastor Bernard began the discernment process in the call to the ordained ministry. As the Lord led and called him, pastor Bernard was ordained in May 2016. Glory and praise to the Lord for his sovereign hand upon his son, Bernard.

Let us uphold Rev Bernard, Dorcas and their children in prayer as they transit to another field of faithful ministry unto the Lord. Many will know that they have a heart for gospel mission in Thailand. May the Lord lead and guide them in their ministry ahead and in their family life together in His love and grace.

Pastor John

15 Mar 2020

Dear church family

This current Covid-19 health situation has impacted millions of lives all around the world and also in Singapore. It is a well-known fact that the manner in which people respond to crisis situations reveal their true colours and their true character. As I observe and think about the responses of our church members to Covid-19, I am encouraged and thankful to God for the grace, strength and love shown by God’s people in our church community.

Let me share these examples for your encouragement.

  • Some church members took initiative to contribute face masks, sanitizers, thermometers, etc for church use.
  • Almost 100% of members were understanding on the precautionary measures needed and rendered full cooperation.
  • Members understood that extra specific precautionary measures and procedures are needed because we are located within a school.
  • Members were generally calm, steady and composed during this period of many adjustments.
  • Our church staff team and duty usher teams served in many ways to ensure that precautionary measures are done well.
  • The church lay leadership were fully supportive of diocese guidance and our staff team’s labour of love.
  • Various church ministries made the necessary adjustments and continued to function as normally as possible.
  • Parents continue to bring their children to church for praise time, Bible learning and community fellowship.
  • Church members who felt unwell (even mild symptoms) took it upon themselves not to come to church service for that weekend.

During this Covid-19 health situation, let us continue to look out and help one another and love one another with the love of Jesus Christ.

Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”  Matthew 22:36-40

Pastor John

8 Mar 2020

Dear church family

At the Ash Wednesday service marking the beginning of Lent, the priest places some ash on our foreheads and he says “you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19b). This is a clear reminder that our bodies are frail and mortal. Because of sin, man has fallen short of the glory of God. But thanks be to God for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Christ, we are set free from our bondage to sin and death.

During this Lent season, firstly, let us reflect and give thanks to God for the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus walked the way of the cross in submission and obedience to His Father’s will. May our hearts be ever grateful to Jesus and follow his example of humble obedience.

Secondly, let us repent of our sins as we open our hearts to the powerful work of the Holy Spirit. God will forgive us when we truly repent, having a transformative inward change of heart. May we seek to live a life of holiness and godliness.

Thirdly, let us renew our first love for God and our commitment to the kingdom of God. Take time to slow down during Lent and spend time with Abba Father in the Word and in prayer. Be restored in your soul and inner being. May we grow daily in our relationship with God and in Christlikeness.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.”   Psalm 51:10-12

Pastor John

1 Mar 2020

Dear church family

In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus taught his disciples to be salt of the earth and the light of the world. During this season of Covid-19 health situation, how can Christians shine brightly for Jesus Christ and bear a good testimony for the gospel in practical ways?

  1. Be socially responsible. If we are feeling unwell, take the necessary precautionary measures and stay away from crowded places.
  2. Be supportive of healthcare workers. Let us show care and encouragement for those whom we know who work in healthcare.
  3. Be helpful to those under quarantine or leave of absence. We can offer practical help and call them regularly to encourage them.
  4. Be watchful of our neighbours who may need help. This is a good opportunity to offer friendship and practical help.
  5. Be understanding to those feeling anxious. We can comfort them with kindness and words of Scripture.
  6. Be sensitive to those affected economically. Let us extend a helping hand in finance and practical support as needed.
  7. Be ready to share the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Let us share the good news of the gospel to colleagues and friends feeling fearful.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Pastor John

23 Feb 2020

Dear church family

On 26 February Ash Wednesday, we begin the 40-day season of Lent. Lent is a season of spiritual preparation when we remember the temptation, ministry, suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is an opportune time for disciples of Jesus to seek God and draw closer to Him through fervent prayer, personal reflection, regular fasting and sincere repentance.

Let us take time to slow down during Lent. Here are some practical suggestions in walking through Lent.

  • Reflect on the cross and the power of the gospel of Christ.
  • Set aside extra time for prayer each day.
  • Fast regularly to devote time for prayer and Bible reading.
  • Keep a journal of your thoughts, prayers and reflections.
  • Give time to serve others in need in church or community.
  • Give money as freewill giving for missions and to the poor.
  • Forgive others and make things right in your relationships.

As we seek the Lord earnestly, may we experience a close personal encounter with our Abba Father through the powerful work of the Holy Spirit. Praise God for His merciful forgiveness when we truly repent of our sins, having a transformative change of heart and a definitive change in our way of life walking in holiness and godliness.

Pastor John

9 Feb 2020

Shalom church family

We thank the Lord for his gracious sovereign hand upon His Church in Singapore and in our Anglican diocese, particularly in raising up good and godly men and women in the work of God’s eternal kingdom. I would like to share two important announcements.

1.  Tenth Bishop of Singapore

The Provincial House of Bishops has appointed Rev Canon Dr Titus Chung, aged 55
years, as the tenth Bishop of Singapore. Canon Titus is currently the Priest-in-charge of St Andrew’s Cathedral Mandarin Congregation. He is also the Convenor of Continuing Ministerial Education for Clergy & Deaconesses and a member of the Senior Clergy Planning Team. Canon Titus will be consecrated and installed on Sunday 18 October 2020. Value your prayers for Canon Titus and his family as they prepare for his new appointment and heavy responsibilities.

2.  Clergy postings

The Bishop’s office has announced the following clergy postings wef 1 April 2020.

  • Revd Bernard Yee will be posted to Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

  • Revd King Chiew Kwang will be posted to St John’s Chapel

We look forward to welcome Rev King Chiew Kwang into our church community. Let us uphold Rev Bernard, Dorcas and their children in prayer as they prepare for this transition to another field of faithful ministry unto the Lord.

Then (Jesus) said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.”  Matthew 9:37-38

Pastor John

2 Feb 2020

Dear church family

As we experience some anxiety and uncertainty due to the “Wuhan Coronavirus” health situation in Singapore and around the world, may the Lord grant you His peace and strength to cope with your daily routines and general concerns for your family. In accordance with health advisory guidelines, our church will implement the following measures:

  1. Children ministry – The teachers will be doing temperature-taking and hand-sanitizing for the children.
  2. Hand hygiene – We will refrain from handshake greetings at usher welcome, exchange of peace, etc. Hand-sanitizers and soap dispensers will be placed at the church entrance and the toilets respectively.
  3. Holy Communion – Intinction will be strictly practised. Pls refrain from drinking from the chalice. Pls dip your wafer lightly and avoid having your fingers to be in contact with the wine.
  4. Sick and unwell – If you feel unwell with a fever and having respiratory symptoms (cough, runny nose, etc), pls rest at home and not attend church services and Cell or ministry meetings.

Let us join our hearts to pray for God’s mercy and protection for all peoples of the world, especially those in the provinces of China. Pls remember our brothers and sisters in China in prayer that they will find peace and strength in the Lord and be God’s help and blessing to all those around them.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.”   Psalm 91:1-6

Pastor John

26 Jan 2020

Dear church family

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.”   Eph 1:3-4

In Ephesians chapter 1, the apostle Paul encouraged God’s community at Ephesus about their joy and privilege of having bountiful spiritual blessings in Jesus Christ:

  • Adoption as sons (and daughters) of Abba Father because of His agape love (1:5-6)
  • Redemption through His blood for the forgiveness of our sins because God’s grace (1:7-10)
  • Inheritance of the hope of eternal life because of God’s mercy (1:11-12)
  • Holy Spirit’s presence and power for living because of God’s faithfulness (1:13-14)

As we receive and enjoy these spiritual blessings in Christ, may our lives “be holy and blameless before him”, to the praise and glory of God our heavenly Father.

May we continue to labour for the gospel and pray for many others (especially our family and friends) to believe and trust in Jesus Christ, so that they also can enjoy all these spiritual blessings in their lives.

Pastor John

19 Jan 2020

Dear church family

During Chinese New Year season, there will be opportunities to meet up with family relatives, good friends, work colleagues and friendly neighbours. As you enjoy the yummy food and casual conversations, do make use of every opportunity to shine brightly for Jesus in the midst of the festivities.

  1. Pray – As you share in conversation, silently commit your family and friends to the Lord in prayer for God’s grace of salvation.
  • Respect – It is important to give due honour and respect to our elders in our immediate and extended families.
  • Listen – Take time to hear their life stories and understand the heart and struggles of our family and friends.
  • Care – As you sense some needs of your family and friends, may the Lord use you to minister help and concern to them.
  • Invite – Be courageous to invite them to know Jesus and welcome them to our church services or ministries.

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison.”   Colossians 4:2-3

Pastor John

12 Jan 2020

Dear church family

In Matthew 24:14, Jesus told his disciples that “this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”  To hasten the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, the gospel must be proclaimed to every people group in the world. In our modern world, various people groups are found within each country. Many people groups have yet to be reached with the gospel. In view of this great urgency, let us join our hearts to pray for them to hear the gospel, believe in Jesus and be saved by the grace of God.

For the past one year, I have been using an app that provides information prayer pointers from “Operation World” to guide me in my daily prayer for the nations. You can download this free app on your mobile phone or laptop using this weblink     I find the information very useful to understand each country and the various people groups, which guide me to pray specifically for each nation of the world everyday. It has helped me to see the power and grace of God at work in all these nations.

Currently, this app is only available in English. There is a printed version of “Operation World” in Mandarin. If you need help to buy a copy, pls speak with the church staff for assistance.

May we grow in our prayer life daily. May the Lord open our eyes and heart as we pray for the nations, especially for the unreached peoples.

Pastor John

5 Jan 2020

Dear church family

As we begin the new year 2020, let us trust in the sovereign Lord’s grace and goodness and let us rest in the eternal God’s love and power. The Psalmist declared confidently, “Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” (Psalm 90:1-2)

The hymn-writer Isaac Watts faced difficult circumstances and uncertain times in the 18th century. As Isaac Watts read the Scriptures, Psalm 90 ministered deeply in his heart. Expressing the thoughts of Psalm 90:1-5, he composed this wonderful hymn “Our God, our Help in ages past”. In the first stanza, Isaac wrote such words of trust and comfort, “Our God, our Help in ages past, our Hope for years to come, our Shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal Home.” What a wonderful reminder that God is our faithful Help, our secure Hope, our strong Shelter and our eternal Home. God does not change and He stands above human time, for He is the everlasting God. May this hymn encourage and strengthen your heart.

Many of us will face challenges, uncertainties, struggles and fears in the new year ahead. In the midst of the heavy storms of life and the restless turmoil of this world, may we rest secure in the Lord God Almighty, who is our dwelling place in all generations. Let us hope in God and trust his loving grace, because from everlasting to everlasting, He is the eternal mighty God.

Pastor John

29 Dec 2019

Dear church family

We praise and thank God for the five baptismal candidates on Christmas Day. One is a beautiful baby, representing the next generation. Another is a youth, rescued and saved by the Lord’s grace. Three are the elderly parents of two church members, mercifully experiencing the love of God. All glory to God for his gracious mercy and loving faithfulness.

As we come to the end of year 2019, may our hearts be joyful in praise of the Lord for who He is and be filled with gratitude to God for all His blessings in our life. May we sing like the grateful psalmist, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!” (Psalm 103:1).

As we reflect on all the issues, events and circumstances in our life, let us give thanks to God and “forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:2-5) of loving forgiveness, merciful healing, gracious redemption, steadfast love, faithful goodness and life renewal in the power of the Holy Spirit.

I know that for some brothers and sisters in our church community, this past year has been filled with difficult and painful situations in your life or that of your family and loved ones. May you find peace and rest in the Lord and be strengthened by the grace of our loving Shepherd.

Love in Christ
Pastor John

22 Dec 2019

Dear friends, guests and church family

A very warm special welcome to all our friends, guests and visitors. We are so glad that you are with us today for our special Christmas program. We hope that you will have an enjoyable and meaningful experience that will bring deep peace and great joy in your heart this Christmas.

There are times when we go through painful struggles in areas in life such as ill health, financial debt, family quarrels, marriage issues, disobedient children, work stress, job loss, etc. Our hearts feel deep pain and we experience great anxieties. In such times, we can only pray that the painful situation will have a happy turnaround as we cling on to the hope of a clear solution and a good change.

Hope is so important in every area of life. The unemployed person hopes to get a job soon. Students hope to pass their exams. Parents hope their child will grow up well. Families in conflict hope for restoration in their relationships. Struggling families hope for enough food and finances. There is a popular Mandarin song that expressed the hope in every heart that “Tomorrow will be better” ( 明天会更好).

Christians all over the world celebrate the joy of Christmas because of the blessed hope we have in Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ the Son of God, we experience the love, joy and peace of God. We receive the grace and mercy of God. We receive forgiveness for our sins. We have purpose and meaning in life. We have the joyous hope of eternal life.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13

Love in Christ
Pastor John

15 Dec 2019



Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth.” (Psalm 50:2, ESV)

Dear Church Family,

With thanksgiving to God, I look back on 2019 as the year of God’s great victories. I praise Him for –

  • triggering a new movement of personal evangelism and discipleship through the Celebration of Hope rallies.
  • granting significant growth in membership and qualitative change for the Diocese as a whole.
  • making possible a robust unity among orthodox Anglicans globally through the adoption of the Covenantal Structure for the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSA) in Cairo this year.

What God begins, we must continue in the power of the Holy Spirit. Only then will His good purposes be fully accomplished. So let us not take our hands off the plow or our feet off the pedal. With faith, humility and love, let us keep our respective ministries “pressing on”. This will enable the Diocese to remain in gear for Kingdom advance even as we prayerfully await the appointment of the new Diocesan Bishop. I am expecting the announcement of the Bishop-designate to be made in February 2020 and look forward to working with him to effect the leadership transition by the time I step down from office on 30 August 2020.

ADVENT is the time of waiting for God (Isaiah 25:1-9). We look back on Christ’s first coming and we know God will always deliver on His promises ‘from of old, faithful and sure’. We gain a deep and joyful confidence of Christ’s coming again with His saints in glory. This gives us new strength to keep shining forth His glory and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. We do so with the Spirit’s power until that Day when Christ returns as King and the new universe is fully bathed in the morning light of God’s glorious presence. May the Lord bless all our specially-prepared occasions this Christmas for bearing witness to Him in our parishes and deaneries.

May the glory of the God who saves shine forth from our hearts, our homes, our churches and our Diocese. May we, His redeemed people, bring HOPE to our land.

As Isaiah says, This is our God and we rejoice in Him! (Isaiah 25:9)

Warmly in Christ,
Bishop Rennis

8 Dec 2019

Dear family in Christ

I request your prayers for the nation of Vietnam, a dynamic growing country with a population of 96.8 million. Young people are pre-dominant, with 60% of the population below age 40. There are 54 ethnic groups in Vietnam, with the majority group being Vietnamese Kinh (84%). The main religion is Buddhism (52.5%), while those professing to be non-religious is at 23.3%. The number of Protestant Christians is at 1.8%.

The mission of the Deanery of Vietnam is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to plant the future Diocese of Vietnam. Our strategy and goal is to plant ten congregations in the major cities of Vietnam, and for them to grow into parishes, led by indigenous clergy and lay leadership. Currently, there are two Anglican congregations. Church of Christ our Hope was planted at Ho Chi Minh in 2009 and Church of The True Light planted at Hanoi in 2012.

Praise God for an increasing openness to the gospel among a people with deep spiritual allegiance to ancestor veneration and worship. Pray for the gospel to reach every people group in Vietnam, for the clergy to shepherd God’s people lovingly and for the lay leaders and church members to grow in committed discipleship and proclaim the gospel faithfully. Leadership training and development is vital. Do pray for a generation of young people to be godly committed disciples of Jesus Christ.

Pastor John

1 Dec 2019

Dear family in Christ

Today is the first Sunday in Advent, the liturgical season which focuses on the coming of the Saviour Jesus Christ. It is a season of spiritual preparation marked by prayers of humble devotion and times of quiet reflection. Advent is an opportune time to involve our children in devotion activities at home that directly connects with the worship of God in church. I encourage all parents to use the Advent-Christmas Devotional Guide (available at the reception table)  to teach and transmit the Christian faith to your children by involving them in reading the Scriptures, lighting the Advent wreath candles, in interaction and prayer.

There is a double focus in Advent. Firstly, it is the joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus the Messiah in his First Advent. Secondly, it is the anticipation of His impending return as King in his Second Advent. We celebrate the revelation of God’s redeeming love in Jesus Christ in his First Advent for the purpose of reconciling our fallen world to God the Father. Having known God as Father and walking in obedience with Him daily, we now look forward eagerly to the hope of eternal life in the Second Advent, where God the King will come in power to judge and rule the world.

As we live in between the two Advents, we are called to live godly & holy lives and be faithful stewards of the gospel entrusted to us as God’s people. In our spiritual journey as disciples of Jesus Christ, we have an important responsibility to live a life bringing glory to God and sharing about Jesus through the gospel message and our loving deeds.

Pastor John

24 Nov 2019

Highlights from Diocesan Synod November 2019
‘A RENEWED VOICE, A NEW SOUND’ – By Bp Rennis Ponniah

We praise God that our Diocese has found a “renewed voice” to proclaim the Gospel and that a “new and winsome sound” is going forth from our Churches both in Singapore and our six Deanery countries. All praise and thanks be to God who has built us up over the years to where we are today, with a hunger for more of His glory!

As we gathered in Synod this past week, we experienced the presence of God in our midst. It was such a blessing to have the full attendance of our Deanery field clergy and delegates. We finished our Synod meeting with joy and the following three imperatives:

  1. Give thanks to the Lord
  2. Grow as disciples of Jesus
  3. Go forward in Kingdom Advance


  1. Give thanks to the Lord for the spiritual victories our Diocese has experienced in proclaiming the Gospel, growing the Church, and uniting orthodox Anglicans
  2. Grow as disciples of Jesus by laying down at the Cross: your life, your load, and your ‘lead’ (wanting to be ahead of others)
  3. Go “up and on” in Kingdom Advance even during this time of transition by:
  4. Trusting God with the process of appointing a new Bishop
  5. Engaging intentionally in grassroots evangelism and personal discipleship
  6. Stepping up in Deanery and world missions
  7. Making your church community bold and beautiful in its witness –

            “A renewed voice, a new sound.”


Let us take to heart God’s destiny-shaping word for our Diocese:

“And now the LORD says, He who formed me from the womb to be his servant… I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”  Isaiah 49:5a, 6b.

May we in our generation and for many generations to come fulfil God’s destiny for us in the power of the Holy Spirit and for love of Christ.

A PRAYER FOR THE Process of Appointing A New Diocesan Bishop

Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and on earth: Look graciously on your Church and send your Holy Spirit to enlighten and guide those who shall choose a Bishop for this Diocese. Grant that they will choose a faithful shepherd, a steward of your Word and Sacraments, who will drive away all erroneous and strange doctrine, and vigorously promote missionary work and the spiritual growth of those entrusted to his care. Grant that we may receive a faithful pastor who will equip the saints for ministry in all that they undertake, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

17 Nov 2019

Dear family in Christ

This weekend, we commemorate Diocesan Missions Sunday. Praise the Lord for his loving grace and merciful forgiveness in his salvation rescue of mankind from sin and darkness. We give thanks to God for people from every tribe and language in Singapore and in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam coming to salvation faith in Jesus. Let us pray for the continual faithful proclamation of the gospel in these six deanery countries and for growth in spiritual maturity of God’s people in committed discipleship.

As the Lord enables, pls give unto the Lord for the diocesan “Give Him a Hundred” (GHH) missions giving in support of church planting work in these six deaneries. I am grateful for the Lord’s provision that the 2017 GHH giving had enabled the deanery of Vietnam to purchase an office space property at Hanoi to be used as a place of worship for Church of The True Light and the outreach platform of Abba English centre. We will be having a consecration service for this new property by bishop Rennis on 7 December at Hanoi.

Praise the Lord for his goodness and faithfulness to the St Margaret’s School family as she celebrates her 177th anniversary on 16 November. The Lord has given St John’s Chapel a wonderful harvest field right at our doorstep. Our grateful thanks to brothers and sisters who serve faithfully in the various areas of school chaplaincy work. May we always be found faithful in the proclamation of the gospel.

Pastor John

10 Nov 2019

Dear family in Christ

As a follow-up to Celebration Of Hope in May 2019, there will be five  HOPE YOU COME  (希望你来)  dialect Gospel rallies held across Singapore simultaneously on 16 November, Saturday, 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Free admission. No registration needed.

May I encourage us to prayerfully invite our family members, neighbours and friends to the relevant dialect gospel rally, so that they can hear the gospel of Jesus Christ in their heart language and respond to the love and grace of God.

  1. HOKKIEN Gospel rally: Evangelist Rev James Lim, Special guest Mr Moses Lim
    Bukit Panjang Methodist Church, 496 Upper Bukit Timah Road, S’pore 678099
  2. CANTONESE Gospel rally:  Evangelist Rev Oh Beng Khee, Special guest Mr Allan Moo
    Kum Yan Methodist Church, 1 Queen St, S’pore 188534
  3. TEOCHEW Gospel rally: Evangelist Rev Tan Yew Kheng, Special guest Mr Chew Chor Meng
    Newton Life Church, 16 Newton Rd, S’pore 307995
  4. HAKKA Gospel rally: Evangelist Rev Chong Soon Fah, Special guest Ms Wang Lizhen
    Singapore Hakka Methodist Church, 1-B Evelyn Rd, S’pore 309298
  5. HAINANESE Gospel rally: Evangelist Rev Roy Koh, Special guest Mr Peter Yu
    Holy Grace Presbyterian Church, 408-B Upper East Coast Rd, S’pore 466484

For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”  Romans 10:13

Pastor John

3 Nov 2019

Dear family in Christ

This coming week is significant for our diocese as the Synod meets from 6 to 9 November. On 8 & 9 November, there will be an extraordinary Synod meeting for the purpose of nominating our next diocesan bishop, who will take over from bishop Rennis when he is constitutionally due for retirement in September 2020. We value all your prayers for God’s gracious leading and wise guidance for the whole nomination process.

We are having our annual missions month this November and have invited guest preachers with varied missional experiences to share God’s Word and their particular areas of ministry in missions. I pray that the various messages will help us to see what the Lord is doing in Singapore and in the nations of the world in the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let us uphold our church missionaries in fervent prayers: (1) Gerry and Yahui serving at ChiangMai with Deanery of Thailand in church planting work; (2) The Goslings serving with a missions agency and their outreach to refugees; (3) Deborah Loh (currently on compassionate leave) serving amongst the urban poor at Bangkok with Overseas Missionary Fellowship; (4) Preparation of mission teams ministering at Batam (Nov) and ChiangMai (Dec).

Our church have a Mission Fund which is used to fund the above-mentioned missionaries, plus missional work such as Komering outreach, Karen Anglican mission and the six deaneries of our diocese (Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam). You may use the “Freewill giving” envelope available at the church entrance table. As the Lord enables, may I encourage us to give cheerfully, generously and sacrificially for the work of God’s eternal kingdom.

Pastor John

27 Oct 2019

Dear family in Christ

It was encouraging to see the leaders of the Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien congregations gathering together on Sunday 20 October with one heart and mind to discuss, plan and set the ministry direction for the year ahead under the spiritual leadership of Rev Bernard. They have envisioned to be a Christ-centred discipleship church that impact lives. The mission is to preach the gospel and lead people to Jesus Christ into the Kingdom of God, shepherding and equipping them as disciples of Jesus who live out the Lordship of Christ in their lives.

The proclamation of the gospel amongst the Mandarin-speaking and dialect-speaking people in Singapore continues to be relevant and important, especially in the current trend of an ageing population. Let us join our hearts to pray that the work of the gospel will take root and bear fruit in salvation faith in the hearts of hundreds and thousands of lives.

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”  2 Peter 3:9

Pastor John

20 Oct 2019

Dear family in Christ

Since February 2013, sister Elizabeth Joseph has been an integral part of our school chaplaincy staff team, being seconded to us by her sending church ACTS centre (St Andrew’s Cathedral). ACTS centre is embarking into a new season in their church life and plans to recall Elizabeth back for church ministry from 1 November 2019 onwards. We are very thankful to God for his gracious provision through the kindness and generosity of the clergy and lay leadership of ACTS centre these past seven years.

Elizabeth has been God’s blessing to the school chaplaincy work and to the church staff team. Many young lives in the school have been ministered by her faithful ministry through her teaching, counselling, helping and befriending. Many girls in the Girls’ Brigade have also been blessed by her leadership and fellowship. Our church staff team have received help, fellowship, encouragement and friendship from Elizabeth over the years.

We give thanks to God for Elizabeth and we pray for God’s continual grace, strength and wisdom upon her as we wish her every joy and fruitfulness in her life and ministry for the Lord.

Blessings in Christ
Pastor John

6 Oct 2019

Dear family in Christ

Last Sunday afternoon, I received the sad news that our brother in Christ, Peter Lee Chye Nguan, had gone home to be with the Lord after a short period of major illness. Chye Nguan and his family were faithful church members at St John’s Church (Jurong) at the hilltop. They have been living in New Zealand for many years. His passing brought deep grief and sorrow to his family and friends.

Tributes were written by fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, which were shared at his funeral. Many appreciated Chye Nguan for being such a blessing, encouragement, help & support to them, always cheerful, humble & kind, and loving & serving with Lord with joy, commitment and purpose. We thank the Lord for his grace and blessing upon our brother Chye Nguan, for a life well-lived and much well-loved. May we be encouraged by his love for God and the example of his life in Christ.

Let us live our life with joy and purpose in the Lord, always seeking to be God’s blessing to our family, friends, colleagues, neighbours and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. May we grow as God’s koinonia community to love, serve and encourage one another, even as we see the Day of the Lord drawing near.

Pastor John

29 Sep 2019

Dear family in Christ

A few days ago, several staff and myself experienced a pastoral situation which reflected the full spectrum of life. We attended a funeral at Mandai crematorium in the early afternoon, where there was sorrow and grief for the bereaved family of one of our church members. Then we proceeded to a local hospital to visit a church couple and their new-born baby, where there was celebration and joy for God’s grace and love for the family. On that same day, we witnessed both birth and death, life at its beginning and life at its ending.

At the crematorium, as we sat quietly through the rituals, I grieved in my heart as I thought about the destination of the soul of the dearly departed elderly person, and offered a prayer to God that many in his big extended family will experience salvation in Jesus Christ one day.

At the hospital, as we rejoiced with the couple and their families, I thanked God for his gracious lovingkindness and had the opportunity to pray for the new-born baby that she will grow up to know and fear God, to love and follow Jesus Christ all the days of her life.

All of us will take this same journey, from birth to death, a beginning and an ending. What will be different is how we live our life and for whom or what purpose do we live for. The writer of Ecclesiastes reflected on life and realised that life is meaningless without God. All the things of this world (money, possessions, pleasures, toil & labour, achievements, knowledge) will not give true and purposeful meaning in life. The writer made this godly conclusion in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14  “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.”

Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;

Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies;

Heav’n’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;

In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

Pastor John

22 Sep 2019

Dear family in Christ

We thank the Lord for our church missionaries, called by God to bring the gospel of Jesus our Messiah to various ethnic people groups. Pls remember them regularly in prayer, give them a call, write an email or send a card to encourage them in their ministry.

  1. Ian & Alison Gosling – They have been serving faithfully and strategically under a foreign missions agency. Ian provides significant IT training and development for this agency’s mission outreach around the world. At the Goslings’ current ministry station, they are reaching out to displaced refugees with the love of God. Pls pray for Ian and Alison’s health as they serve the Lord’s purposes.
  2. Gerry & Ya Hui Gan – Having served faithfully in church planting work for 7 years at ChiangMai under the deanery of Thailand, praise the Lord that they had a good sabbatical rest and reflection in Singapore recently. They have resumed ministry work on 1 September. Pls pray for God’s grace, wisdom and strength upon Gerry & Ya Hui as they persevere on in their missional ministry among the Thai people.
  3. Deborah Loh – She had been back home in Singapore since October 2018 under Overseas Missionary Fellowship Admin Leave of Absence to care for her father, who went home to be with the Lord last month. There is a tentative plan for Deborah to return to the OMF mission field at Bangkok in early 2020. Pls pray for her to receive the four clearances required by OMF, especially in the area of financial support.

Our church practises the two-envelope giving system. The first is the Tithing envelope. All tithes returned to the Lord go to the General Fund, which is used to pay staff salaries, ministry expenses, diocese quota, giving to parachurch organisations like Singapore Youth For Christ (for support of Wang Qiu Yue and Chloe Ong) and Youth Guidance Outreach Services (for support of Goh Boon Siong and Tan Xing Wei), etc.

The second is the Freewill giving envelope. This giving goes to the Mission Fund, which is used to support the above-mentioned missionaries, Komering outreach, plus ad-hoc giving to diocese deanery work and other missions work as led by the Lord. Our Mission Fund currently stands at $11,667 as at 31 August 2019. As the Lord enables, may I encourage us to give cheerfully and generously for the work of God’s eternal kingdom.

Pastor John

15 Sep 2019

Dear family in Christ

A very warm welcome to Dr David & Mrs Deborah Miller to be with our St John’s Chapel community. We are glad and privileged to hear the teaching of God’s Word at the teaching seminar “Why Israel? And why does it matter?” and also his preaching at both English services.

Dr Miller has recently published his new book “Lord of the Nations: The Big Picture of Scripture”, which is available for purchase after the church service. This book addresses the critical issue and significant question of how every believer should read the Bible. Dr Miller shows how the Bible is one glorious narrative of God’s unchanging character and his merciful hand working throughout history till the present and to the end of time, as demonstrated through his relationship with the nations of the world, especially Israel.

Dr David & Mrs Deborah Miller have been a wonderful blessing to the Diocese of Singapore through their teaching and fellowship, especially for their missional teaching ministry at the deaneries of Thailand, Nepal and Vietnam. I am so glad and appreciate their multiple trips to both Anglican churches at Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh this year to teach God’s Word and edify the Body of Christ at Vietnam.

As we grow deeper in understanding God’s Word and know intimately the God of Scripture, may our hands continue to plough in the harvest of souls and may our hearts be ever ready for the soon and coming Return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor John

8 Sep 2019

Dear family in Christ

Today we commemorate the annual Diocese Education Month. The diocese Education Board currently oversees 30 schools and preschool entities with a total enrolment of approximately 15,890 students. This enormous challenge also presents many exciting opportunities. This year, the Education month video highlights the work of the Boys’ Brigade and the Girls’ Brigade in our Anglican schools. We also thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve the community of children and youths through the activities of BB and GB in the government schools.

It is such a great joy to see St John’s Chapel serving in six companies in four schools: Boys’ Brigade (64th, 52J, 59J) and Girls’ Brigade (31st, 52nd, 59th). This ministry has really stretched our church human resources to the full. We are so thankful to the Lord and very encouraged by the commitment, sacrifice and love of our church members who have served or are serving faithfully as officers, volunteers and helpers over the years.

We live in challenging times in today’s post-modern world. It is our joyful privilege and trustworthy responsibility to inculcate important life values and build excellent moral character in these precious young lives. We value your prayers for the BB and GB ministries. We also need more volunteers. I would like to make an appeal for church members to consider serving at BB and GB. If you would like to find out more, pls have a word with Rev Bernard, Pas Fu Man, Pas Florence or myself.

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Pastor John

1 Sep 2019

Dear family in Christ

As the school chaplain, I will be attending the annual Teachers’ Day Appreciation Tea this coming Thursday to fellowship and encourage the teachers of St Margaret’s Secondary school. Teachers play an important role in shaping the minds and hearts of their students, especially during their growing teenage years.

Similarly, in God’s Church, those who teach God’s Word serve a significant purpose in building up the people of God to grow in spiritual maturity. Let us thank and appreciate all those involved in teaching God’ Word at St John’s Chapel in the various congregations, ministries and families.

  1. Children ministry teachers – Your committed teaching of God’s Word will bear a significant impact and influence in the children’s lives.
  2. Youth leaders and young adults leaders – Be grounded in the Word of God and guide fellow young people in the study of God’s Word.
  3. Cell leaders and Bible teachers – Press on in teaching God’s truths in encouraging group members to walk obediently with God.
  4. Boys Brigade and Girls Brigade officers & helpers – Communicate God’s truths faithfully as you touch young lives with the love of God.
  5. Chaplaincy team – Your life and ministry in God’s Word will bring good comfort and encouragement to many students.
  6. Parents, grandparents and godparents – Deposit a godly spiritual legacy in the young generation by your teaching and modelling of Christ.

Thank you all for your labour in God’s kingdom. May we be found faithful in teaching God’s Word and walking in obedience to the Lord.

Pastor John  

25 Aug 2019

Dear family in Christ

We rejoice with the 32 brothers and sisters in Christ who were confirmed last Sunday. We give thanks to Abba Father for his merciful grace in receiving them as His beloved children. We thank God for those who have journeyed and disci25pled them in their Christian faith and spiritual growth. Each one of them has a wonderful story to tell of the Lord’s gracious hand upon their life. Let me share a few stories.

  • One came to know Jesus during her time with 52nd Girls Brigade. She is now serving in both 52nd and 59th GB.
  • One heard the gospel and experienced the love of God at 64th Boys Brigade. He is a good role model to the younger BB boys.
  • One had objected angrily many years ago when her daughter became a Christian. Now she finds joy and peace in Abba Father.
  • One had faced many difficulties at work and family. Coming to faith in Jesus has given him peace and strength to cope well.
  • A couple came to faith in Christ after many years of prayers and hearing the gospel. They are now filled with joy in the Lord.

For all the confirmands, just like all of us in God’s community, our life is in God’s hands. Our Abba Father continues to write a beautiful story in our life, as we grow more and more into the image of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us rejoice with hope and confidence like the Psalmist in Psalm 23:6, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Pastor John

18 Aug 2019

Dear family in Christ

We extend a very warm welcome to all our invited guests present today as family and friends of those who are confirmed.

(Dear guests, we hope that you will have a meaningful service. Please join us for fellowship lunch after the service.)

We rejoice with the 32 brothers and sisters in Christ who are confirmed today. We give thanks to Abba Father for his bountiful grace and mercy in calling them to Himself as His beloved children and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. We thank God for those who have shared Jesus with the confirmands and also those who have discipled them in their faith journey.

In the Anglican Church, the rite of Confirmation is significant for three reasons.

  1. It is for the strengthening of the believer for Christian life and witness and for ministry and service, by the empowering of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands by the bishop.
  2. It is an opportunity for those baptized as children to confess their faith publicly and declare their baptismal vows personally, as previously undertaken on their behalf by their parents and godparents.
  3. It is the receiving into full membership in a particular parish of the Diocese of Singapore and a declaration of their discipleship commitment together with the church community at St John’s Chapel.

As we witness the Confirmation today, may we be reminded of the baptismal vows that we promised God at our baptism. Let us honour our vows to live a Christ-centred godly life and to trust in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, let us walk close to Jesus and serve God faithfully in the work of His eternal kingdom, even as we await eagerly for the Return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor John

11 Aug 2019

Dear family in Christ

This is a very special year for Singapore. It is the 200th anniversary of Sir Stamford Raffles’ arrival in Singapore in 1819, an important milestone in our nation’s history. It was Sir Stamford Raffles who allocated a piece of land along North Bridge Road in his Town Plan of 1822 to build and establish the first Anglican church in Singapore, St Andrew’s Church.

At St Andrew’s Church on 25 June 1856 Whitsunday (Pentecost), Revd William Humphrey, the Residency Chaplain of the East India Company, preached a stirring sermon that exhorted the congregation to support the gospel mission to the Tamil, Chinese and general local Malay population. His gospel appeal led to the establishment of St Andrew’s Church Mission in 1856. Many gave towards missions and evangelism work and Christian workers were recruited from India and China for church planting work in Singapore. 16 years later in 1872, church planting work in Jurong was initiated by Revd William Gomes and Mr Cheok Loi Fatt, which eventually led to the building and establishment of St John’s Church (Jurong) in 1884.

We praise the Lord for His sovereign guiding hand – from Stamford Raffles to St Andrew’s Church, to church planting work, and to St John’s Church (Jurong) and the other current 25 parishes in Singapore. As we celebrate Singapore’s 54th National Day, let us thank God for His sovereign hand in placing us and our families in this nation and be grateful to God for peace and stability. Let us be faithful to God’s calling to be His loving witnesses sharing the grace and love of God to every people group in Singapore and seek to be God’s blessing to many for the glory of God.

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.”    Psalm 22:27-28


Pastor John

4 Aug 2019

Dear family in Christ

Praise and thanks be to God for a joyous 135th anniversary family service and celebratory lunch & program last Sunday. It is so wonderful to see all five congregations giving thanks to the Lord together for his grace, goodness and faithfulness throughout the generations. It is a joy to welcome guest visitors and family members and also some church members returning in community.

Grateful thanks to everyone who served and helped in planning & coordination, logistics, sound/media and ushering. Joyous thanks to the children, congregations and cell groups who contributed dance and song items and led the ice-breaker games. Praise God for his grace in the lives of those who shared their heartfelt testimonies.

Let us walk faithfully in God’s calling for his Church from generation to generation. We are called to fulfill the purpose of God in Christ. May the presence and love of Christ dwell in our hearts as we reflect the likeness of Christ in our lives. We are called to walk in community as one in Christ. May we walk in a manner worthy of God’s calling and stand in unity on the Church’s one foundation, Jesus Christ.

May the community of St John’s Chapel continue to grow in purpose and unity for the majestic glory of God and the eternal kingdom of God.


Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus, throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21


Pastor John

28 Jul 2019

Dear family in Christ

As we gather today for our church 135th anniversary service and celebratory lunch, we have so much to be thankful for as we reflect on God’s grace and faithfulness over the years. Psalm 100 is a wonderful psalm of thanksgiving unto the Lord for reflection on such a special occasion.

  1. Let us make a joyful noise unto the Lord and come into his presence with glad singing (v1-2).
  1. Let us unite as the created people of God and grow in our relationship with our Abba Father (v3).
  1. Let us give thanks to God with grateful hearts and bless his holy name (v4).

Like the psalmist, may we rejoice always, “For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” (v5)

May the community of St John’s Chapel continue to grow in unity and purpose for the kingdom of God and the glory of God.


Pastor John

21 Jul 2019

Dear family in Christ

All over the world today, just like in the book of Acts, Christians are persecuted for following Jesus Christ.

Let me share a short article from OPEN DOORS ministry.

Christians remain one of the most persecuted religious groups in the world. While Christian persecution takes many forms, it is defined as any hostility experienced as a result of identification with Christ. Christian torture remains an issue for believers throughout the world, including the risk of imprisonment, loss of home and assets, physical torture, rape and even death as a result of their faith.

Trends show that countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East are intensifying persecution against Christians, and perhaps the most vulnerable are Christian women, who often face double persecution for faith and gender. Every day we receive new reports of Christians who face threats, unjust imprisonment, harassment, beatings and even loss of family because of their faith in Jesus.

Every month, on average:

  • 345 Christians are killed for faith-related reasons.
  • 105 Churches and Christian buildings are burned or attacked.
  • 219 Christians are detained without trial, arrested, sentenced and imprisoned.

Our research found that 245 million Christians experience high levels of persecution in the countries on the “World Watch List”. Islamic oppression fuels Christian persecution in 8 of the top 10 countries. North Korea is ranked #1 for the 18th consecutive year as the most dangerous country for Christians.”

Let us remember our brothers and sisters in prayer as they face persecution and suffer for the gospel. May they experience God as their Refuge and Strength, find rest in the sufficiency of God’s grace, and trust in the sovereignty of God’s power.

Pastor John

14 Jul 2019

Dear family in Christ

We thank the Lord for pastoral staff Lawrence Mun, who retired from church employment on 30 June 2019. Pastor Lawrence has served faithfully as a full-time staff since March 2006 across three congregations at the Hokkien, Cantonese and Mandarin services. The church held a Thanksgiving lunch on 7 July in appreciation for his ministry. We wish him every spiritual blessing in Christ and a restful retirement.

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness to the community of St John’s Chapel (St John’s Church, Jurong) for the past 135 years. Let us gather joyously for a Thanksgiving worship service and lunch celebrations on Sunday 28 July (10 am to 2 pm). As we see the Return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ drawing near, let us press on as God’s beloved people to grow in unity and purpose in the work of God’s eternal kingdom in the proclamation of the gospel.

There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”    Ephesians 4:4-6


Pastor John

7 Jul 2019

Dear family in Christ

Youth Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of July in Singapore. In this complex post-modern age, the young generation face many challenges in their growing years, such as the pressure of education, dysfunction of family, pleasures of life, diversity of temptations, shifting moral values, etc. Parents, teachers and religious leaders are concerned for the rise in the number of youths and young adults struggling with mental illness, work stress, depression, pornography, gambling, etc.

As God’s people in community together, it is important to come alongside the youths and young adults in our church in their discipleship journey. Let me suggest some practical ways for our action and involvement.

  1. PRAY: Remember the youths and young adults in fervent prayer at our personal devotions and corporate prayer times. May they have the fear of the Lord and committed discipleship in following Jesus. At our monthly church prayer meeting since May 2019, we have begun praying for the youths in our church by name and by family.

    There will be a special prayer meeting this month to pray for our church young people. It will be held on 14 July, Sunday 11.30am to 12.30pm at IT Conference Room. Parents of youths & young adults and all members of the church are welcome to gather to pray.

  2. ENCOURAGE: Youths need lots of love and encouragement as they grow in their Christian faith and Christlike character. They need spiritual guidance in coping with the struggles of life. Where opportunities arise, do give them a word of encouragement.
  3. MODEL: Youths learn best when they see godly Christian life examples in the church and in the family. By God’s grace and help, let us model the life of godliness and committed discipleship as an exemplary encouragement to the youths.
  1. DISCIPLE: Let us make time to disciple a group of youths to help them grow in their discipleship journey and also train them to disciple others. We are thankful to God for those serving as youth leaders and young adult leaders in being a spiritual friend and impactful influence.

Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth …”   Ecclesiastes 12:1


Pastor John

30 Jun 2019

Dear family in Christ

We thank the Lord for our brother Lawrence Mun, who retires from official church employment on 30 June 2019. Lawrence has served faithfully as a full-time pastoral staff since March 2006 across three congregations at the Hokkien, Cantonese and Mandarin services. God has used Lawrence in his pastoral ministry to touch many lives through his evangelism, pastoral care, preaching & teaching and his mission trips to ChiangMai, Batam and MaeSot. Two key highlights of his ministry life were (1) the pioneering of the Cantonese service at SJCp in 2002 as a lay leader (together with sister Janet Woo), and (2) his pastoral care support for the Chinese outreach work at Kuwait (2009-2014).

Upon his retirement, Lawrence plans to devote more time with his wife Jemimah and family (especially his grandson), spend time on his hobbies and volunteer work and also continue serving in church lay leadership and teaching ministry. There will be a Thanksgiving Retirement lunch after the Mandarin service on 7 July (Sunday) in appreciation and thanks for the ministry of pastor Lawrence. We wish him every blessing in Christ and a blessed restful retirement.

Some of you would have met our church missionaries, Gerry and Yahui Gan, and their children at our church services in the past two weeks. Having served faithfully for 7 years at ChiangMai in church planting work under the deanery of Thailand, they are now on a three-month sabbatical from 1 June to 31 August. The month of June was spent mainly on physical rest and family time. For July and August, Gerry and Yahui will undergo three sabbatical components: (1) missionary life coaching by former missionaries and professional coach-couple John & Song Lim, (2) missional vocation reflection with Bp Kuan, (3) ministry training at St James’ Church Kindergarten. Value your prayers for a restful, fruitful and meaningful sabbatical for Gerry and Yahui.


Pastor John

23 Jun 2019

Dear family in Christ

We give thanks to God for a fruitful and blessed Abba English camp. Praise the Lord for the seed of the gospel planted in the lives of these precious souls from Vietnam. 18 campers responded to the altar call at the Good News sharing. Three said “Yes” to believe and trust in Jesus. Fifteen wanted to know more about Jesus Christ. We had good follow-up conversations in several small groups. Let us pray for many to experience the joy of God’s salvation.

Appreciative grateful thanks to many church members and staff who served purposefully and joyfully at this Abba camp: Planning committee members, Program Group leaders, Games leaders, Logistics team helpers, English lesson teachers and Homestay host families. On behalf of deanery of Vietnam, thank you everyone for your ministry partnership in the gospel in committed action, good encouragement and fervent prayers.

This weekend, our church mission team of 18 members (mainly choir members) are at Ho Chi Minh (19-24 June). Their presence and ministry is a tremendous encouragement and blessing to Vietnam deanery’s Church of Christ of our Hope and to Rev Hong Chi and his church leaders. May this mission trip stir up faithful commitment to the Lord in missions and be life-transforming in the life of each mission team member.

Praise the Lord for House of Joy’s “Parents Appreciation Lunch” this coming Saturday 29 June. It is a wonderful opportunity to thank and appreciate our parents for their love, guidance and sacrifice. We pray for God’s continual blessings upon our parents and for them to know, believe and trust in Jesus Christ in the depths of their heart and receive the gift of eternal life by the grace and mercy of God.


Pastor John

16 Jun 2019

Dear family in Christ

We gladly welcome the Vietnamese Abba English campers to our church services this weekend, accompanied by our church homestay host families. Pls extend to them our most loving Christian hospitality. We also welcome home our church missionaries, Gerry & Ya Hui and their children Elizabeth, Kathleen & Zoe, as they rest and replenish during their three-month sabbatical.

When we were young curious children, we may ask some questions about the world around us. For example, how is it possible for a big heavy plane to fly in the air, or how can a huge metal ship float on the water. Some of us may also ask, “How did life on earth begin?” or “Who created this world?”

When we grew older, we start to ask more important questions about life. There are three questions commonly asked.

Firstly, we ask about our IDENTITY – “Who am I?”; “Does anyone care for me?”

Secondly, we think about our PURPOSE in life – “Why was I born?; Why am I here on earth?”

Thirdly, we wonder about our DESTINY – “What is my future like?”; “Where am I going when I die?”

The Bible provides the answers to these three important questions in life.

Who am I?” – We are loved and created in the image of God. When we believe in Jesus Christ our Saviour, we become the children of God.

What is my purpose in life?” – We worship & glorify God and enjoy God’s love & peace, and we share the good news of Jesus Christ with others.

Where am I going when I die?” –  We have an eternal home in heaven in the presence of our loving Abba Father.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son (Jesus Christ), that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Pastor John

9 Jun 2019

Dear family in Christ

We gladly welcome all the 32 students and 6 teacher helpers from Vietnam to our Sunday service today. They are in Singapore from 7 to 17 June for the annual Abba English Summer Camp. Let us pray for them to have a wonderful time of learning English, enjoying Singapore sights & culture and experiencing good Christian hospitality.

Our church missionaries, Gerry and Yahui Gan, have served faithfully for the past 7 years at ChiangMai in church planting work through education and community services under the deanery of Thailand. They are now on a three-month sabbatical from 1 June to 31 August 2019. The family will return to Singapore on 14 June. Pls pray for a refreshing time of physical rest, spiritual replenishment and missional renewal in their ministry focus and family life.

Time flies. We are already in the middle of the year 2019. It is good to take stock of our life regularly under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Let the Word of God and the Spirit of God examine our heart, align our priorities and direct our focus on the important matters of life. During this June school holidays, let us pray for the children and youths in our church community to have a good time of rest in the body and renewal in the soul, and for families to have a wonderful bonding time together, secure in the grace and love of Abba Father.

be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”  Ephesians 5:15-17


Pastor John

2 Jun 2019

Dear family in Christ

We look forward to the arrival of 32 Vietnamese students to Singapore on 7 June (till 17 June) for the annual Abba English Camp for the purposes of learning English, enjoying Singapore culture and experiencing God’s love. Appreciative grateful thanks to many church members who are serving as planning committee members (led by staff Yun Jing), group leaders, outing chaperons, logistics helpers, English teachers and homestay host families.

I call upon the whole church to be in fervent prayer for the salvation of these Vietnamese students and their families. May they know and experience the grace and love of God in many ways. On behalf of the deanery of Vietnam, thank you PCC and everyone for your ministry partnership in the gospel.

We are glad for our church mission team of 18 members (mainly choir members) going to Ho Chi Minh on 19-24 June. May their presence be a great encouragement and blessing to Vietnam deanery Church of Christ of our Hope, pastored by Rev Hong Chi. The team will be visiting orphanages, sharing the gospel at an evangelistic meeting and also ministering at Sunday worship service. Value your prayers for a fruitful and life-transforming mission trip.

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.” Psalm 22:27


Pastor John

26 May 2019

Dear family in Christ

We rejoice and give thanks gratefully to Abba Father for his gracious work of salvation in the bountiful harvest of souls at Celebration of Hope. Many made the life-changing decision to believe and follow Jesus Christ and entered the kingdom of God. Many others rededicated themselves to the Lord or had indicated interest to find out more about Jesus and explore the Bible.

Our church community gladly welcome all our new brothers and sisters in Christ and all our guests and visitors at our worship service today. We hope that the church service will be impactful and meaningful to you in experiencing the love of God. We warmly invite all our new friends to the special Welcome Tea after the service for a time of refreshment, conversation and fellowship.

It is very encouraging to see church members inviting and accompanying their family and friends to the various rallies. Praise the Lord for those who have responded to the gospel message of hope in their decision of salvation, rededication or exploration. Do continue to persevere in prayer for family and friends to respond to the grace and mercy of God in the near future.

Grateful thanks to the 130 church members serving together as Ushers at the Sunday morning rally. Your heart and commitment in the latreuo-worship of God in joyfully serving Him has been a great encouragement to the church family.

I pray that Celebration of Hope will not end with the public gospel rallies, but will continue in all our hearts in daily personal evangelism and a godly lifestyle of being a witness for Jesus Christ in every place we are and to everyone whom we encounter.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope.”  Romans 15:13


Pastor John

12 May 2019

Dear family in Christ

We are 5 days away from Celebration of Hope. There is an exciting expectancy of seeing God at work in the lives of thousands of people gathering at the National Stadium to hear the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let us join our hearts and hands together to:

  1. PRAY: May the Holy Spirit minister deeply in every heart with the grace and mercy of God through the various evangelist speakers. May we rejoice greatly for the bountiful harvest of souls entering the kingdom of God.
  2. BRING: We give thanks to God for our family, friends, colleagues and neighbours who have responded “yes” to attend the rallies. May their hearts be open to believe and follow Jesus Christ our Saviour.
  3. SERVE: What a great joy to see 120 members of St John’s Chapel serving together as Ushers on 19 May Sunday morning rally. May our latreuo-worship of God in joyfully serving Him bring honour and glory to the Lord.
  4. WELCOME: We look forward with joy and excitement to welcome new believers joining our church community, especially at the Welcome Tea on Sunday 26 May after the service. May they feel at home and welcomed as they experience the love of God.


Pastor John

5 May 2019

Dear family in Christ

We are thankful to the Lord for a good Annual General Meeting (AGM) last Sunday. Thanks and appreciation to all who attended. For church members unable to attend for various reasons, I hope that you can be at next year’s AGM, scheduled for 26 April 2020.

The AGM is an opportune time to be encouraged by what God is doing in and through his church. As God’s people, we give an “Accountability to God’s Mandate” concerning the Great Commission and provide accountable stewardship of financial resources used for the work of God’s kingdom. I encourage you to request for a copy of the AGM report for a reading of the ministry reports and see how you can serve in the various areas of ministry.

We thank the Lord for the committed team of Cell leaders, Ministry leaders and everyone serving in various ministries in their faithful latreuo-worship of God. Praise God for the joyful service of Parochial Church Council (PCC) members. Value your prayers for the PCC team 2019-2020: Kenneth Sng (Vicar’s Warden), Hidehito Ie (People’s Warden), Elly Chiu (Hon. Secretary), Tan Pei Ching (Hon. Treasurer); PCC members – Justin Chan, Gan Pak Lim, Florence Ho, Benjamin Kirk, Kevin Lee, Nellie Nam, Enoch Ng, Sheryl Sim; Synod representatives (2017-2020): Ho Boon Sing, David Lui, Peter Soon.

As we see the gracious salvation plan in the missional heart of God, may we be a missionary church of Spirit-filled committed disciples of Jesus Christ, always ready to take the gospel to the nations.


Pastor John

28 Apr 2019

Dear family in Christ

As we gather for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) today, let us give thanks to the Lord for another year of his grace, wisdom and strength in our spiritual journey together as his beloved people at St John’s Chapel. We are called to be his ekklesia to the nations. We are called to follow Jesus Christ faithfully as his committed disciples, and being empowered by the Holy Spirit to be witnesses for Jesus to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

The AGM is an important time to give an account of what the Lord is calling his church to do in obedience to His will. Praise and thank God for the many brothers and sisters who have been serving the Lord faithfully in the Parochial Church Council (PCC), in the various church ministries, at the multiple evangelistic platforms and missional outreaches across all the congregations. May we continue to be found faithful in the worship (latreuo) of God by serving his will and purposes.

May our spiritual lives grow in godliness and maturity as we edify one another in the Lord. May our hearts be deeply encouraged to see children, youths, adults and the elderly coming to salvation faith in Jesus Christ. May our hearts rejoice to see brothers and sisters in Christ being restored in their relationship walk with the Lord.

Let it be our prayer and mission that as we see the gracious salvation plan in the missional heart of God, may we be a missionary church of Spirit-filled committed disciples of Jesus Christ, always ready to take the gospel to the nations.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”  Hebrews 12:1-2


Pastor John

14 Apr 2019

Dear family in Christ

We commemorate Palm Sunday today. Jesus Christ had set his heart to walk the way of the cross to Calvary. He rode into Jerusalem city on a humble donkey (Matthew 21:1-11). The Jewish crowd had the expectant hope of the conquering Messiah and king who would come to liberate them from the tyrannical Romans. As they followed Jesus along the city streets, they shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”  But a few days later, loud voices cried out, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”.

As we go into Holy Week, let us keep our focus on Jesus Christ and His sacrificial obedience to the will of God the Father. As we remember the series of events during this significant week, may our hearts be filled with gratitude and our wills be resolved to walk the way of the cross.

  1. Washing the disciples’ feet (John 13:1-17): Servanthood, humility and love for one another must be the hallmark of a committed disciple of Jesus.
  2. Passover meal (Matthew 26:17-29): Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper (body and blood) as an important remembrance of God’s new covenant of grace.
  3. Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46): Jesus was in deep agony and sorrow, yet He was fully obedient to the will of His Father.
  4. Betrayal, arrest, trial (Luke 22:47 – 23:25): Jesus was mocked, beaten and humiliated, yet He was meek, “like a lamb that is led to the slaughter”.
  5. Crucifixion, death, burial (Luke 23:33-56): In great suffering and painful shame, Jesus gave His life sacrificially on the cross in atonement for the sins of the world.
  6. Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10): He is Risen. Praise and thanks be to God for the victory over sin and death, and the blessed hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”  Galatians 2:20


Pastor John

7 Apr 2019

Dear friends

We are very glad to welcome all the children and youths from Girls’ Brigade (31st, 52nd, 59th) and Boys’ Brigade (52J, 59J, 64th) to St John’s Chapel for our annual Enrolment and Dedication service. We are honoured to have Mr Patrick Koh, Boys’ Brigade Vice-President, to grace this joyful occasion as our Guest of Honour. A warm welcome to all parents and family members, school principals and teachers, and officials from BB HQ and GB HQ.

St John’s Chapel is thankful for the opportunity to serve the community of children and youths through the activities of BB and GB. I am grateful and encouraged by the love and commitment of St John’s Chapel church members who serve as officers and volunteers, and also for the BB and GB alumni who help faithfully as volunteers. We are thankful for the wonderful support and help of parents, school principals and CCA teachers.

We live in very challenging times in today’s complex globalised world. We hope to inculcate significant life values in the process of building excellent moral character in these precious young lives. We hope that through all the experiences learnt and friendships built at BB and GB, the children and youths will grow in maturity and character and be wonderful blessings to their family and be good citizens of Singapore. May they grow up to be fine young men and women with integrity and compassion and make a significant difference in the world.


In Christ
Pastor John Lin

31 Mar 2019

Dear family in Christ

During my teenage years as a young Christian, I was privileged to be taught the importance of memorising Scripture. One particular Bible memory verse has impacted my life deeply all these years. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

As I reflect upon my children’s lives in their respective life stages currently and consider what their future may hold, the Lord encouraged me with Matthew 6:33 as a guide for my reflection and as a significant focus and priority on how my wife and I should guide our children. Let me share three thoughts from the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 6:19-34.

Firstly, “do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven… (6:19-20). Let us live our life with the focus on laying up treasures in heaven. We have only one Master to serve – Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Let us do the work which our Master has called us to do and live in obedience to the will of our heavenly Father.

Secondly, “therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?” (6:25). A recent poll revealed that many Singaporeans are highly stressed, with a rising trend of depression and mental illness amongst the young generation. Let us trust in the sovereign Father, who holds our life and future in His loving powerful hand.

Thirdly, “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (6:33). Let us seek God in close relationship and grow in Christlikeness, trusting God to provide for our needs. May our life priority be on matters that concern the kingdom of God in the proclamation of the gospel. May our life be lived to the glory of God in our family, workplace or school, and among our friends and neighbourhood.


Pastor John

24 Mar 2019

Dear family in Christ

We thank the Lord for our church missionaries, called by God to bring the gospel of Jesus our Messiah beyond the shores of Singapore. Pls remember them regularly in prayer, give them a call, write an email or send a card to encourage them in their ministry.

  1. Ian & Alison Gosling – They serve strategically under a foreign missions agency, with Ian providing significant IT development and support for the agency’s mission outreach to many unreached people groups around the world. They also reach out to displaced refugees with the gospel. Pls pray for Alison’s health and for Ian to recover well from his cataract operation.
  2. Gerry & Ya Hui Gan – They have served faithfully for the past 7 years at ChiangMai in church planting work through education and community services under the deanery of Thailand. They will be in Singapore from June to August 2019 for a sabbatical. Pls pray for God’s grace, wisdom and strength for their family life and ministry outreach.
  3. Deborah Loh – She is currently in Singapore under admin leave of absence to care for her father as he recovers from laryngeal cancer surgery. She plans to return to Bangkok in May 2019 to continue her outreach to the urban poor community. Pls pray for her to receive the four clearances required by Overseas Missionary Fellowship, especially in the area of financial support.

Our church practises the two-envelope giving system. The first is the Tithing envelope. All tithes returned to the Lord go to the General Fund, which is used to pay staff salaries, ministry expenses, diocese quota, etc. The second is the Freewill giving envelope. This goes to the Mission Fund, which is used to support the above-mentioned missionaries, plus other regular and ad-hoc giving to missions as decided by PCC. As the Lord enables, may we give obediently, joyfully and generously for the work of God’s eternal kingdom.

Pastor John

17 Mar 2019

Dear family in Christ

Celebration of Hope is drawing nearer. 60 more days to go. Thousands of Christians in Singapore are undergoing training, making preparations, issuing invitations and praying fervently. Are you excited and ready for the mighty work of the Holy Spirit in the bountiful harvest of precious souls for the kingdom of God?

I call upon our church community to continue in committed actions and fervent prayers.

  1. Leadership: Pray for God’s protection and wisdom upon Bp Rennis, Rev Lewis Lew, Rev Tony Yeo, the organising committee and key team leaders.
  2. Unity: Pray for good brotherly unity among all the churches in Singapore as we gather and serve together for the Lord’s harvest.
  3. Speakers: Pray for God’s grace and protection upon the evangelists Canon J. John, pastor Kou Shao En and Mr Mohan Lazarus.
  4. Open hearts: Pray for the hearts of family, friends and colleagues to be open and willing to attend the rallies to hear the gospel.
  5. Resources: Pray for sufficient finances, coordinated planning and committed volunteers in the various areas of ministry.
  6. Ushers: Pray for our church community to respond in serving as Ushers (120 people needed) on Sunday morning rally 19 May.
  7. Personal evangelism: Pray for urgency, courage and wisdom to share the good news of Jesus Christ to our family and friends.

Let us kneel and weep before the Lord for the salvation of our loved ones, friends and the thousands in Singapore who need reconciliation and peace with God in Jesus the Messiah.


Pastor John

10 Mar 2019

Dear family in Christ

I call upon St John’s Chapel community to serve the Lord as USHERS in welcoming and guiding people to their seats on 19 May Sunday morning rally at Celebration of Hope. Your smile, help and welcome will bear a wonderful testimony for Jesus to many non-Christian invited guests.

Heartfelt thanks to the 70 church volunteers who have signed up till date. We need another 50 more, so that we can cover our assigned area effectively. It will be such a wonderful joy to serve the Lord’s kingdom work together.

You can register as an Usher at this weblink  You need to provide the following info during registration: St John’s Chapel; part of a group;  Lawrence Mun (group Leader); Usher (Interior).

We look forward to much tears of joy when we witness thousands responding to the gospel call to believe and follow Jesus Christ, in whom we have the joy of salvation and the hope of eternal life.

Let us continue to be steadfast and fervent in our prayers for the gracious salvation work of God in many lives.


Pastor John

3 Mar 2019

Dear family in Christ

We begin the 40-day season of Lent on Ash Wednesday, 6 March. At the Ash Wednesday service, the priest places some ash on our foreheads as a reminder that our bodies (sinful fallen nature) are mortal (“… you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Genesis 3:19b). By the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are set free from our bondage to sin and death.

Firstly, let us Reflect and give thanks to God for the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ during this Lent season. In submission and obedience to His Father’s will, Jesus walked the way of the cross, so that we can have peace and reconciliation with God the Father. May our hearts be ever grateful to Jesus and follow his example of humble obedience.

Secondly, let us Repent of our sins as we open our hearts to the powerful work of the Holy Spirit in convicting “the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment”. (John 16:8). God will forgive us when we truly repent, having a transformative change of heart and a definitive change in our way of life. May we seek to live a life of holiness and godliness.

Thirdly, let us Renew our first love for God and deep commitment to God. Take time to slow down during Lent and spend time with Abba Father in the Word and in prayer. Let the “searchlight” of the Holy Spirit examine our life for spiritual renewal, restoration and revival. May we grow daily in our relationship with God and in Christlikeness.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.”  Psalm 51:17


Pastor John

24 Feb 2019

Dear family in Christ

Our Lord Jesus Christ taught his beloved disciples at the Upper Room on the night before being crucified on the cross, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35)

Having experienced the deep sacrificial love of God, we are called to love one another as children of God. This is the joy and privilege we have as God’s community in His Church. This is the powerful testimony to the watching world that we are true disciples of Jesus Christ, who walk in obedience to his commandments and walk according to the Holy Spirit.

As God’s community at St John’s Chapel, let us love one another, showing care, concern and help for each other. Amongst our church community, some are struggling with work difficulties, ill health, strained families, childcare issues, elderly care, financial concerns, deep grief, sad loneliness and life anxieties. Let us bear one another’s burdens and struggles. Let us make time for good listening and meaningful conversations. Let us pray with and for one another lovingly as we lean on the sufficient grace of God as a community.

“… those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”  Proverbs 11:25b (NLT)

Love in Christ
Pastor John

17 Feb 2019

Dear family in Christ

Thank you, dear brothers and sisters, who have already registered to attend Celebration of Hope (CoH) “Andrew Initiative” Training on Personal Evangelism. In the case during the CoH rallies that the Counsellors are overwhelmed by the large number of people responding to the alter call, those trained by the “Andrew Initiative” will be called upon to serve as Counsellors.

I am making a final appeal and encouragement for many in our church community to attend this centralised training, which will help us in personal evangelism in our daily life. This 3-hour workshop empowers participants to engage their harvest fields and be effective “Andrews” in bringing their family and friends to Jesus (John 1:42).

  • Praying:       Praying for the harvest force and for the harvest field.
  • Engaging:    Building authentic relationships; Sharing your life story;
    Sharing THEFOUR; Handling objections Basic follow up
  • Gathering:  30-day challenge

You can choose to attend any ONE  of four training dates and venues (9.00 am to 12.30 pm, Saturday):

  • 23 February     Covenant Evangelical Free Church
  • 2 March            St Andrew’s Cathedral
  • 9 March            Lighthouse Evangelism (Tampines)
  • 16 March          St John’s – St Margaret’s Church

For registration, pls email by today to Rev Bernard Yee ( ), with copy to Lydia Leong ( ), to indicate your preferred choice of training date.

And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”   Luke 1:76-79


Pastor John

10 Feb 2019

Dear family in Christ

During the Lunar New Year festive season, many families gather for a sumptuous meal and a joyful time together. Yet there are some families who do not wish to meet one another or they experience tension and pain when meeting up. Why are some families happy while other families are sad?  

1.      God’s Plan – Families are close to the heart of God. The family unit is God’s creation plan, as seen in Genesis 1 and 2. In the life of ancient Israel, who are God’s chosen people, families play a central role in society and in their relationship with God. In God’s creation design, the family is to live together in love and solidarity, in joy and unity, in peace and harmony.

2.      Man’s Brokenness – Because of human sin and disobedience to God, every family experiences brokenness and pain in some way. It is the strategy and deception of Satan to destroy and break up families and marriages. This results in deep sorrow and painful grief in the hearts of God’s beloved people. This family brokenness often caused emotional turmoil, mental anguish and societal disorder.

3.      God’s Restoration – Thanks be to God for his grace and mercy in Jesus Christ. In Christ’s death and resurrection, we are a new creation, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord can bring about restoration to every family broken by sin. God can turn the brokenness into wholeness, from sorrow into joy, from hopelessness to a renewed hope.

Let us pray for every family to receive the grace and mercy of God that leads to restoration and wholeness, and to experience the love, joy and peace in Jesus Christ.


Pastor John

3 Feb 2019

Dear family in Christ

During the coming celebrative Chinese New Year season, there will be many occasions to meet family relatives and catch up with good friends. As you enjoy the delicious food and interesting conversations, make use of every opportunity to lift up the name of Jesus Christ and shine brightly for Him.

  1. Pray – In the midst of our conversations, silently commit our family and friends to the Lord in prayer for God’s mercy and salvation.
  2. Respect – It is important to give due respect and honour to the elders in our immediate and extended families.
  3. Listen – Hear life stories through the conversations and understand the heart and struggles of family and friends.
  4. Build – Build good family ties and grow in your friendships with genuine care and concern.
  5. Invite – Be discerning and courageous to invite them for Alpha course and Celebration of Hope.

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”  Revelation 21:5a


Pastor John

27 Jan 2019

Dear church family

Psalms 120 to 134 are a special group of psalms known collectively as the “Songs of Ascents”. Ancient Jews traveling to Jerusalem for the annual major Jewish festivals traditionally sang these songs as they ascended the uphill road towards the city. These ancient songs have been expressed in many hymns and songs of worship amongst Jews and Christians today. The songs teach us about our trust in God and our worship of God.

In Psalm 125, the psalmist expressed his trust in the Lord. He was assured of God’s sovereign protection from the wicked and felt the shalom and love of God surrounding Israel, the covenant people of God. “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore.” (Psa 125:1-2)

Sometimes in our life, we go through uphill struggles, difficult situations and painful times. May we grow in trusting God deeper in the midst of our pain and difficulties and learn to be steadfast and patient. May we look to the Lord and experience the grace and power of God and learn to rest in the sovereignty of our heavenly Father who surrounds His beloved children with His love, joy and peace.


Shalom in Christ
Pastor John

20 Jan 2019

Dear church family

As children of God, it is such a great joy and privilege to be in a close loving relationship with our Abba Father. In this intimate relationship, we listen to God through His Word and we converse with God in prayer. I pray that Word and prayer will always be an integral part of our spiritual walk with the Lord daily.

  1. Word – Let us encourage one another as God’s community to read through the whole Bible in one year for 2019. Our church is using the “Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan”. Pls collect a copy of this Bible reading plan at the resource table located at our church entrance. If you may need more than one year, pls feel to do so. The purpose is to read the Bible regularly for our spiritual growth and maturity.
  2. Prayer – Let us gather as God’s people to pray together at our monthly prayer meetings, in our cells and during church service. We pray for one another and for God’s work of the gospel in evangelism and missions. I would like to introduce the Operation World Prayer Guide which I am using for daily prayer. It is a useful prayer guide in praying for every nation of the world and helps us see God at work in all these nations. You can download the “Operation World Prayer Guide” App onto your mobile phone for free from Google store. May we grow in our prayer life and may the Lord open our eyes and heart as we pray for the nations.

Through Word and Prayer, may we grow in a close walk with the Lord and in spiritual maturity.


Pastor John

13 Jan 2019

Dear church family

We are very excited to see the Lord’s harvest of souls as God’s Church in Singapore gear up for Celebration Of Hope on 17-19 May 2019. There is a Training Workshop for PERSONAL EVANGELISM, which I am strongly encouraging our church community to attend.

This 3-hour workshop empowers participants to engage their harvest fields and be effective “Andrews” in bringing their family and friends to Jesus (John 1:42). The workshop will provide practical handles on:

  • How to set up personal prayer altars
  • How to pray strategically
  • How to build genuine relationships
  • How to share your life story
  • How to share THEFOUR (the 4 Spiritual Laws)
  • How to deal with objections
  • How to follow up and offer counselling
  • How to integrate prayer, engagement, and gathering into a 30-Day Challenge

You can choose to attend any ONE of four official training dates and venues:

North Covenant Evangelical Free Church 23 February, 9am – 12:30pm
Central St Andrew’s Cathedral 2 March,      9am – 12:30pm
East Lighthouse Evangelism (Tampines) 9 March,      9am – 12:30pm
West St John’s – St Margaret’s 16 March,     9am – 12:30pm

All are welcome to attend this Personal Evangelism training. It will be great if you can attend together as a Cell group. (Cell leaders – you can register on behalf of your cell). We will collate our church participation responses together and send it to the CoH organisers. Acceptance of registration is dependent on the seating capacity of each venue. First come, first served.  Pls email Rev Bernard Yee ( ), with copy to Lydia Leong ( ), to indicate your preferred choice of training date by 27 January.

As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”   Romans 10:15b


Pastor John

6 Jan 2019

Dear church family

As we begin the new year 2019, we are drawing one year closer to the Return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

May the last prayer found in the Bible at Revelation 22:20,  “Come, Lord Jesus”,  always be at the centre of our heart and prayers.

What is the Church (people of God) called to do in the light of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?

  1. PREPARE herself as the glorious Bride to meet her Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
    (Ephesians 5:25-27; Revelation 19:6-9)
  1. PROCLAIM the gospel and make disciples of all nations for our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
    (Matthew 28:18-20; Romans 10:12-15)
  1. PRIORITISE and live our life with vision and purpose for our Lord Jesus Christ.
    (Matthew 6:24-34; Acts 20:24-27)


MARANATHA – “Even so, Come Lord Jesus”


Love in Christ
Pastor John

29 & 30 Dec 2018

Dear church family

Praise be to God for the 12 persons who were baptised on Christmas Day. We thank our Abba Father for his salvation grace and bountiful mercy in calling them to Himself as his beloved children in the kingdom of God. Interestingly, these 12 baptismal candidates is a reflection of a beautiful multi-generational picture from the very young to the elderly: 1 baby, 2 toddlers, 1 youth, 4 adults and 4 elderly.

I spoke briefly with a Christian lady guest and saw the joy on her face and delight in her eyes as she witnessed the baptism of her elderly parents. It was also a great joy to witness the baptism of a father and his twin sons together. Every baptismal candidate has a wonderful story to tell of God’s love and grace in their lives. Indeed, “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13.

What a wonderful way to end the year 2018 with the joy and encouragement of the Baptism service on Christmas Day as we rejoice in the First Coming of Jesus Christ our Saviour. It reminds us of what the church is to BE as the redeemed people of God and what we are called to DO in the faithful proclamation of the gospel. As we move on to the new year 2019, remember the words that the whole church declared together: “Do not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified. Fight valiantly under the banner of Christ, against sin, the world, and the devil, and continue his faithful soldier and servant to the end of your life.”

Pastor John

22 & 23 Dec 2018

Dear friends, guests and church family

A very warm special welcome to all our friends, guests and visitors. We are so glad that you are here today for our special Christmas program. We hope that you will have an enjoyable and meaningful experience that will bring deep peace and great joy in your heart.

I often spend time at the hospitals, either to visit church members or to care for my family members. Last week, a church member went for surgery and I waited awhile along the corridor outside the operating theatre. I saw patients being wheeled into the operating theatre and also out of it, accompanied by their family members. Their faces were understandably filled with anxiety as they clung on to the hope that the surgery will go well, the recovery will be good and the illness can be cured.

Hope is so important in every area of life. Parents hope their child will grow up well. Students hope to pass their exams. Families in conflict hope for restoration in their relationships. Poor families hope for enough food and finances. The unemployed person hopes to get a job soon. There is a popular Mandarin song that expressed the hope in every heart – “Tomorrow will be better” ( 明天会更好).

Christians all over the world celebrate the joy of Christmas because of the blessed hope we have in Jesus Christ. We experience the love and peace of God. We receive the grace and mercy of God. We receive forgiveness for our sins. We have purpose and meaning in life. We have the joyous hope of eternal life.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13


Love in Christ
Pastor John

15 & 16 Dec 2018

Dear family in Christ

For many people living in countries that experience the four seasons, the melancholy of the Fall season deepens into the depression of Winter. Scientists and researchers agree that people who suffer from winter depression, also known as “Seasonal Affective Disorder” (S.A.D.), have one thing in common – they are particularly sensitive to light, or the lack of it. This winter depression is felt deeply even in the midst of busy Christmas festivities.

Some years ago, I had to provide emergency pastoral care for a church member who wanted to end her life. She felt very depressed and suicidal amidst all the Christmas festivities because of a very difficult family situation. Amidst all the bright lights, loud music and festive shopping along Orchard Road and the heartland shopping malls, I wonder how many people amongst the festive throng are depressed, lonely or even suicidal. Some may be grieving over a relationship loss, experiencing conflicts in their family, or feeling anxious about their health, finances and future.

During this Christmas season, may I encourage you to look out for those in your family, in our church, at your workplace and among your friends, who may be feeling down, depressed or lonely. Pray and ask God for a compassionate and discerning heart to care for them in several ways: (1) Share a word of encouragement; (2) Write a card to cheer them up; (3) Spend time with them over a meal or outing; (4) Invite them to your family meal or to your Home Cell Christmas celebration or our church Christmas service.

May the Light of Christ fill your hearts with God’s unfailing love, unspeakable joy and unceasing peace always.


Pastor John

8 & 9 Dec 2018

Dear family in Christ

This Advent-Christmas season is an opportune time for spiritual reflection. In what ways can Advent encourage us in our spiritual walk with the Lord?

Firstly, be Faithful followers of Christ. As we live in between the two Advents, let us live our lives with gratitude to God and with accountability to Him. We are called to holy living and be faithful stewards of what had been entrusted to us. In our spiritual journey as a Christ-following community, we have an important responsibility to live lives that bring glory to God. We have the joy and privilege to share about Jesus through the gospel message and our loving deeds. The lights in Advent are a reminder of our calling from Jesus to “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16).

Secondly, be Ready for Christ’s return. This will be the Second Advent. “so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.” (Hebrews 9:28). In great triumph and with loud trumpet sounds, Christ will come again to bring his people to dwell in his presence for all eternity. We need to be watchful and alert spiritually in our daily living. Is the Lord pleased and satisfied with the way we are living our life? Is there true worship of God in the total surrender of our life to Jesus and His kingdom?

Are you ready for His Return?


Pastor John

1 & 2 Dec 2018

Dear family in Christ

In the church calendar, the liturgical season of ADVENT begins today. Advent comes from the Latin word “adventus” meaning ‘coming or arrival’. It focuses on the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Advent is a time of spiritual preparation marked by prayers of humble devotion and for God’s deliverance. It is a time for calm and reflection in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping and parties.

There is a double focus in Advent. Firstly, it is the joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus the Messiah in his First Advent. Secondly, it is the anticipation of His impending return as King in his Second Advent. It is a grateful celebration of God’s redeeming love for a fallen world. We celebrate the revelation of God in Jesus Christ in his First Advent for the purpose of reconciling the world to God the Father. Having known God as Father and walking in obedience with Him daily, we now look forward eagerly to the hope of eternal life in the Second Advent, where God the King will come in power to rule, save and judge the world.

As we live in between the two Advents, we need to live our lives with gratitude to God and with accountability to Him. As we live “between the times”, we are called to holy living and be faithful stewards of what has been entrusted to us as God’s people. In our spiritual journey as disciples of Jesus Christ, we have an important responsibility to live a life bringing glory to God and to share about Jesus through the gospel message and our loving deeds.

Joy to the world! The Lord is come: let earth receive her King!


Pastor John

24 & 25 Nov 2018

Dear family in Christ

The liturgical season of Advent begins on 2 December. I have written the Advent-Christmas Devotional Guide for our church community. It is written with two purposes in mind. Firstly, to help us transmit to our children “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3), from one generation to the next. Secondly, to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our friends and loved ones during this Christmas season. Please use this devotional at your family devotions and/or personal devotions. You can also use it in your Cell group as a teaching material or as an evangelistic tool to share the joy and meaning of Christmas.

We are glad to encourage the Cell groups in all our five congregations to participate in ‘I will Be Home For Christmas’. This is a home-based and cell-based intentional outreach program where opportunity is given to every cell member to invite our non-Christian friends and family for an informal relaxing fellowship meal and to hear the true meaning of Christmas and respond to Jesus Christ – ‘The Light Has Come’. Home cells may choose any day within the Advent-Christmas season to host this meal. You can also consider partnering with other Cell groups at a suitable location. Activities can include singing of Christmas carols, gift exchange, invite a carolling team, personal testimonies and a short Christmas message.

We hope that through this warm and informal setting, our non-Christian family members and friends will feel welcomed in a church community and understand the true meaning of Christmas. This Christmas outreach will also serve as a good build-up of momentum in friendship evangelism in preparation for Celebration of Hope next year, 17-19 May 2019. Let us be in fervent prayers and active evangelism for the salvation of the lost.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  John 8:12


Pastor John

17 & 18 Nov 2018

Dear family in Christ

This weekend, we commemorate Diocesan Missions Sunday. We see the gracious merciful hand of God in calling people to Himself in reconciled relationship and transformed lives. We praise God for people from every tribe and language in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam, coming to salvation faith in Jesus. Please pray for the continual faithful proclamation of the gospel in these six deanery countries and for growth in spiritual maturity of God’s people in committed discipleship.

As the Lord enables, please give unto the Lord for “Give Him a Hundred” (GHH) missions giving in support of church planting work in these six deaneries. I am grateful for the Lord’s provision that last year’s GHH giving had enabled the deanery of Vietnam to purchase an office space property at Hanoi to be used as a place of worship for Church of The True Light and for Abba English centre. Thanks and praise be to God.

Praise the Lord for his faithfulness and goodness to the St Margaret’s School family as she celebrated her 176th anniversary on 16 November. The little seed of compassion planted by Mrs Maria Dyer in 1842 has blossomed into a strong huge tree that has provided the shade of education and character building, and borne much fruit of transformation and salvation in many lives. Our grateful thanks to brothers and sisters at SJCp who have previously or are presently serving faithfully in the Chaplaincy (lighthouse) ministry and the Girls Brigade ministry.


Pastor John

10 & 11 Nov 2018

Dear family in Christ

From 13th to 25th November, bishop Kuan Kim Seng will lead a team of 24 participants (13 from St John’s Chapel) to Israel for the Shoresh Israel Study tour. Pls uphold the study group in prayer for journey mercies and a fruitful time of good learning and spiritual growth as they focus on “The Life and World of Jesus, our Messiah”.

Romans chapters 9 to 11 are significant Bible passages for a clear theological and biblical understanding concerning the remnant of Israel and the salvation of ethnic Jewish people. Let me summarise the key points as follows:

  1. Israel, who was God’s sovereign choice and an elected people belonging to God, had received all the promises of God. (Rom 9:1-21)
  2. God had prepared Israel, through prophets Hosea and Isaiah, that belonging to God’s family was not simply a matter of biological heritage.    (Rom 9:22-29)
  3. God’s patient grief for Israel because of her unbelief (hardened hearts of unbelieving Jewish majority who pursued righteousness by works (Law), and her rejection of Jesus as the promised Messiah and divine Son of God (“stumbling stone”). (Rom 9:30 – 10:21)
  4. God remains faithful to His covenant and has not rejected his people, Israel. By the grace of God, there is a Jewish remnant, who by faith believed in Jesus, the crucified and risen Messiah of Israel. (Rom 11:1-10)
  5. Salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous”. With the Gentiles (“wild olive shoots”) being grafted into the cultivated Olive tree (Israel) by their faith in Jesus Messiah, this would provoke many Jewish people to think seriously, turn to Jesus and believe in Him too. (Rom 11:11-22)
  6. When the “fullness of the Gentiles has come in”, the “Deliverer will come from Zion” to bring restoration and salvation to the Jewish people (“all Israel shall be saved”). The broken natural branches (unbelieving Jewish majority) will be grafted back into the Olive tree because they believed in Jesus Messiah by faith. (Rom 11:23-32)

As we discern God’s sovereign timing and keep watch eagerly for the signs of the End Times and the impending Return of Jesus our Messiah, let us proclaim the good news of the gospel whenever any opportunity arises, especially during the coming season of Advent and Christmas. Let us pray for active outreach and evangelism ministries to Jewish people in Israel and many parts of the world, and let us uphold Messianic Jews in prayer for strong faith and spiritual maturity.


Pastor John

3 & 4 Nov 2018

Dear family in Christ

The theme for our November missions month are “None should perish” (English services) and “Light of the World, Light of Life” (Mandarin/dialect services). We have invited guest preachers with varied missional experiences to share God’s Word and their particular areas of ministry in missions. I pray that the various messages will help us to see what the Lord is doing in Singapore and in the nations of the world in the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

There will be a diocesan ‘Synod Plus’ Missions gathering on 8 November, Thursday 7.30 pm, at St Andrew’s Cathedral. The focus is on “Diocesan Perspective and Strategy on Church Planting in the Deaneries”. May I encourage us to make time to attend, so as to hear and pray for the growth and development of church-planting work in the six deaneries of Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam.

Pls uphold the following in fer